AUGUST 29, 2020 postponed
RAIN DATE: August 30, 2020 9:00 AM
Mike Kelley, President; Bob Lucas, Vice President; Jacky Hastings, Treasurer; Donna
Moxley, Director; Mikki Falcone, Director; Mike Gallagher, Director
Bob Freitag, Volunteer interim Secretary
There were 32 voting members present (votes including multiple lots) thus achieving a quorum for this meeting.
1. Selection of three-person Minutes Acceptance committee for this meeting’s minutes.
2. TREASURER’S REPORT – Jacky Hastings
AUGUST 29, 2020 postponed
RAIN DATE: August 30, 2020 9:00 AM
Mike Kelley, President; Bob Lucas, Vice President; Jacky Hastings, Treasurer; Donna
Moxley, Director; Mikki Falcone, Director; Mike Gallagher, Director
Bob Freitag, Volunteer interim Secretary
There were 32 voting members present (votes including multiple lots) thus achieving a quorum for this meeting.
1. Selection of three-person Minutes Acceptance committee for this meeting’s minutes.
2. TREASURER’S REPORT – Jacky Hastings
- Account Balances:
- SBW Checking Account $145,605.44
- Emergency Fund CD $38,831.94
- Waterfront $11,672.20
- Rainy Day Savings $8,686.01
- Savings $117.53
- Playground Fund $2,804.97
- Current Past Due $57,882.84
- 31 past due HLA members
- 11 JLN members who have not paid
- We are preparing to send out collection letters to those who are past due
- iv. Historically 50% of members turned over to legal, pay upon receiving the first legal notice. Past due member pays all attorney’s fees and expenses.
- Each lien costs $550
- Currently there are 10 properties with outstanding liens
- Budget presentation for FY2022, discussion and vote.
- Propose flat budget with the following exceptions
- Pool
- Waterfront
- Insurance
- Administrative (Buildium)
- Income has increased $25k due to new income of non HLA lots
- Steve McGurtey expressed concern about how much money was being spent on legal fees to collect fees from JLN residents. To date very little money has been spent to collect additional income, and the majority of the JLN lots have paid without issue.
- Mark Belland asked what effort has been made to recover funds from previously merged lots. The Board continues to honor a Board ruling from 2014 that no new lots could be merged in HLA. Lots merged before that 2014 ruling are considered merged by HLA.
- A motion was made by Mark Belland to approve the Budget as proposed, second by Amanda Bridges. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Propose flat budget with the following exceptions
- Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
- Pool increases in the proposed budget are related to additional staff and PPE due to Covid restrictions. Also additional cleaning is needed at all waterfront facilities.
- The savings realized by not opening the pool this season will be used to make improvements to the common areas. (Solar heaters, water and waste lines to the sink in Rossi Hall, new picnic tables and fencing at Hidden Lake, building repairs, keyless entry, etc.).
- Any leftover funds will be added to a savings account for future expenses.
- Waterfront Report – Mike Gallagher
- Docks out will be November 17th. Volunteers are needed.
- Additional cameras will be installed at the waterfront due to reports of theft.
- Road Report - Donna Moxley
- Culvert replacement continues to take place on our population of aging culverts. Ditching is also being done as part of our grading contract. Weight restrictions on Kings Highway are preventing major repairs to our roads. No vehicles over 10,000 lbs can travel over the culverts near the mailboxes.
- Selectman Fee was a guest speaker to address culvert replacement on Kings Highway. The culverts have failed, and the State DOT has imposed the weight restriction.
- The stream that the existing culvers service is a class 3 trout crossing and prevents replacement of the culverts with the same type construction. The work (in-stream construction) must be completed before October 1st or cannot be started until July of next year per DES. A steel plate is not allowed as a temporary solution. A temporary bridge will be required. The Town of Stoddard has approved $266k to replace the failed culverts. The state of NH has issued a waiver for vehicles delivering fossil fuels only. Pellet deliveries need clarification.
- Donna Moxley requested a copy of the existing waiver. Selectman Fee agreed to provide a copy of the waiver.
- Fibercast is installing 1G fiber internet service in Stoddard under a federal grant. A survey must be performed prior to installing any new lines to make sure all existing lines are code compliance. The entire HLA community may not get the benefit of this service. Phase 1 will include Kennedy Brook Rd.
- Mailbox move
- The existing mailboxes must be moved to facilitate culvert replacement on Kings Highway. They would be temporarily located at the waterfront.
- A modular mailbox system would cost approximately $12,000.00. The cost to a resident wanting a mailbox would be $100.00 initially and $25.00 annually.
- The existing mailboxes must be moved to facilitate culvert replacement on Kings Highway. They would be temporarily located at the waterfront.
- The next culvert to be replaced will be on Fox Hill Rd.
- Our plowing Contract with PJD is now complete. Bids were solicited from three contractors, but only one bid. A single year contract has been issued and accepted by Homeland Co.
- Hidden Lake beaver problems.
- The beavers continue to block the dam with debris. The spillway was completely blocked this spring. A group of volunteers cleared the blockage and got the spillway flowing again. A beaver deceiver has been installed to deter the beavers from damaging the spillway in the future.
- Bylaws Revision – Presented 2 bylaws options in the June meeting.
- Mark Belland made a motion to postpone the vote on the Bylaws until the June 2021 meeting. Second by Mary Angell. The motion was approved unanimously.
- A call was made to the residents to volunteer for the Bylaws Committee by Mikki.
- Position of secretary is open on the board. No nominations were received.
- Future of Tennis court – presentation of repair costs, alternative options
- Mikki has gotten quotes to resurface the tennis court. There does not seem to be enough interest to warrant the cost.
- Another option presented was to investigate building a pavilion and possibly a pickleball court.
- Other suggestions can be considered.
- Fiber installation and pole costs in the neighborhood
- A company representative has estimated a cost of ~ $215k to service the entire neighborhood.
- Options:
- HLA could borrow the entire amount and users would pay an additional $10.00/mo fee until the loan was paid back.
- 75% 25% Special HLA assessment for users shared cost
- Jillian Vachon made a motion to authorize the Board to research the options, and advocate for the Association and move forward with what is necessary to make it happen. Second by Amanda Bridges. The motion passed unanimously.

2020-08-30_-_hla_member_meeting_minutes.pdf |