Saturday, June 26, 2021 – 9:00 AM
Outside Rossi Hall
Forty-eight voting members attended. Each voting member was given the agenda, a ballot (per paid lot), a Bylaws Revision Outline with the revised Bylaws, Member Guidance Topics, HLA Ethics Policy for Directors and Officers, and HLA Covenants.
Registration table was manned by Treasurer Jacky Hastings and Secretary Chris Vachon.
Officers Present: Interim President – Bob Lucas, Treasurer – Jacky Hastings, Secretary – Chris Vachon
Directors Present: Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Andrea Young
Meeting Called to order at 9:01am
Flag Salute
Selection of three-person Minutes Acceptance Committee
Lexie Currie, Bill Osterhout, and Shawn Sorrow volunteered to join the board members as Minutes Acceptance Committee.
President’s Message – Bob Lucas
Interim President Bob Lucas welcomed all members – new and old – and reminded all how the Member Meeting runs, asking all attendees to be courteous, raise their hand if they would like to speak, and to allow others to speak. Bob also reminded the attendees that all Board Members are volunteers and asked everyone to be respectful and mindful of their personal time, space, and homes. Bob also reminded attendees about being safe and mindful of speed on our roads.
Treasurer’s Report – Jacky Hastings
1. Account Balances as of 06/26/2021:
Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
1. Pool Update
4. Wine and Cheese Social has been canceled.
Waterfront Report – Andrea Young
1. Boat Slip Update
Roads Report – Donna Moxley
1. Plowing Update
General Updates
1. Fibercast - Bob Lucas and Chris Vachon shared updates on Fibercast installation within the HLA. The team at Fibercast had shared with former HLA President Mike Kelley that they were pursuing additional grants to fund the installation of fiber in the remaining areas of HLA but have not provided a recent update and have not been responsive in recent weeks. At this point, all questions about Fibercast should be directed towards the Fibercast team and not the HLA Board of Directors. Members Bill Osterhout and Craig McNeal provided additional information and perspective on the fiber line installs and other available services (Starlink).
2. Mailboxes - Mikki Falcone and Chris Vachon shared updates on the Kings Highway Bridge project and HLA mailbox move. According to the town administrator, Kings Highway will be paved from the bridge down to Turtle Rock Road on July 28th. The HLA Board has worked with Town Selectmen and Marlow Post Office to receive permission to put the mailboxes on Kennedy Brook Rd. just after the entrance of the association. A two-tier structure will be built to accommodate all the existing mailboxes along with additional room for expansion – this should be complete by the end of July. Member Frank Stuckey volunteered to clear trees and brush from around the new mailbox site.
General Community Reminders –
Bob Lucas and Chris Vachon shared general reminders regarding Safety, Speed, Fire Permits, Dogs/Leash Law, and Noise with the membership. Andrea Young reminded boat owners with slips at the waterfront to keep an eye on their gas tanks and ensure they do not leak.
Positions open in 2021:
President (2-year term)
Chris Vachon nominated at June HLA Board Meeting.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Vice President (to complete remaining 1-yr term)
Trevor Anderson nominated from the floor.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Secretary (2-year term)
Kristen McCormick nominated by Mikki Falcone, she declines the nomination.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Seat is open.
Director (3-year term)
Fred Pasler nominated from the floor.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Motion was made and carried that the Secretary cast one vote for each office.
Bylaws Revision + Vote –
Chris Vachon thanked the members of the bylaws committee – Lexie Currie, Marc Belland, Kristen McCormick, and Mikki Falcone, and presented the proposed Bylaws Revision. A vote was called, and the Bylaws were unanimously approved.
Member Guidance Topics
Chris Vachon presented the Member Guidance Topics shared at the start of the meeting and facilitated discussion about each topic. A summary of the member guidance is detailed below:
Topic #1 - Transfer of Boat Slips
Scenario 1 – a majority of the membership supports the slip staying with the property owner
Scenario 2 – a majority of the membership supports the slip staying with the property owner
Scenario 3 – a majority of the membership supports the slip being released back to the HLA
Scenario 4 – the membership was mostly split but leaned slightly towards the slip being released back to the HLA
Topic #2 – Emergency Response Committee
A majority of the membership supports the formation of an Emergency Response Committee
Topic #3 – ATV/UTV Usage on Kings Highway and throughout the HLA
Scenario 1 – a majority of the membership supports the board working to promote the petition that would allow ATV/UTV usage on Kings Highway throughout the town of Stoddard.
Scenario 2 – after extensive discussion, a majority of the membership expressed concerns about granting permission for the Dirt Donkeys to use our roads to connect their trails and Kings Highway. The consensus was that the Dirt Donkeys should be invited to present at our August Budget Meeting.
Scenario 3 – based on the outcome discussion regarding the more restrictive Scenario 2, there was no discussion of this scenario.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:12AM.
Chris Vachon, Secretary
Saturday, June 26, 2021 – 9:00 AM
Outside Rossi Hall
Forty-eight voting members attended. Each voting member was given the agenda, a ballot (per paid lot), a Bylaws Revision Outline with the revised Bylaws, Member Guidance Topics, HLA Ethics Policy for Directors and Officers, and HLA Covenants.
Registration table was manned by Treasurer Jacky Hastings and Secretary Chris Vachon.
Officers Present: Interim President – Bob Lucas, Treasurer – Jacky Hastings, Secretary – Chris Vachon
Directors Present: Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Andrea Young
Meeting Called to order at 9:01am
Flag Salute
Selection of three-person Minutes Acceptance Committee
Lexie Currie, Bill Osterhout, and Shawn Sorrow volunteered to join the board members as Minutes Acceptance Committee.
President’s Message – Bob Lucas
Interim President Bob Lucas welcomed all members – new and old – and reminded all how the Member Meeting runs, asking all attendees to be courteous, raise their hand if they would like to speak, and to allow others to speak. Bob also reminded the attendees that all Board Members are volunteers and asked everyone to be respectful and mindful of their personal time, space, and homes. Bob also reminded attendees about being safe and mindful of speed on our roads.
Treasurer’s Report – Jacky Hastings
1. Account Balances as of 06/26/2021:
- Checking - $139,642
- Prepaid Savings - $137
- Rainy Day Fund - $20,445
- Waterfront - $10,429
- Emergency CD - $39,110
- Playground Fund - $2,806
- HLA Properties - 247 billed properties, with only 46 outstanding ($27,430 due) with several that are on payment plans included in that total.
- JLN Properties – 47 billed properties, with 14 outstanding ($10,268 due). $6,766 due from FY21 and $3,502 due from FY 22.
- Dunning Letters will be sent to all past due accounts in the coming week.
- 30 properties transferred hands since 5/1/20 including 12 since 1/1/21.
- 4 liens have been released through payments and property sales.
- 1 upcoming foreclosure sales
- Transition to Buildium for property management has been smooth and is complete with the update that allows members to pay their assessments online.
- Any members that do not currently have access to the member center need to provide an email address to get signed up.
Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
1. Pool Update
- Pool is open and being run in accordance with the CDC and State Guidelines. Capacity is 30.
- Clearwater Pool + Spa has been hired to maintain the pool chemistry – this reduces our chemical costs and makes it easier for the recreation director to manage and monitor the pool chemistry.
- Solar Panels for heating the pool will be installed but we are waiting on two delayed panels to arrive.
- Key Fobs are available, contact the Recreation Director if you need one. If you are replacing a previously issued fob, or want an additional key fob, the cost is $20.
- Pool Hours are 12-7pm M-F and 11-7pm on weekends starting 7/3/21.
- Water has been run to the hall and the sink has been hooked up to our septic tank.
- The floor will be painted and sealed in the coming weeks if budget allows.
- Members looking to rent the hall should contact the Recreation Director, the rental fee is $30
4. Wine and Cheese Social has been canceled.
Waterfront Report – Andrea Young
1. Boat Slip Update
- All boat slips were remarked ahead of the season.
- All boat slips are full, and 12 members are on the waiting list.
- We will be doing maintenance on the kayak racks in the fall so kayaks cannot be overwintered.
- Please remember to pick up after your dogs at the waterfront.
- Thank you to Jesse Pollock donated barrels that are being used for trash at the waterfront and at Hidden Pond.
- Three cigarette trash receptacles have been added and two more are on the way.
- Mowing and trash removal contract is being established to ensure the grounds are kept up with throughout the season.
- We are looking for volunteers to help sand and stain our picnic tables.
Roads Report – Donna Moxley
1. Plowing Update
- Our 1-year plowing contract has ended. Overall, they did very well and received good feedback throughout the season except for a few communication issues early in the season. We will be requesting bids for 1-year and 3-year contracts ahead of the August Budget Meeting.
- Our spring mud season was the worst our contractor had seen. A lot of work was put into road repair during mud season.
- Several heavy-use roads had to be graded twice. As a result, a few roads that were in good shape did not get graded this spring, they will be included in the fall grading.
- Our 3-year grading contract has ended. We will be requesting bids for 1-year and 3-year contracts ahead of the August Budget Meeting.
- Kings Highway had 2 culverts replaced and 1 redirected.
- Rice Brook had 1 culvert replaced.
- Due to 2 feet of snow followed immediately by heavy rain, a culvert on Tigola Trail near the bottom of Beaver Brook Drive washed out on Christmas day. This caused extensive road damage and property damage for a member.
- Our Road Contractor spent a day rebuilding the road and a half day rebuilding the member’s property. The original culvert was 18” and it was replaced with a 24” culvert. We are looking to put a rebar grate over the culvert in July to prevent beavers from filling it with debris.
- Street Signs – several members asked about street signs and Donna let them know that she has reported missing or damaged street and road signs to the town on several occasions with no action taken on their part.
- Mike Lebo, the property owner that suffered damage from the Christmas Day washout on Tigola Trail, shared concerns about the damages from the washout. He also shared concerns about whether regular culvert maintenance is being done and expressed his opinion that the current plan to put a grate over the new culvert will make things worse. Several members chimed in on this discussion including Dick Schofield who advocated for the installation of a Beaver Deceiver, Dave Stenstrom who advocated that culvert maintenance be added to our road contract, and Jason Hastings who suggested a combination Beaver Deceiver/Spillway should be considered to prevent this issue in the future. Road Director Donna Moxley committed to investigating all options ahead of the planned grate install in July and will discuss next steps with the board.
- Mike Lebo advocated for a phone tree in case of emergencies.
General Updates
1. Fibercast - Bob Lucas and Chris Vachon shared updates on Fibercast installation within the HLA. The team at Fibercast had shared with former HLA President Mike Kelley that they were pursuing additional grants to fund the installation of fiber in the remaining areas of HLA but have not provided a recent update and have not been responsive in recent weeks. At this point, all questions about Fibercast should be directed towards the Fibercast team and not the HLA Board of Directors. Members Bill Osterhout and Craig McNeal provided additional information and perspective on the fiber line installs and other available services (Starlink).
2. Mailboxes - Mikki Falcone and Chris Vachon shared updates on the Kings Highway Bridge project and HLA mailbox move. According to the town administrator, Kings Highway will be paved from the bridge down to Turtle Rock Road on July 28th. The HLA Board has worked with Town Selectmen and Marlow Post Office to receive permission to put the mailboxes on Kennedy Brook Rd. just after the entrance of the association. A two-tier structure will be built to accommodate all the existing mailboxes along with additional room for expansion – this should be complete by the end of July. Member Frank Stuckey volunteered to clear trees and brush from around the new mailbox site.
General Community Reminders –
Bob Lucas and Chris Vachon shared general reminders regarding Safety, Speed, Fire Permits, Dogs/Leash Law, and Noise with the membership. Andrea Young reminded boat owners with slips at the waterfront to keep an eye on their gas tanks and ensure they do not leak.
Positions open in 2021:
President (2-year term)
Chris Vachon nominated at June HLA Board Meeting.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Vice President (to complete remaining 1-yr term)
Trevor Anderson nominated from the floor.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Secretary (2-year term)
Kristen McCormick nominated by Mikki Falcone, she declines the nomination.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Seat is open.
Director (3-year term)
Fred Pasler nominated from the floor.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Motion was made and carried that the Secretary cast one vote for each office.
Bylaws Revision + Vote –
Chris Vachon thanked the members of the bylaws committee – Lexie Currie, Marc Belland, Kristen McCormick, and Mikki Falcone, and presented the proposed Bylaws Revision. A vote was called, and the Bylaws were unanimously approved.
Member Guidance Topics
Chris Vachon presented the Member Guidance Topics shared at the start of the meeting and facilitated discussion about each topic. A summary of the member guidance is detailed below:
Topic #1 - Transfer of Boat Slips
Scenario 1 – a majority of the membership supports the slip staying with the property owner
Scenario 2 – a majority of the membership supports the slip staying with the property owner
Scenario 3 – a majority of the membership supports the slip being released back to the HLA
Scenario 4 – the membership was mostly split but leaned slightly towards the slip being released back to the HLA
Topic #2 – Emergency Response Committee
A majority of the membership supports the formation of an Emergency Response Committee
Topic #3 – ATV/UTV Usage on Kings Highway and throughout the HLA
Scenario 1 – a majority of the membership supports the board working to promote the petition that would allow ATV/UTV usage on Kings Highway throughout the town of Stoddard.
Scenario 2 – after extensive discussion, a majority of the membership expressed concerns about granting permission for the Dirt Donkeys to use our roads to connect their trails and Kings Highway. The consensus was that the Dirt Donkeys should be invited to present at our August Budget Meeting.
Scenario 3 – based on the outcome discussion regarding the more restrictive Scenario 2, there was no discussion of this scenario.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:12AM.
Chris Vachon, Secretary
2021-06-26_member_meeting_minutes.pdf |