Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Remote Meeting via Skype
Attendees: Mike Kelley, Mikki Falcone, Bob Lucas, Mike Gallagher, Jacky Hastings, Donna Moxley
Guests: Bryan Bruder, Chris Vachon, Ron Morrison, Andrea Young
Volunteers: Bob Frietag, as interim secretary
1. Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable
a. Bryan Bruder - Attended as a potential Board candidate
b. Chris Vachon - Attended as a potential Board candidate
c. Ron Morrison - Ron has started the riding club “Dirt Donkeys”. The club has permission from Washington for use of some of their roads for ATV/UTV. Ron has petitioned the town of Stoddard for similar access and is asking for support from the HLA community. The Dirt Donkeys have a website that will provide details of the roads that can be ridden www.dirtdonkeys.org. Dirt Donkeys and Stoddard Snowmobile club are working together to secure funding for trail maintenance. The Dirt Donkey Club is willing to extend a $2M liability insurance policy for road usage on HLA property. The speed limit would be 10mph.
d. Andrea Young - Attended as a potential Board candidate
2. Acceptance of board minutes from September
a. Approved unanimously with changes
3. Treasurer’s Report
a. Financials
i. Account balances (rounded)
1. Checking $122,753
2. Waterfront $11,675
3. Playground $2,805
4. Rainy Day $8,687
5. Savings $118
6. CD $38,963
b. Dunning Letters have been issued in preparation of moving forward with liens
4. Committee Reports
● Recreation
○ Mailbox Project updates
■ Postmaster has advised that any updated mailboxes that may be purchased or move of existing mailboxes must be kept on a town road. They must be kept close to the existing spot.
■ Any new mailboxes to be added in the future must be approved/assigned by the Postmaster
■ Starting in January all mailboxes must be properly labelled and securely fastened or mail will not be delivered
■ One mailbox is too high for mail delivery
○ Pool Solar Panel
■ The order for solar panels has been placed but they are on backorder
○ Complete running water lines from pool house to hall and septic lines
■ Mikki is still looking for volunteers to complete this project and hire a plumber to make final connections
● A motion was made by Bob Lucas to approve a NTE value of $600 for plumbing labor.
● Second by Jacky Hastings
● Unanimously approved
○ Camera for Pool Deck
■ One or two additional cameras will be installed in the spring (April?)
■ The existing camera will be replaced or repaired
○ Fencing for outdoor shower
■ A member of the community has offered to donate fencing, and Mikki will solicit volunteers to install it
● Waterfront
○ Docks Out 10/17/20 at 8:30am
■ Rain delay will be posted if necessary
○ Transfer of information and responsibilities
■ Mike Gallagher will transfer information to his successor
● Roads
○ Updates on grading
■ Grading is complete
■ The load restrictions on the culverts on Kings Hwy prevented material deliveries for fall gradin
■ Additional material will be needed for road maintenance next year
○ A $500.00 grant was received for the beaver deceiver that was installed in Hidden Lake with the condition that nobody will trap or kill a beaver in Hidden Lake in the next year.
● Bylaws
○ No updates
5. Unfinished Business
a. Signage updates
i. Signs have been posted in the association stating that our roads are private property - Members and guests are welcome.
b. ePay rollout / tax update
i. All required tax information has been provided through 2019 tax filing and will facilitate ePay rollout
c. Stuckey tiny house violation
i. A letter from our Board Attorney was issued to the Stuckey’s Attorney
1. There are two possible paths; cease and desist order or an injunction from the court
2. The Board agreed that an injunction is the better option and sends a more serious message
3. All other residents that are living in campers not in compliance with Board directives must also receive follow up letters to show equal enforcement. An updated status of all camper lots must be compiled.
d. Representatives from the Stoddard Church have requested the Board’s permission to allow John Hicks to live in a camper over the winter on his land while the Church pursues fundraising activities to install a water and sewer system and complete a livable structure on his property. Unfortunately in an effort to treat all HLA members fairly the Board is not in a position to allow the Church to assist; Mr. Hicks would have to be compliant with all local and State laws/codes as well as HLA Covenants, Bylaws, and rules.
6. New Business
a. Discuss secretary and waterfront roles and possible temporary assignments
i. Chris Vachon has been appointed the permanent Secretary until the next Member Meeting.
ii. The waterfront Director will be decided at a later date
Next Meeting: November 10, 2020
Board meeting adjourned: 9:50 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Remote Meeting via Skype
Attendees: Mike Kelley, Mikki Falcone, Bob Lucas, Mike Gallagher, Jacky Hastings, Donna Moxley
Guests: Bryan Bruder, Chris Vachon, Ron Morrison, Andrea Young
Volunteers: Bob Frietag, as interim secretary
1. Address needs and concerns of guests, if applicable
a. Bryan Bruder - Attended as a potential Board candidate
b. Chris Vachon - Attended as a potential Board candidate
c. Ron Morrison - Ron has started the riding club “Dirt Donkeys”. The club has permission from Washington for use of some of their roads for ATV/UTV. Ron has petitioned the town of Stoddard for similar access and is asking for support from the HLA community. The Dirt Donkeys have a website that will provide details of the roads that can be ridden www.dirtdonkeys.org. Dirt Donkeys and Stoddard Snowmobile club are working together to secure funding for trail maintenance. The Dirt Donkey Club is willing to extend a $2M liability insurance policy for road usage on HLA property. The speed limit would be 10mph.
d. Andrea Young - Attended as a potential Board candidate
2. Acceptance of board minutes from September
a. Approved unanimously with changes
3. Treasurer’s Report
a. Financials
i. Account balances (rounded)
1. Checking $122,753
2. Waterfront $11,675
3. Playground $2,805
4. Rainy Day $8,687
5. Savings $118
6. CD $38,963
b. Dunning Letters have been issued in preparation of moving forward with liens
4. Committee Reports
● Recreation
○ Mailbox Project updates
■ Postmaster has advised that any updated mailboxes that may be purchased or move of existing mailboxes must be kept on a town road. They must be kept close to the existing spot.
■ Any new mailboxes to be added in the future must be approved/assigned by the Postmaster
■ Starting in January all mailboxes must be properly labelled and securely fastened or mail will not be delivered
■ One mailbox is too high for mail delivery
○ Pool Solar Panel
■ The order for solar panels has been placed but they are on backorder
○ Complete running water lines from pool house to hall and septic lines
■ Mikki is still looking for volunteers to complete this project and hire a plumber to make final connections
● A motion was made by Bob Lucas to approve a NTE value of $600 for plumbing labor.
● Second by Jacky Hastings
● Unanimously approved
○ Camera for Pool Deck
■ One or two additional cameras will be installed in the spring (April?)
■ The existing camera will be replaced or repaired
○ Fencing for outdoor shower
■ A member of the community has offered to donate fencing, and Mikki will solicit volunteers to install it
● Waterfront
○ Docks Out 10/17/20 at 8:30am
■ Rain delay will be posted if necessary
○ Transfer of information and responsibilities
■ Mike Gallagher will transfer information to his successor
● Roads
○ Updates on grading
■ Grading is complete
■ The load restrictions on the culverts on Kings Hwy prevented material deliveries for fall gradin
■ Additional material will be needed for road maintenance next year
○ A $500.00 grant was received for the beaver deceiver that was installed in Hidden Lake with the condition that nobody will trap or kill a beaver in Hidden Lake in the next year.
● Bylaws
○ No updates
5. Unfinished Business
a. Signage updates
i. Signs have been posted in the association stating that our roads are private property - Members and guests are welcome.
b. ePay rollout / tax update
i. All required tax information has been provided through 2019 tax filing and will facilitate ePay rollout
c. Stuckey tiny house violation
i. A letter from our Board Attorney was issued to the Stuckey’s Attorney
1. There are two possible paths; cease and desist order or an injunction from the court
2. The Board agreed that an injunction is the better option and sends a more serious message
3. All other residents that are living in campers not in compliance with Board directives must also receive follow up letters to show equal enforcement. An updated status of all camper lots must be compiled.
d. Representatives from the Stoddard Church have requested the Board’s permission to allow John Hicks to live in a camper over the winter on his land while the Church pursues fundraising activities to install a water and sewer system and complete a livable structure on his property. Unfortunately in an effort to treat all HLA members fairly the Board is not in a position to allow the Church to assist; Mr. Hicks would have to be compliant with all local and State laws/codes as well as HLA Covenants, Bylaws, and rules.
6. New Business
a. Discuss secretary and waterfront roles and possible temporary assignments
i. Chris Vachon has been appointed the permanent Secretary until the next Member Meeting.
ii. The waterfront Director will be decided at a later date
Next Meeting: November 10, 2020
Board meeting adjourned: 9:50 PM
2020-10-13_board_meeting_minutes_final.pdf |