Rossi Hall
Minutes (as Amended and Approved by Minutes Approval Committee)
HLA Board of Directors in attendance: Mike Kelley, President; Bob Lucas, Vice President; Jacky Hastings, Treasurer; Dian Mathews, Secretary; Donna Moxley, Director; Mikki Falcone, Director; Mike Gallagher, Director.
There were 30 voting members in attendance.
Call to Order at 9 a.m.
Flag Salute
1. Acceptance of the June 30, 2019, Membership Meeting minutes as amended. 2. Minutes Acceptance Committee appointed by President Mike Kelley:
Alexia Currie, Bob Freitag and Bill Osterhout 3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Jacky Hastings
a. Accounts’
Current Balances: Checking = $92,886.00
Emergency CD = $38,049.00 Boat Fee Savings = $9,466.00 Rainy Day Savings = $8,671.00 Savings = $100.00
Past Due: 23 accounts Amount total = $38,871
Playground Fundraiser = $2,155
b. We have 20 LIENS being filed this year. It costs $445.00 per LIEN.
In 2019 we had 8 open liens. 4 were paid off (Two were lots sold.).
If we get paid back on liens, we recoup our legal fees.
c. Letters were sent out to JLNs asking for payment –on a tiered basis – for use of the roads.
22 JLNs responded. 16 JLNs paid the full assessment.
Another letter is planned. d. The Budget
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
WATERFRONT – Mike Gallagher
5. New Business
Rossi Hall
Minutes (as Amended and Approved by Minutes Approval Committee)
HLA Board of Directors in attendance: Mike Kelley, President; Bob Lucas, Vice President; Jacky Hastings, Treasurer; Dian Mathews, Secretary; Donna Moxley, Director; Mikki Falcone, Director; Mike Gallagher, Director.
There were 30 voting members in attendance.
Call to Order at 9 a.m.
Flag Salute
1. Acceptance of the June 30, 2019, Membership Meeting minutes as amended. 2. Minutes Acceptance Committee appointed by President Mike Kelley:
Alexia Currie, Bob Freitag and Bill Osterhout 3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Jacky Hastings
a. Accounts’
Current Balances: Checking = $92,886.00
Emergency CD = $38,049.00 Boat Fee Savings = $9,466.00 Rainy Day Savings = $8,671.00 Savings = $100.00
Past Due: 23 accounts Amount total = $38,871
Playground Fundraiser = $2,155
b. We have 20 LIENS being filed this year. It costs $445.00 per LIEN.
In 2019 we had 8 open liens. 4 were paid off (Two were lots sold.).
If we get paid back on liens, we recoup our legal fees.
c. Letters were sent out to JLNs asking for payment –on a tiered basis – for use of the roads.
22 JLNs responded. 16 JLNs paid the full assessment.
Another letter is planned. d. The Budget
- 1) The FY2021 budget (a copy of which is attached and made a part of these Minutes) is flat except for LEGAL (up $5000) and ROADS (up $10,000).
- LEGAL will go up due to possible legal action against Covenant violators and liens.
- ROADS will go up due to this being the third year of a three year contract and bids will have
to go out. Also, brush cutting has to be done at the dam and on all the roads.
- 2) We are in the process of researching all the development’s deeds to determine which lots
must pay and how much. We are going to assess the JLN lots for road usage. Each HLA lot will pay one assessment except for lots merged prior to the 2014 Board decision to honor lots merged prior to 2014. - 3) Our insurance policy saved money because HLA doesn’t need an umbrella policy.
- 4) The $16,000.00 increase in our budget represents $70 per family.
- 5) MOTION Dennis Creighton/Jim Newell: “We move to accept the FY2021 budget as
presented.” MOTION CARRIED.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
- Positives about our pool: Since 2015 to date there have been 2000 visits to our pool
during the summer months: the pool affects our property values: the pool costs only $2
per family per season. - Kudos to this summer’s pool attendants. They were very responsible about enforcing
pool rules. - With the solar panels (2016-2018) the water temperature of the pool averaged 80 degrees.
- This summer they failed. The water temperature averaged 76 degrees without them. We
used propane only two days. The solar panels need to be repaired or replaced next year.
- Mike Gallagher researched systems, purchased equipment, installed cameras, upgraded
the WIFI for under $3000. - Next year, using the fob system, the pool can be open from 8 AM to 8 PM. We will be
able to cut down on attendants’ hours. The pool’s busiest times are Fridays, Saturdays
and Sundays. We will have attendants on those days. - Our insurance company says our liability is lower because we are following all the state
rules: i.e., having a phone within 200 feet of the pool, all the proper signage, a rescue
pole, buoys, fobs and the cameras. - Over 100 fobs have been issued. Another 50 are on order. Two or three families have
paid $20 for an additional fob. Cost for a lost fob is $20. - Pool house hours for next summer will be 6 AM-9 PM. The first one to use the pool
house fobs in and opens the door for the day. The door to the pool will be locked and
members will have to fob in. - The fencing will be extended to go around the outside. The gate will have a crash bar
added ($75) and will serve as a second point of egress. At a member’s suggestion, Mikki
will have treads installed in the showers. - Fobs can be activated/deactivated remotely. If a member has rented Rossi Hall, their fob
can be activated for the time of the rental. Contact Mikki to apply for or pick up your fob. - The foundation of the pool house needs to be repaired. Since the money is not in the
budget, the pool house will be repaired as needed. Volunteers will be called on to help.
- We have not met the target amount of $6000 so the plan will be a multi-year plan. We
have made $2,200. - The drawing for the ATV will be Columbus Day Weekend.
- The Playground Committee discussed ideas for fundraising such as a fishing tournament.
- The horses have to come out as they attract nest building wasps every summer.
- Some playground apparatus will be removed for safety reasons other than wasps. Dave
Stenstrom will lead this project. The Fire Tower will remain as it was built to represent Pitcher Mountain Fire Tower.
WATERFRONT – Mike Gallagher
- Saturday, October 12 will be DOCKS OUT. The Rain Date will be October 13.
- Kayaks and canoes MUST be removed from the racks by November 1! They will be
removed and stacked someplace if members don’t take them off. - We are considering one more rack – not as high – possibly by next spring.
- An idea discussed: $10 boat launch stickers for next year.
- Failed culverts have been replaced on Scenic and North Hidden Lake Road. Scenic had to
be closed for a time to make the repair. - A four foot culvert on Kennedy Brook was repaired and then marked with stakes because
the road is so much wider than when the culvert was first put in. - Rice Brook had lots of stone and gravel added this year.
- Dennis Creighton and Donna launched a “Culvert Project”. They are assessing places
where culverts are missing and affecting the drainage on our roads. A culvert across a driveway is the member’s responsibility. Dennis and Donna will notify property owners if they need a culvert. Perhaps all the members can get together and get a price break on a new culvert. Speak with Donna if you are affected.
- A copy of the old bylaws and the bylaws revision outline is on our website.
- There was a question about Quorum. Under the old bylaws the quorum for a membership
meeting was ten votes (A voting member may have more than one vote.). Under the revised bylaws a quorum is 10%. Using the number 230 (paid HLA lots) a quorum will be 23 votes.
5. New Business
- Under the new bylaws, a director may not serve on the board if they have an offer on
their house. - Dian can no longer serve as secretary.
- Nominations from the floor were entertained. There being none, the President asked for a
volunteer to be in the position temporarily until we find a permanent secretary. Bob Freitag volunteered to take minutes and distribute them.