Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - 6:30 PM Bob Freitag’s home
Attendees: Mike Kelley, Mikki Falcone, Bob Lucas, Mike Gallagher, Jacky Hastings
Volunteers: Bob Frietag, as interim secretary
1. Acceptance of board minutes from October 15 meeting.
● Approved with suggested changes
2. Treasurer’s Report
● Liens Update
o There are 28 outstanding liens. 3 have been settled this year.
● Five JLN residents have paid since the last meeting. Thank you JLN!
● Account balances
○ Main Checking Acct $66,963.82
○ Waterfront Savings Acct $9,469.61
○ Playground Fund $2,801.33
○ Rainy Day Fund $8,674.70
○ Savings Acct $102.58
○ 2yr CD $38,244.68
○ Total: $126,257
● The Board is seeking a CPA to file HLA taxes going forward
3. Committee Reports
● Recreation
o Fire Extinguishers
▪ The Fire Extinguishers we currently have are fine per the Fire Marshal
▪ Some additional signage may be needed to identify pool chemicals o Playground Fund CD option
▪ The Playground Fund will be transferred to a 1yr CD, and the existing checking acct will be kept open with $100.00
● Waterfront
o No new updates
● Roads o A volunteer has offered to remove and recycle the old culverts that have been torn out and
left beside the road. o PJD will be plowing the roads this year, and the first sanding has occurred.
● Bylaws
o A revision of the Bylaws was submitted to the Board for review and comment. Once the
revision is complete it will be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee, and presented to the Association for approval at the June 2020 membership meeting.
4. Unfinished Business
● Operating businesses in the development (Covenant Violation)
● Deed Research
● Letter to members about cleaning out their culverts
● Update of JLN fee amount based on new assessment
5. New Business
● Stop sign @ Kings highway and Kennedy Brook intersection have been installed. Please be mindful when entering or leaving the Association.
● Mailbox Project
o Mikki is working with Town Manager Jim Coffee regarding mailbox damage caused by a town plow vehicle. Mikki has asked Dian Mathews for assistance since she was involved prior to leaving the Board.
● Management tool
o A product offered by Buildium is being evaluated by the Board as a future financial tool
that can be used to invoice and track finances as well as track communication by lot or Owner. It would be much more efficient than the current tool Quickbooks. Fees and payments can be automated.
● Bourassa update
o Paul Bourassa provided an update to the Board. He is waiting for State approval of his
energy plan, and has applied for a building permit.
● Meeting signage and communication
o Association members have asked for more effective communication of Board meetings and Annual meetings. Mikki will be working to modify the sign located at the mailboxes to better communicate meetings and events.
● Fleming Lot update
o Mike Fleming believes an HLA lot he owns (Lot 111-01) is not buildable because the
Hidden Lake spillway passes through it, and has inquired about reducing/eliminating his HLA assessment. He has provided supporting documentation from DES. o The Board voted and agreed that one of the three lots he owns is unbuildable as a result of
the spillway. Going forward he will be billed for two of the three lots.
● Multiple Lot owner invoice / communication
o The Board is continuing to investigate property owners with multiple lots will receive
letters confirming what their assessments will be in the next fiscal year.
Next Meeting: January 14, 2019.
Board meeting adjourned: 9:25 PM
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - 6:30 PM Bob Freitag’s home
Attendees: Mike Kelley, Mikki Falcone, Bob Lucas, Mike Gallagher, Jacky Hastings
Volunteers: Bob Frietag, as interim secretary
1. Acceptance of board minutes from October 15 meeting.
● Approved with suggested changes
2. Treasurer’s Report
● Liens Update
o There are 28 outstanding liens. 3 have been settled this year.
● Five JLN residents have paid since the last meeting. Thank you JLN!
● Account balances
○ Main Checking Acct $66,963.82
○ Waterfront Savings Acct $9,469.61
○ Playground Fund $2,801.33
○ Rainy Day Fund $8,674.70
○ Savings Acct $102.58
○ 2yr CD $38,244.68
○ Total: $126,257
● The Board is seeking a CPA to file HLA taxes going forward
3. Committee Reports
● Recreation
o Fire Extinguishers
▪ The Fire Extinguishers we currently have are fine per the Fire Marshal
▪ Some additional signage may be needed to identify pool chemicals o Playground Fund CD option
▪ The Playground Fund will be transferred to a 1yr CD, and the existing checking acct will be kept open with $100.00
● Waterfront
o No new updates
● Roads o A volunteer has offered to remove and recycle the old culverts that have been torn out and
left beside the road. o PJD will be plowing the roads this year, and the first sanding has occurred.
● Bylaws
o A revision of the Bylaws was submitted to the Board for review and comment. Once the
revision is complete it will be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee, and presented to the Association for approval at the June 2020 membership meeting.
4. Unfinished Business
● Operating businesses in the development (Covenant Violation)
● Deed Research
● Letter to members about cleaning out their culverts
● Update of JLN fee amount based on new assessment
5. New Business
● Stop sign @ Kings highway and Kennedy Brook intersection have been installed. Please be mindful when entering or leaving the Association.
● Mailbox Project
o Mikki is working with Town Manager Jim Coffee regarding mailbox damage caused by a town plow vehicle. Mikki has asked Dian Mathews for assistance since she was involved prior to leaving the Board.
● Management tool
o A product offered by Buildium is being evaluated by the Board as a future financial tool
that can be used to invoice and track finances as well as track communication by lot or Owner. It would be much more efficient than the current tool Quickbooks. Fees and payments can be automated.
● Bourassa update
o Paul Bourassa provided an update to the Board. He is waiting for State approval of his
energy plan, and has applied for a building permit.
● Meeting signage and communication
o Association members have asked for more effective communication of Board meetings and Annual meetings. Mikki will be working to modify the sign located at the mailboxes to better communicate meetings and events.
● Fleming Lot update
o Mike Fleming believes an HLA lot he owns (Lot 111-01) is not buildable because the
Hidden Lake spillway passes through it, and has inquired about reducing/eliminating his HLA assessment. He has provided supporting documentation from DES. o The Board voted and agreed that one of the three lots he owns is unbuildable as a result of
the spillway. Going forward he will be billed for two of the three lots.
● Multiple Lot owner invoice / communication
o The Board is continuing to investigate property owners with multiple lots will receive
letters confirming what their assessments will be in the next fiscal year.
Next Meeting: January 14, 2019.
Board meeting adjourned: 9:25 PM