There are two typically two categories of HLA Meetings - Membership Meetings and Board Meetings.
Membership Meetings are held a minimum of twice per year per our bylaws. Our meetings are held as follows:
- ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS are held the last Saturday in June at Rossi Hall beginning at 9AM.
- ANNUAL BUDGET MEETINGS are held the last Saturday in August (unless this is Labor Day Weekend in which case it will fall to the previous Saturday) at Rossi Hall beginning at 9AM.
- SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS can be called by the President of the association as a result of either a vote of the Board of Directors or by a signed petition of at least 33% of the voting power of the association.
A link to Membership Meeting Minutes is below:
Membership Meeting Minutes
Board Meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30m, expect where noted below due to board member availability conflicts. During the summer months, the board meets at Rossi Hall and during the winter months the board either meets at Davis Public Library or online via Zoom. In all cases, please confirm the time and location if you would like to attend a meeting, as we will reschedule if we do not have a quorum planning to attend.
Upcoming Meetings:
Annual Member Meeting - Saturday June 29th at 9:00am at Rossi Hall
July Board Meeting - Tuesday July 2nd at 6:30pm at Rossi Hall
August Board Meeting - Tuesday August 13th at 6:30pm at Rossi Hall
September Board Meeting - Tuesday September 9th at 6:30pm at Rossi Hall
A link to Board Meeting Minutes is below:
Board Minutes