Tuesday, July 7, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Remote Meeting via Skype
Attendees: Mike Kelley, Mikki Falcone, Bob Lucas, Mike Gallagher, Jacky Hastings, Donna Moxley
Guest: Mary Brausch
Volunteers: Bob Frietag, as interim secretary
1. Address needs and concerns of guests
a. Mary Brausch
i. Mary called in to listen in and participate in this month’s Board meeting
ii. Mary asked questions about the culvert replacement on Kings Highway. The Board
acknowledged that the proposal passed by the Town of Stoddard.
2. Acceptance of board minutes from June
a. Approved with changes
3. Treasurer’s Report
● Financials
o Account balances
▪ Checking $141,585.43
▪ Waterfront $12,161.48
▪ Playground $2,804.61
▪ Rainy Day $ 8,684.89
▪ Savings $117.51
▪ CD $38,700.42
● Liens Update
o Need a local notary
▪ We can use the Town of Stoddard
▪ A request for a resident Notary will be added to the HLA web page
● Dunning Letters
o Need to issue these second notice letters with Buildium invoices
o A template will be created in Buildium for this purpose
o A third party has requested information regarding the outstanding balance of HOA fees
to possibly assist the owner financially. This information is considered personal and
the Board will research legal requirements before responding.
4. Committee Reports
Meeting Minutes - Final
● Recreation
o (recurring discussion) Update on pool house opening
i. The pool house will remain closed until further notice
ii. Staffing will continue to be an issue
o Rossi Hall will be rented on 7/10/20
i. The hall will need to be cleaned to HLA standards after the event and all
CDC guidelines will need to be met.
ii. A Porta-potty will be rented by the sponsor
o Mikki will be away for several days. Mike Gallagher will cover for Mikki during
her absence
o Update on low cost solar solution
i. Solar panels need water to test them once installed. The current plan is to
not turn the water on this season and purchase 4 new panels and install them
in the spring of 2021.
o A water line will be run from the pool house to Rossi Hall, and a drain line to the
septic tank. At the same time conduit should be included to run low voltage
electrical lines at a future date.
o Fencing will be added around the shower area
o Additional cameras will also be considered
o Additional pool furniture may also be purchased
o The waterfront swing is broken and in need of replacement. The Board voted and
approved unanimously. A new swing will be purchased.
● Waterfront
o Update on boat permissions, waiting list
i. Road permit stickers for resident vehicles are being considered
ii. Resident guests seem to be using a lot of the parking for vehicles and boat
iii. A suggestion was made to remove the fence from the tennis court area to
allow for more parking. A membership vote would be required.
iv. The Board will provide some options at the August membership meeting
● Roads
o Camper letters will be issued by Donna Moxley
o Culvert letters will be issued by Donna Moxley
o Brush cutting bids
i. Donna will issue a request for bids to three potential contractors to have
work completed by 8/15/20
o Beaver deceiver
i. A structure is needed to prevent the beavers from obstructing/daming the
spillway at Hidden Lake
ii. A potential method is to drain water from the lake in a way that does not
utilize the spillway and make noise that attracts beavers. A pond leveller
would be installed that would drain directly into the culvert and eliminate
the noise that attracts beaver activity. The estimated cost would be
$2,200.00 and we would potentially be eligible for a 50% grant.
iii. Bob Lucas made a motion to move forward with the pond leveller and Jacky
Hastings seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously.
iv. The Board would like to recognize the efforts of the volunteers who have
helped clear the spillway and keep it flowing. Folks like Jason Hastings
who have made weekly visits over the last couple of years to remove debris
are very much appreciated.
o The plow and grading bids will need to be available for review at the the August
membership meeting
● Bylaws
o Need the Bylaws Committee to reconvene to discuss new issues
o Need to recruit additional members
5. Unfinished Business
● Pathway to Rossi Hall – safety coating / surface?
o Hamshaw did not recommend using a clear coating and a painted surface will
require yearly maintenance, as the wood will absorb moisture from the ground.
o Will investigate using some type of adhesive anti slip material
6. New Business
● Updating signage and clarifying use in the neighborhood
o Signs have been posted alerting folks that HLA is private property
o Some residents do not like the new signage
o Existing signs have been in place by the mailboxes and at the waterfront
● Private roads / limiting traffic and abuse
o The Board has limited options to prevent non-owners from accessing our common
o Suggestions:
▪ Request Fish and Game to monitor ATV usage
▪ Restrict non-resident parking on HLA roads
▪ Educate residents on what they can do to police HLA common areas
▪ Install cameras in problem areas
● Hidden Lake, right of way and usage
o A landlocked piece of property bordering Hidden Lake has been accessed by HLA
roads in the past. Some large rocks preventing vehicle passage have been placed in
the way preventing access. The owner has requested the rocks be moved. After
some research there does not appear to be a deeded easement for access.
● Clarify “fireplace” in the covenants
o The HLA covenants state that ground fires are not allowed, only fires in a
o Could we update the bylaws to clarify what a fireplace is, or is a change to our
covenants needed?
● Violations in the neighborhood
o Letters need to be issued for known violations
o Follow up letters for violations also need to be issued
● ePay discussion / rollout
o ePay rollout is in process and will hopefully be an option for 2021
● Secretary write in
o No write in nominations for Secretary have accepted the position.
o The Board will consider any and all volunteers
Next Meeting: August 11, 2020.
Board meeting adjourned: 10:10 PM
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Remote Meeting via Skype
Attendees: Mike Kelley, Mikki Falcone, Bob Lucas, Mike Gallagher, Jacky Hastings, Donna Moxley
Guest: Mary Brausch
Volunteers: Bob Frietag, as interim secretary
1. Address needs and concerns of guests
a. Mary Brausch
i. Mary called in to listen in and participate in this month’s Board meeting
ii. Mary asked questions about the culvert replacement on Kings Highway. The Board
acknowledged that the proposal passed by the Town of Stoddard.
2. Acceptance of board minutes from June
a. Approved with changes
3. Treasurer’s Report
● Financials
o Account balances
▪ Checking $141,585.43
▪ Waterfront $12,161.48
▪ Playground $2,804.61
▪ Rainy Day $ 8,684.89
▪ Savings $117.51
▪ CD $38,700.42
● Liens Update
o Need a local notary
▪ We can use the Town of Stoddard
▪ A request for a resident Notary will be added to the HLA web page
● Dunning Letters
o Need to issue these second notice letters with Buildium invoices
o A template will be created in Buildium for this purpose
o A third party has requested information regarding the outstanding balance of HOA fees
to possibly assist the owner financially. This information is considered personal and
the Board will research legal requirements before responding.
4. Committee Reports
Meeting Minutes - Final
● Recreation
o (recurring discussion) Update on pool house opening
i. The pool house will remain closed until further notice
ii. Staffing will continue to be an issue
o Rossi Hall will be rented on 7/10/20
i. The hall will need to be cleaned to HLA standards after the event and all
CDC guidelines will need to be met.
ii. A Porta-potty will be rented by the sponsor
o Mikki will be away for several days. Mike Gallagher will cover for Mikki during
her absence
o Update on low cost solar solution
i. Solar panels need water to test them once installed. The current plan is to
not turn the water on this season and purchase 4 new panels and install them
in the spring of 2021.
o A water line will be run from the pool house to Rossi Hall, and a drain line to the
septic tank. At the same time conduit should be included to run low voltage
electrical lines at a future date.
o Fencing will be added around the shower area
o Additional cameras will also be considered
o Additional pool furniture may also be purchased
o The waterfront swing is broken and in need of replacement. The Board voted and
approved unanimously. A new swing will be purchased.
● Waterfront
o Update on boat permissions, waiting list
i. Road permit stickers for resident vehicles are being considered
ii. Resident guests seem to be using a lot of the parking for vehicles and boat
iii. A suggestion was made to remove the fence from the tennis court area to
allow for more parking. A membership vote would be required.
iv. The Board will provide some options at the August membership meeting
● Roads
o Camper letters will be issued by Donna Moxley
o Culvert letters will be issued by Donna Moxley
o Brush cutting bids
i. Donna will issue a request for bids to three potential contractors to have
work completed by 8/15/20
o Beaver deceiver
i. A structure is needed to prevent the beavers from obstructing/daming the
spillway at Hidden Lake
ii. A potential method is to drain water from the lake in a way that does not
utilize the spillway and make noise that attracts beavers. A pond leveller
would be installed that would drain directly into the culvert and eliminate
the noise that attracts beaver activity. The estimated cost would be
$2,200.00 and we would potentially be eligible for a 50% grant.
iii. Bob Lucas made a motion to move forward with the pond leveller and Jacky
Hastings seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously.
iv. The Board would like to recognize the efforts of the volunteers who have
helped clear the spillway and keep it flowing. Folks like Jason Hastings
who have made weekly visits over the last couple of years to remove debris
are very much appreciated.
o The plow and grading bids will need to be available for review at the the August
membership meeting
● Bylaws
o Need the Bylaws Committee to reconvene to discuss new issues
o Need to recruit additional members
5. Unfinished Business
● Pathway to Rossi Hall – safety coating / surface?
o Hamshaw did not recommend using a clear coating and a painted surface will
require yearly maintenance, as the wood will absorb moisture from the ground.
o Will investigate using some type of adhesive anti slip material
6. New Business
● Updating signage and clarifying use in the neighborhood
o Signs have been posted alerting folks that HLA is private property
o Some residents do not like the new signage
o Existing signs have been in place by the mailboxes and at the waterfront
● Private roads / limiting traffic and abuse
o The Board has limited options to prevent non-owners from accessing our common
o Suggestions:
▪ Request Fish and Game to monitor ATV usage
▪ Restrict non-resident parking on HLA roads
▪ Educate residents on what they can do to police HLA common areas
▪ Install cameras in problem areas
● Hidden Lake, right of way and usage
o A landlocked piece of property bordering Hidden Lake has been accessed by HLA
roads in the past. Some large rocks preventing vehicle passage have been placed in
the way preventing access. The owner has requested the rocks be moved. After
some research there does not appear to be a deeded easement for access.
● Clarify “fireplace” in the covenants
o The HLA covenants state that ground fires are not allowed, only fires in a
o Could we update the bylaws to clarify what a fireplace is, or is a change to our
covenants needed?
● Violations in the neighborhood
o Letters need to be issued for known violations
o Follow up letters for violations also need to be issued
● ePay discussion / rollout
o ePay rollout is in process and will hopefully be an option for 2021
● Secretary write in
o No write in nominations for Secretary have accepted the position.
o The Board will consider any and all volunteers
Next Meeting: August 11, 2020.
Board meeting adjourned: 10:10 PM