Tuesday July 19th, 2022 - 6:30 PM
Rossi Hall
Attendees: Chris Vachon, President; Mike Belanger, Secretary; Donna Moxley, Road Director; Fred Pasler, Waterfront Director.
Guests: Joe Traniello
Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable: Joe had no concerns.
1. Acceptance of board minutes from June:
Donna asked if we should look/edit the “back taxes” which was mentioned last fall.
It was agreed that there was no issue here. Fred made a motion to accept, minutes accepted.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
3. Committee Reports
4. New Business
5. Unfinished Business and Other Updates
Next Board Meeting: August 16th, 2022 @ 6:30pm @ Rossi Hall
Board Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Tuesday July 19th, 2022 - 6:30 PM
Rossi Hall
Attendees: Chris Vachon, President; Mike Belanger, Secretary; Donna Moxley, Road Director; Fred Pasler, Waterfront Director.
Guests: Joe Traniello
Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable: Joe had no concerns.
1. Acceptance of board minutes from June:
Donna asked if we should look/edit the “back taxes” which was mentioned last fall.
It was agreed that there was no issue here. Fred made a motion to accept, minutes accepted.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
- Financials (rounded to nearest dollar):
- Checking $ 166,042 (+$1,928 pending deposits)
- Presently includes $39,237 CD Funds
- Waterfront $ 10,350
- Playground $ 2,808
- Rainy Day $ 4,954
- Pre-Pay Savings $ 28,683
- Capital Expense $ 5,002
- CD See checking notes above
- TOTAL $ 217,838 (+4.0% vs LY)
- Checking $ 166,042 (+$1,928 pending deposits)
- Lien/Collection/Payment Plan Updates –
- Tax Updates (past and current) –
- Budgeting Process – Chris asked that Committee Members work on game plans for July 25 meeting. Fern and Chris to consolidate reports for the group. Donna asked if there was a better way to address the “carry balance forward” in the right hand column on the financial report. Chris will look into this.
3. Committee Reports
- Recreation Updates forwarded by Mikki for Chris to report:
- Nothing new to report only “growing pains” with residents using facilities without an attendant, onsite guidelines (showering before entering pool and keep doors closed), and members using their FOBs correctly.
- Since the water temp. has been at an average of 80 degrees, holding off on solar panel install until beginning of pool season next year.
- Donna asked about pool closure date last year (Sept. 5th); should we stay open longer? Chris to explore from a budgeting standpoint. Mikki’s post-meeting remarks - last year we stayed open until September 12th, because Clearwater was scheduled to close on September 14th. After children go back to school at the end of August/Labor Day weekend our pool gets minimal use, so I do not recommend keep it open
- Waterfront Updates by Fred –
- NH Dam Bureau Inspection: No invoice from the Bureau yet. We had authorized several thousand dollars. They may require a completion date for the work.
- Hidden Pond Dam/Spillway Update – Fred is trying to determine meeting date in Concord. Fred is in touch with H.L. Turner to provide a proposal for remediation to be forwarded to Dam Bureau and wetlands.
- Ten applicants are on boat slip wait list. Three kayak spaces left. May need another storage rack next year (?).
- Road Updates by Donna
- Road Updates: Chris Carter is doing gravel work first week of August. Chris will do selective brush cutting in Sept. as budget is same as last year’s spend. Let Donna know of problem areas.
- Fred asked if we should impose a road fee on contractors with heavy trucks. Many issues to consider here. Chris suggested that Gary (lawyer) has put us on a path to consider.
- Road Sign Updates: Joe Traniello asked what signs are needed (culverts) as he has secured signage posts.
- Road Updates: Chris Carter is doing gravel work first week of August. Chris will do selective brush cutting in Sept. as budget is same as last year’s spend. Let Donna know of problem areas.
- Legal (Chris) – Nothing new. Policy Committee to clarify issues.
- Violations (Chris) – Donna asked about an open violation(s) at the B.W. property. Trevor Anderson was to speak to B.W. Donna proposed that the Committee vote on whether to enforce violation or not. B.W. has an application in for a boat slip; should residents be in good standing to get a boat slip(?). Official motion made by Donna, seconded by Mike, motion passed.
4. New Business
- Monadnock Habitat for Humanity Signage Request – re: Habitat for Humanity 6/25 letter to Board; The request is to post sign to attract volunteers and will be taken down once project starts. Motion to approve request by Chris, Fred seconded, motion passed.
- HLA Facebook Page – Chris suggested that we need a larger group than tonight’s attendees to discuss.
- Follow-ups from June Member Meeting – Chris asked that Committee Members review.
5. Unfinished Business and Other Updates
- Bike Rack @ Kings Highway/Kennedy Brook (Chris) – forwarded by Scott B. for bike at mail boxes for children to ride and park their bikes at school bus stop. Chris to review options.
- Emergency Response Committee Next Steps – Trevor to draft memo on what is being requested.
Next Board Meeting: August 16th, 2022 @ 6:30pm @ Rossi Hall
Board Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
hla_meeting_minutes_07_19_2022.pdf |