Amended Minutes
Thirty-five voting members attending. Each voting member was given a packet containing: the Agenda,
a ballot (per paid lot), Boat Slip Policies and Procedures for 2019, Keyless Entry Member Rules and Guidelines,
our Covenants, a Bylaws Revision Outline and the revised Bylaws.
Registration table was manned by Kathy Gallagher and Lexie Currie.
Officers Present: President- Mike Kelley, Treasurer – Jacky Hastings, Secretary – Dian Mathews.
Directors: Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher.
Flag Salute
President’s Message
1. Welcome to new members Jeffrey and Tracy Gwynn on Scenic.
2. Thank you to all our tremendous volunteers. Some of you prefer to be unrecognized but realize that we
do appreciate your service to our community.
3. We are holding an HLA LOGO Contest. Entries can be submitted to Dian at the Pool House. Entries
will be hung in Rossi Hall and voted on by members at the August Budget Meeting.
4. We have been meeting with our HOA lawyer, Gary Daddario, and have made some changes to HLA
* We now charge a property transfer fee of $100, paid by the buyer.
* Our assessment late fee is now a FLAT FEE of $25 per month beginning June1.
* There is now a NH case law (Village Green) precedent for road maintenance on shared roads.
We have sent all the JLN property owners a letter with a tiered pricing structure. 26 JLNs have
sent us a road maintenance assessment or become HLA full members.
* The current Board has made the decision to uphold the 2014 Board vote to recognize lots merged prior to
April 2014 as one lot/ one assessment. Any lots merged since that date will be charged separate
Treasurer’s Report – Jacky Hastings
1. Our account balances as of 6/29/2019: Checking = $115,341.04
Prepaid Savings = $109.49
Savings = $8,667.43
Dock Fees = $11,271.71
Emergency CD = $37,920.63
Playground Fund = $10.00
2. Twenty-six JLNs are paying at various levels – seven of which are new.
3. Outstanding invoices:
2015-2018 – 47 invoices = $30,074.02
2019 – 35 invoices = $18,195.00
Total = $48,269.02
4. Dunning letters have been sent to all past due accounts.
5. Liens: there are 10 current. 3 have been released.
6. There have been Foreclosure Sales at two locations.
7. We know of at least 7 properties that have changed hands recently.
8. I am going through all the records to consolidate and correct data.
9. We are looking at the deeds of members with merged lots. Revised bills will be sent requesting documentation.
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HLA June 2019 Membership Meeting
Page Two
Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
1. I’d like to thank the following volunteers who have helped our community:
Mike Gallagher has repaired all sorts of things for us and installed new toilets in the Pool House.
Joe Traniello helped install those toilets.
David Stenstrum donated two banquet tables to Rossi Hall.
Brian Pratt installed our new lights in the Pool House, entrance and pool deck.
Suzan Traniello planted the flowers outside Rossi Hall.
Siri Pelligrino donated the money for our new grill at the Waterfront.
2. The Playground Rehab committee is being formed. Contact Mikki if you are interested in helping.
Mikki got a permit from the Town to hold a Raffle for a Child’s Mongoose ATV. We have 300 tickets.
We are hoping to raise $5000- $6000 for the new playground.Please Friend us on Facebook and spread the word.
3. The Pool House has a shifting foundation and electrical & plumbing issues. The estimate to repair it is
$8000-1000.We are beginning a preliminary discussion to rebuild the structure. The money voted on for
a new shed at last year’s meeting could be used to start the rebuilding project. (The old shed was cleaned out by
Mikki and Mike Gallagher. Now there is room for the docks.) The idea would be a structure
with smaller bathrooms, possibly connected to Rossi Hall. Mikki is researching costs and permits needed.
4. The pool is open, WEATHER PERMITTING, A sign will be posted on the Pool House door if it will be closed
along with the pool house phone # 446-2285 and on Facebook.
Keyless Entry Project – Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher
1. Mike Gallagher has done the work and the system cost HLA half the price because of no labor charges.
The system is easy to use so it will be manageable for subsequent boards.
2. Three locks are installed: the Pool House, the pool deck and Rossi Hall.
3. We have two operational security cameras: one on the Pool House door and one over-looking the pool.
The systems can handle eight cameras. The board will have video access to the logs. (No audio by NH State
Law) We will post stickers on the pool house doors advising members that there are security cameras
operating. We will look into whether there is a legal retention period of the logs. A suggestion was made
that we create a written policy.
4. The WiFi at the waterfront has been upgraded. The system can be accessed remotely. The fobs can be
programmed remotely. We can program your fob to open Rossi Hall the day you rent it.
5. This year will be the trial year. The Pool House will be accessible from 6 AM to 9 PM.
6. TO GET YOUR FOB: Complete the Keyless Entry Agreement. There will be copies at the Pool House.
A lost fob will cost you $20 to replace. Members will be responsible for any damage to HLA property.
Waterfront Report – Mike Gallagher
1. We now have 45 boat slips available. There are three members on the Wait List.
2. We agreed last year that we would use HALF of the waterfront beach area as a temporary boat slip.
There must be a membership vote each June for this. There is still enough room to carry a kayak or canoe to the
MOTION Bob Lucas/Dennis Creighton: “We move that half the beach area be used as a temporary boat
3. Kayaks and Canoes: there are 36 slots with two spaces per slot. 52 spaces have been taken. We are proposing
building a new rack with only two levels.
4. New change proposed to our Boat Rules: A slip will not transfer with the sale of a lot.
MOTION Bob Lucas/Mrs. Lucas: “We move that a boat slip will not transfer with the sale of a lot.”
5. The 25mg WiFi will run all year. Boats can access it from the boat slip.
6. The PIG ROAST will be Saturday, July 13.
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HLA June 2019 Membership Meeting
Page Three
Roads – Donna Moxley
1. We had a late mud season this year. The culvert on Scenic and S. Hidden failed so the road had to be closed
so a temporary fix until the roads dried out. The culvert has been replaced.
2. The spring grading has begun. Chris is working on ditching.
3. Our culverts were installed 70 years ago. Some have collapsed; some are bottomless.
We put $6000 aside for culvert repair. $4,500 has been spent. There is money for one more culvert to be repaired
this year.
4. As the roads get into better shape we are asking members to check the culverts on their driveways. Check to
see if the culvert is in water. Please CLEAN OUT YOUR DRIVEWAY’S CULVERT. Water off your property
will actually help our roads. After some discussion, Dennis Creighton volunteered to help check properties
for culverts needing repair. An idea: members can get together to buy materials/labor to repair their culverts.
(From Mike K – It costs $160 for a 20’ section.)
5. A member asked if rip rap could be put on the steep side of Kennedy Brook to fill in the side of the road.
6. FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Please put a visible nhouse number at the beginning of your driveway.
7. We are in the beginning of a three year contract for the grading of our raods.
We have one more year of the snow plowing contract.
8. Dave Stenstrum volunteered to be Foreman of a crew to cut branches on the roads. Please call him to help.
Positions open in 2019: President – Mike Kelley nominated last June.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Vice President – Bob Lucas nominated from the floor.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Secretary – Dian Mathews nominated last year. She declines the nomination.
No nominations from the floor.
Seat is open.
Director – Donna Moxley was nominated last June.
No additional nominations from the floor.
MOTION Lexi Currie/Siri Pelligrino: “We move that the Secretary cast one vote for each office.”
Bylaws Revision – Lexie Currie, Mikki Falcone, Dian Mathews (Marc Belland was absent.)
1. Please read the Bylaws Revision Outline. Compare the revised bylaws with our current bylaws on our
2. Question about campers on HLA property: Your camper may be stored on your property – not lived in.
Campers used while building may be on site May 1-Nov. 1 with the Board’s permission per the
Covenants. A suggestion was made that we post a permit on-site while the trailer is being used.
Other Suggestions
1. A Welcome Packet for new members. Pam Bruder volunteered to lead this project.
2. Post a Resource List for members needing services.
3. Host a New Member Meeting.
MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:50. Dian Mathews, Secretary
Amended Minutes
Thirty-five voting members attending. Each voting member was given a packet containing: the Agenda,
a ballot (per paid lot), Boat Slip Policies and Procedures for 2019, Keyless Entry Member Rules and Guidelines,
our Covenants, a Bylaws Revision Outline and the revised Bylaws.
Registration table was manned by Kathy Gallagher and Lexie Currie.
Officers Present: President- Mike Kelley, Treasurer – Jacky Hastings, Secretary – Dian Mathews.
Directors: Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher.
Flag Salute
President’s Message
1. Welcome to new members Jeffrey and Tracy Gwynn on Scenic.
2. Thank you to all our tremendous volunteers. Some of you prefer to be unrecognized but realize that we
do appreciate your service to our community.
3. We are holding an HLA LOGO Contest. Entries can be submitted to Dian at the Pool House. Entries
will be hung in Rossi Hall and voted on by members at the August Budget Meeting.
4. We have been meeting with our HOA lawyer, Gary Daddario, and have made some changes to HLA
* We now charge a property transfer fee of $100, paid by the buyer.
* Our assessment late fee is now a FLAT FEE of $25 per month beginning June1.
* There is now a NH case law (Village Green) precedent for road maintenance on shared roads.
We have sent all the JLN property owners a letter with a tiered pricing structure. 26 JLNs have
sent us a road maintenance assessment or become HLA full members.
* The current Board has made the decision to uphold the 2014 Board vote to recognize lots merged prior to
April 2014 as one lot/ one assessment. Any lots merged since that date will be charged separate
Treasurer’s Report – Jacky Hastings
1. Our account balances as of 6/29/2019: Checking = $115,341.04
Prepaid Savings = $109.49
Savings = $8,667.43
Dock Fees = $11,271.71
Emergency CD = $37,920.63
Playground Fund = $10.00
2. Twenty-six JLNs are paying at various levels – seven of which are new.
3. Outstanding invoices:
2015-2018 – 47 invoices = $30,074.02
2019 – 35 invoices = $18,195.00
Total = $48,269.02
4. Dunning letters have been sent to all past due accounts.
5. Liens: there are 10 current. 3 have been released.
6. There have been Foreclosure Sales at two locations.
7. We know of at least 7 properties that have changed hands recently.
8. I am going through all the records to consolidate and correct data.
9. We are looking at the deeds of members with merged lots. Revised bills will be sent requesting documentation.
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HLA June 2019 Membership Meeting
Page Two
Recreation Report – Mikki Falcone
1. I’d like to thank the following volunteers who have helped our community:
Mike Gallagher has repaired all sorts of things for us and installed new toilets in the Pool House.
Joe Traniello helped install those toilets.
David Stenstrum donated two banquet tables to Rossi Hall.
Brian Pratt installed our new lights in the Pool House, entrance and pool deck.
Suzan Traniello planted the flowers outside Rossi Hall.
Siri Pelligrino donated the money for our new grill at the Waterfront.
2. The Playground Rehab committee is being formed. Contact Mikki if you are interested in helping.
Mikki got a permit from the Town to hold a Raffle for a Child’s Mongoose ATV. We have 300 tickets.
We are hoping to raise $5000- $6000 for the new playground.Please Friend us on Facebook and spread the word.
3. The Pool House has a shifting foundation and electrical & plumbing issues. The estimate to repair it is
$8000-1000.We are beginning a preliminary discussion to rebuild the structure. The money voted on for
a new shed at last year’s meeting could be used to start the rebuilding project. (The old shed was cleaned out by
Mikki and Mike Gallagher. Now there is room for the docks.) The idea would be a structure
with smaller bathrooms, possibly connected to Rossi Hall. Mikki is researching costs and permits needed.
4. The pool is open, WEATHER PERMITTING, A sign will be posted on the Pool House door if it will be closed
along with the pool house phone # 446-2285 and on Facebook.
Keyless Entry Project – Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher
1. Mike Gallagher has done the work and the system cost HLA half the price because of no labor charges.
The system is easy to use so it will be manageable for subsequent boards.
2. Three locks are installed: the Pool House, the pool deck and Rossi Hall.
3. We have two operational security cameras: one on the Pool House door and one over-looking the pool.
The systems can handle eight cameras. The board will have video access to the logs. (No audio by NH State
Law) We will post stickers on the pool house doors advising members that there are security cameras
operating. We will look into whether there is a legal retention period of the logs. A suggestion was made
that we create a written policy.
4. The WiFi at the waterfront has been upgraded. The system can be accessed remotely. The fobs can be
programmed remotely. We can program your fob to open Rossi Hall the day you rent it.
5. This year will be the trial year. The Pool House will be accessible from 6 AM to 9 PM.
6. TO GET YOUR FOB: Complete the Keyless Entry Agreement. There will be copies at the Pool House.
A lost fob will cost you $20 to replace. Members will be responsible for any damage to HLA property.
Waterfront Report – Mike Gallagher
1. We now have 45 boat slips available. There are three members on the Wait List.
2. We agreed last year that we would use HALF of the waterfront beach area as a temporary boat slip.
There must be a membership vote each June for this. There is still enough room to carry a kayak or canoe to the
MOTION Bob Lucas/Dennis Creighton: “We move that half the beach area be used as a temporary boat
3. Kayaks and Canoes: there are 36 slots with two spaces per slot. 52 spaces have been taken. We are proposing
building a new rack with only two levels.
4. New change proposed to our Boat Rules: A slip will not transfer with the sale of a lot.
MOTION Bob Lucas/Mrs. Lucas: “We move that a boat slip will not transfer with the sale of a lot.”
5. The 25mg WiFi will run all year. Boats can access it from the boat slip.
6. The PIG ROAST will be Saturday, July 13.
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HLA June 2019 Membership Meeting
Page Three
Roads – Donna Moxley
1. We had a late mud season this year. The culvert on Scenic and S. Hidden failed so the road had to be closed
so a temporary fix until the roads dried out. The culvert has been replaced.
2. The spring grading has begun. Chris is working on ditching.
3. Our culverts were installed 70 years ago. Some have collapsed; some are bottomless.
We put $6000 aside for culvert repair. $4,500 has been spent. There is money for one more culvert to be repaired
this year.
4. As the roads get into better shape we are asking members to check the culverts on their driveways. Check to
see if the culvert is in water. Please CLEAN OUT YOUR DRIVEWAY’S CULVERT. Water off your property
will actually help our roads. After some discussion, Dennis Creighton volunteered to help check properties
for culverts needing repair. An idea: members can get together to buy materials/labor to repair their culverts.
(From Mike K – It costs $160 for a 20’ section.)
5. A member asked if rip rap could be put on the steep side of Kennedy Brook to fill in the side of the road.
6. FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Please put a visible nhouse number at the beginning of your driveway.
7. We are in the beginning of a three year contract for the grading of our raods.
We have one more year of the snow plowing contract.
8. Dave Stenstrum volunteered to be Foreman of a crew to cut branches on the roads. Please call him to help.
Positions open in 2019: President – Mike Kelley nominated last June.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Vice President – Bob Lucas nominated from the floor.
No additional nominations from the floor.
Secretary – Dian Mathews nominated last year. She declines the nomination.
No nominations from the floor.
Seat is open.
Director – Donna Moxley was nominated last June.
No additional nominations from the floor.
MOTION Lexi Currie/Siri Pelligrino: “We move that the Secretary cast one vote for each office.”
Bylaws Revision – Lexie Currie, Mikki Falcone, Dian Mathews (Marc Belland was absent.)
1. Please read the Bylaws Revision Outline. Compare the revised bylaws with our current bylaws on our
2. Question about campers on HLA property: Your camper may be stored on your property – not lived in.
Campers used while building may be on site May 1-Nov. 1 with the Board’s permission per the
Covenants. A suggestion was made that we post a permit on-site while the trailer is being used.
Other Suggestions
1. A Welcome Packet for new members. Pam Bruder volunteered to lead this project.
2. Post a Resource List for members needing services.
3. Host a New Member Meeting.
MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:50. Dian Mathews, Secretary