Saturday, June 25, 2022 – 9:00 AM
Outside Rossi Hall
Thirty voting members and three non-voting members attended which achieved a quorum (23 required). Each voting member was given the agenda, and a ballot (per paid lot). Registration table was manned by Treasurer Fern Fisher.
Officers Present: President – Chris Vachon, Vice-President – Trevor Anderson, Treasurer, Fern Fisher
Directors Present: Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Fred Pasler
Meeting Called to order at 9:05am
Flag Salute
Selection of three-person Minutes Acceptance Committee
Joe Palaza, Mike Belanger, and Bob Boudreau volunteered to join the board members as the Minutes Acceptance Committee.
President’s Message – Chris Vachon
President Chris Vachon welcomed all members – new and old – and reminded all the purpose of the Member Meeting and how it runs, asking all attendees to be courteous, raise their hand if they would like to speak, and allow others to speak. Chris also reminded the attendees that all Board Members are volunteers and asked everyone to be respectful and mindful of their personal time, space, and homes. Chris thanked several other HLA Members who have volunteered for various projects this year including Joe Traniello, Dennis Crichton, Jesse Pollock, Eric Tuttle, Mike Cashman, Tom Lentocha, Dave Stenstrom, Bill Osterhout, Alex Chase, Jack + Jason Hastings, and Holger Kristiansen. Chris shared some general themes that the board is seeing including rising prices and aging infrastructure (pool, culverts, etc) that will likely impact our FY24 Budgeting Process.
Treasurer’s Report – Fern Fisher
3. Property Sales: 32 property transfers during the previous fiscal year.
Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
Waterfront Report – Fred Pasler
Roads Report – Donna Moxley
General Updates
General Community Reminders
Chris shared general reminders with the group that include speed, stop sign, bus stop safety, boat safety, and waterfront parking of trailers. Chris again reminded the group that Board Members are volunteers and we should all be respectful of their personal time, space, and homes. Chris reminded the membership of upcoming dates for bonfires, events, the August Budget Meeting, Board Meetings, Pool Closing, and Docks Out.
Elections: Vice-President (2-year term), Treasurer (2-year term), Secretary (1-year remaining on open term), Director (3-year term)
The membership conducted elections that included the following nominations:
Vice-President (2-year term) – Trevor Anderson
Treasurer (2-year term) – Fern Fisher
Secretary (1-year remaining on term) – Mike Belanger
Director (3-year term) – Donna Moxley and Dennis Crichton (who declined)
Since there was only one person running for each office, a motion was made and seconded that (Schofield / Stenstrom) the vice president makes one vote for each candidate on behalf of the membership. That motion was approved unanimously by the membership.
Member Guidance Topics
Chris led the discussion of the following topics with the general membership:
2. Temporary Seasonal Homes/Camper Policies Chris shared the recent debate amongst the Board about the Temporary Seasonal Home/Camper Policies. The membership and Board discussed this and decided to put together a group to review this policy and advise the board on policy updates.
3. Policy Review Committee As an extension of topic #2, Chris shared the purpose of Policies as they relate to our Covenants and Bylaws and that there were several drafted policies that were never adopted by the HLA. Along with the Temporary Seasonal Homes/Camper Policy, a group of volunteers will be reviewing all policies and advise the board on policy updates. Chris will be working with the following volunteers to begin this review:
Frank Stuckey (prior to the meeting), Dennis Crichton, Dick Schofield, Marc Belland, Sue Pasler, Sharon Gilman, Dave Stenstrom, Bob Boudreau, and Trevor Anderson.
A motion was made, seconded (Anderson/Belanger), and unanimously passed to adjourn the meeting at 11:11AM
Saturday, June 25, 2022 – 9:00 AM
Outside Rossi Hall
Thirty voting members and three non-voting members attended which achieved a quorum (23 required). Each voting member was given the agenda, and a ballot (per paid lot). Registration table was manned by Treasurer Fern Fisher.
Officers Present: President – Chris Vachon, Vice-President – Trevor Anderson, Treasurer, Fern Fisher
Directors Present: Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Fred Pasler
Meeting Called to order at 9:05am
Flag Salute
Selection of three-person Minutes Acceptance Committee
Joe Palaza, Mike Belanger, and Bob Boudreau volunteered to join the board members as the Minutes Acceptance Committee.
President’s Message – Chris Vachon
President Chris Vachon welcomed all members – new and old – and reminded all the purpose of the Member Meeting and how it runs, asking all attendees to be courteous, raise their hand if they would like to speak, and allow others to speak. Chris also reminded the attendees that all Board Members are volunteers and asked everyone to be respectful and mindful of their personal time, space, and homes. Chris thanked several other HLA Members who have volunteered for various projects this year including Joe Traniello, Dennis Crichton, Jesse Pollock, Eric Tuttle, Mike Cashman, Tom Lentocha, Dave Stenstrom, Bill Osterhout, Alex Chase, Jack + Jason Hastings, and Holger Kristiansen. Chris shared some general themes that the board is seeing including rising prices and aging infrastructure (pool, culverts, etc) that will likely impact our FY24 Budgeting Process.
Treasurer’s Report – Fern Fisher
- Account Balances as of 06/24/2022 (rounded to nearest dollar)
- Checking - $160,684*
- Including $39,237 from CD that recently matured
- Which leaves $121,447 in Checking
- Capital Expense - $5,001
- Rainy Day - $4,953
- Pre-Pay Savings – $29,
- Playground Savings - $2,807
- Waterfront Savings - $10,349
- *The Checking Account currently holds our CD funds due to the CD recently maturing and our bank currently only offering sub-market rates (0.45% vs 2.0%+ at other banks). Fern shared that we are currently looking to open laddered CDs at another bank to maximize our interest income in this account.
3. Property Sales: 32 property transfers during the previous fiscal year.
Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
- Pool Updates: Mikki shared updates on the pool including that this is the first year we have not had pool attendants – this is saving the association money. The updates that were made to facilitate this include enclosing the outdoor shower, adding a security camera, and installing an emergency exit gate. The pool is being cleaned regularly by a cleaning associate and we are relying on Clearwater to maintain our pool and carry the NHDES Pool Operator Certification that running a “public” pool requires. Mikki also shared the pool capacity (40), pool hours, and shared several safety reminders most notably that all pool house doors must remain closed at all times.
- Old Homes Day: Mikki shared that the town asked us to participate in Old Homes Day and asked for volunteers to lead this on behalf of HLA.
- Key Fobs: Mikki shared that due to the pool being self-service, key fobs are more important than ever. Each lot gets 1 and can buy an extra (or a replacement) for $20. Mikki shared protocols for using Key Fobs at the pool.
- Mikki reminded members that Rossi Hall is available for rent and inquiries should be directed to her.
- Members asked clarifying questions about key fobs, Hall Rentals, pool access prior to 11am, swimming alone, and the AED location (which will be moved to the Pool House).
Waterfront Report – Fred Pasler
- Boat Slips: Fred shared that all slips are paid and reserved for the season. Currently there are 10 pontoon boats (shore) and 5 v-hulls (dock) on the wait list.
- Kayak/Canoe Spots: Fred shared that we are nearly at capacity for kayak/canoe spots this year and the only spots available are on the upper racks. Fred shared that we may be looking to add an additional rack next year.
- Fred reminded members that all boats (pontoons, v-hulls, kayaks, canoes, etc.) are required to have a boat sticker on them.
- Fred advised members that there will be concentrated enforcement of boat regulations on Highland Lake this year. They will be actively stopping boats on weekends to check driver credentials – having a copy of your license on your phone is OK.
- Fred shared that all boat trailers need to be parked at your home or on Kennedy Brook Drive and not down in the waterfront area – signs will be going up shortly.
- Hidden Pond Dam + Spillway: Fred shared that the board has contacted HL Turner Associates to assess the damage to the spillway and has approved an expenditure of $2,070 to complete steps 1 and 2 of that process which includes a review of the area, review of plans and permits and discussion of project scope with NHDES Dam Bureau. More to come on this topic.
Roads Report – Donna Moxley
- Donna shared updates on the roads including:
- Continued culvert work this past year (1 on Kings Highway, 1 on Scenic, and 1 on Rice Brook).
- Flow Control Devices on Tigola and at Hidden Pond Dam are working great.
- Plowing Season more icy than snowy which led to our plow company using 2x as much sand as last year. Donna shared that we learned very late in the season that our plowing company did use some salt, but this has been addressed and will be corrected for next year.
- Mud Season was worse than expected due to early rains and the freeze-thaw cycle.
- Grading was done early and set things up very well for the summer season.
- Donna also shared several themes related to Roads including high material and culvert prices. Donna shared that due to these prices we will be looking to limit replacement of culverts until it’s necessary – presently we are in good shape according to our inspections and our Road Contractor.
General Updates
- Tennis Court/Pavilion Plans – Chris shared that we will looking to begin budgeting for this project in the FY24 budget. This will include a $1800 permit that will allow us to complete the work over 5 years. Our intention is to apply for that permit in early 2023 so we can begin site work next summer.
- Emergency Response Committee – Trevor shared that we are looking for volunteers and access to unique resources/assets that could be used in the case of an emergency. Things like tractors, chain saws, unique tools, or knowledge are very valuable in times of emergency.
- Volunteer Opportunities – Chris shared that we will list volunteer opportunities on our website later this summer. Mikki reminded everyone that volunteers need to sign in when volunteer to ensure that they are covered by our insurance.
General Community Reminders
Chris shared general reminders with the group that include speed, stop sign, bus stop safety, boat safety, and waterfront parking of trailers. Chris again reminded the group that Board Members are volunteers and we should all be respectful of their personal time, space, and homes. Chris reminded the membership of upcoming dates for bonfires, events, the August Budget Meeting, Board Meetings, Pool Closing, and Docks Out.
Elections: Vice-President (2-year term), Treasurer (2-year term), Secretary (1-year remaining on open term), Director (3-year term)
The membership conducted elections that included the following nominations:
Vice-President (2-year term) – Trevor Anderson
Treasurer (2-year term) – Fern Fisher
Secretary (1-year remaining on term) – Mike Belanger
Director (3-year term) – Donna Moxley and Dennis Crichton (who declined)
Since there was only one person running for each office, a motion was made and seconded that (Schofield / Stenstrom) the vice president makes one vote for each candidate on behalf of the membership. That motion was approved unanimously by the membership.
Member Guidance Topics
Chris led the discussion of the following topics with the general membership:
- Legal Action Against Delinquent Owners
2. Temporary Seasonal Homes/Camper Policies Chris shared the recent debate amongst the Board about the Temporary Seasonal Home/Camper Policies. The membership and Board discussed this and decided to put together a group to review this policy and advise the board on policy updates.
3. Policy Review Committee As an extension of topic #2, Chris shared the purpose of Policies as they relate to our Covenants and Bylaws and that there were several drafted policies that were never adopted by the HLA. Along with the Temporary Seasonal Homes/Camper Policy, a group of volunteers will be reviewing all policies and advise the board on policy updates. Chris will be working with the following volunteers to begin this review:
Frank Stuckey (prior to the meeting), Dennis Crichton, Dick Schofield, Marc Belland, Sue Pasler, Sharon Gilman, Dave Stenstrom, Bob Boudreau, and Trevor Anderson.
A motion was made, seconded (Anderson/Belanger), and unanimously passed to adjourn the meeting at 11:11AM
2022-06-25_member_meeting_minutes__approved_.pdf |