Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Online Skype meeting
Attendees: Michael Kelley, President, Bob Lucas, Vice President, Jacky Hastings, Treasurer, Chris Vachon, Secretary, Mikki Falcone, Recreation director, Donna Moxley, Road director, Andrea Young, Waterfront Director
Guests: None
1. Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable.
No guests present for this meeting.
2. Acceptance of board minutes from November.
Approved unanimously with changes.
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Committee Reports
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 12, 2021 @ 6:30pm via Skype.
Board meeting adjourned: 8:49pm
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Online Skype meeting
Attendees: Michael Kelley, President, Bob Lucas, Vice President, Jacky Hastings, Treasurer, Chris Vachon, Secretary, Mikki Falcone, Recreation director, Donna Moxley, Road director, Andrea Young, Waterfront Director
Guests: None
1. Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable.
No guests present for this meeting.
2. Acceptance of board minutes from November.
Approved unanimously with changes.
3. Treasurer’s Report
- Financials
- Checking $118,818
- Waterfront $11,677
- Playground $2,806
- Rainy Day $8,688
- Savings $118
- CD $39,042
- Liens Update – All liens are signed, notarized, and returned to the lawyer. A property on Colonial Way will be going up for auction – we will be contacting the lawyer to share the outstanding balance and status of the liens on the property.
4. Committee Reports
- Recreation Updates by Mikki
- Solar Panels – no update.
- Rossi Hall plumbing update from November meeting – Chris is putting together a plan to connect water to Rossi Hall in spring.
- Key fob software hand-off update from November meeting – training/hand off from Mike G will be scheduled after the holidays.
- Waterfront Updates by Andrea
- Andrea will be connecting with Mike G to get more info on his waterfront spreadsheets.
- The board discussed updating waterfront policy ahead of the March mailing.
- Andrea will be sourcing waterfront map and reviewing site ahead of 2021 season to plan out signage.
- The board discussed pressure washing, sanding, and staining the wood docks ahead of the 2021 season as well as adding some sort of padding (fire hose?).
- Road Updates by Donna
- Rice Brook Wall – after one year of inactivity, owners discussed status with Donna and offered to resolve this by 05/31/21. Donna recommended sending a violation letter via certified mail to the owners that would be lifted if the wall is removed by 05/31/21 or before transfer of property. Mike will be drafting this letter.
- Culverts
- Culvert by the mailboxes – bids due to the town by 12/14. Mikki to connect with town about the mailbox move.
- Recent repairs were done to culvert in front of the Pratt property to eliminate puddle from recent storm.
- Road Signs – recent missing yield sign was found on side of the road, missing stop sign was seen at property on Kings Highway – info shared with town. Missing road signs were discussed (Woodlot), Donna to follow-up with the town.
- Snow Plowing Update – two areas missed during first storm but contractor is open to feedback.
- Old Colony Way – road has been rebuilt and ditched and we are now plowing this road.
- Beavers – there has been excessive beaver activity this year and we will be continuing to monitor and resolve as issues come up.
- Concrete forms + grates at dam – Mike to follow up with Jimmy on this.
- Policy + Bylaw Updates by Chris
- Outdoor Fire Policy – motion to vote by Bob, policy approved unanimously. Chris to send final version to Donna for collection of digital signatures.
- Bylaw Committee recruiting update – Donna to post on Facebook + website.
5. Unfinished Business
- Buildium Billing Update – negotiations with Buildium allowed us to maintain last year’s pricing compared to an initial major price markup.
- Buildium EPay Update – still waiting for taxes to process.
- John Hicks Update – progress is being made on property with plans for septic and electric updates.
- Bourassa Update – certificate of occupancy has been obtained, camper is now winterized being stored.
6. New Business
- HLA Board Contact Information – Chris to update contact sheet for board members and share back to the group.
- March Mailing Prep Discussion – Mike asked everyone to begin thinking about March Mailing and any topics that need to be included in it. Mailing needs to be postmarked by 3/30, target is to have it finalized and sent immediately after March Board Meeting.
- Andrea shared concerns about road speeds – board discussed having regular public posts on Facebook and website to share these types of periodic reminders.
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 12, 2021 @ 6:30pm via Skype.
Board meeting adjourned: 8:49pm

2020-12-08_board_meeting_minutes.pdf |