Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 6:30 PM
Rossi Hall
Attendees: Chris Vachon, President; Trevor Anderson, Vice President; Jacky Hastings, Treasurer; Mikki Falcone, Recreation Director; Donna Moxley, Road Director; Fred Pasler, Waterfront Director
Guests: Sam Kaczka, Brett Kaczka, and Joe Traniello
1. Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable.
Sam + Brett Kaczka – addressed the board about the bylaws annual fees + bylaws. He objected to being charged for multiple lots.
Elyse Sullivan – Elyse emailed Chris to request that he share the following with the board at the August meeting: the tennis court is an eye sore and potential liability issue. She suggests that we repave the court, keep a net or put in basketball courts and make it a space the community could use rather than it feels looks terrible. Chris shared the plans to turn it into a pavilion with fire pit and suggested that she share her opinion/thoughts with the general membership at the August Budget Meeting.
2. Acceptance of board minutes from July.
Minutes were approved unanimously as amended.
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Committee Reports
5. New Business
6. Unfinished Business
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday September 14 @ 6:30pm at Rossi Hall
Board Meeting Adjourned at: 9:01PM
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 6:30 PM
Rossi Hall
Attendees: Chris Vachon, President; Trevor Anderson, Vice President; Jacky Hastings, Treasurer; Mikki Falcone, Recreation Director; Donna Moxley, Road Director; Fred Pasler, Waterfront Director
Guests: Sam Kaczka, Brett Kaczka, and Joe Traniello
1. Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable.
Sam + Brett Kaczka – addressed the board about the bylaws annual fees + bylaws. He objected to being charged for multiple lots.
Elyse Sullivan – Elyse emailed Chris to request that he share the following with the board at the August meeting: the tennis court is an eye sore and potential liability issue. She suggests that we repave the court, keep a net or put in basketball courts and make it a space the community could use rather than it feels looks terrible. Chris shared the plans to turn it into a pavilion with fire pit and suggested that she share her opinion/thoughts with the general membership at the August Budget Meeting.
2. Acceptance of board minutes from July.
Minutes were approved unanimously as amended.
3. Treasurer’s Report
- Financial
- Checking $147,333
- Waterfront $10,480
- Playground $2,807
- Rainy Day $14,947
- Savings $145
- CD $39,133
- Assessments Update – processed about a dozen payments. Dunning letters are getting things moving. Jacky and Chris to connect on resolving some of the outstanding property questions from residents.
- Tax Info – Jacky shared info on tax info on 2017 + 2018 returns. Chris to follow-up with IRS on this. Chris + Jacky to follow up with CPA and Lawyer on 2019 + 2020.
- Dunning Letter Updates – liens need to be placed within 6 of assessment. Will forward list to lawyer around 9/1.
4. Committee Reports
- Recreation Updates by Mikki
- Mailbox Project – boxes have been moved, mail has been delivered the past two days.
- Pool Operation Update – Members are now required to fob in. Adult hours are now in the morning and hours are now until 8pm. Push bar has been installed for emergency exits.
- Pool Shower Fencing Install – Brian Pratt is pricing this out
- Pool –handrail was pulled off, will be working to reinstall it asap.
- Safety Pool Cover – this year $2300, next year $2500.
- Pool Screens – project for fall/winter months.
- Waterfront Updates by Fred
- Progress has been made on the dock/rack sheet up to date.
- Fred is working with open spaces to see if we can get other members on the waitlist temporarily in their spot if the space will not be in use.
- Road Updates by Donna
- Tigola Washout Follow-up (insurance claim) –
- Beaver Deceiver Install – slated for 9/15/21. Best solution based on beaver deceiver guy in MA, flow control guy (Chuck), and road contractor.
- Concrete forms + grates at dam – no updates – Chris to follow-up with Mike K.
- Woodlot Boat Access Properties – Jacky + Chris following up with lawyer on this
- Plowing + Grading Contracts –
- No bids for grading – Chris will be bidding but have not heard yet.
- Plowing –
- Homeland - $50,000 1 year, $48,000 for 3-year, assure that they will be pushing snow back further.
- Tucker’s Welding and Fabrication in Munsonville – $54,000 1-year
- Violations Review – none to report
- Buildium Task Review –
- Treasurer Task – Jacky + Chris to follow up
5. New Business
6. Unfinished Business
- Finalize Budget Proposal – the board discussed this and finalized the proposal.
- Geoffrey Post Logging Letter – the board discussed this letter and one addition was recommended asking the contractor to be cautious of their speed and to abide by stop signs traffic rules.
- Vitale Request – Jacky + Chris to follow-up
- Secretary Recruitment – Chris to follow-up
- Boat Slip Transfers – no update at this time
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday September 14 @ 6:30pm at Rossi Hall
Board Meeting Adjourned at: 9:01PM

2021-08-10_board_minutes.pdf |