Amended Minutes
Rossi Hall
Saturday May 18, 2019
Board present: President-Mike Kelly, Treasurer-Jacky Hastings, Secretary-Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher.
Guests: Geoffrey Post, David Stenstrum
Geoffrey Post came to the board after receiving a letter about the trailer on his lot (109-01). He has a building permit from the town of Stoddard for a cold storage building/garage. He has parked his trailer in the space. He asks the board to approve him maintaining the trailer on the property from May1 – November 1. The trailer will remain
over the winter, but not be used. The older, small trailer on the property will be removed.
The Board agreed to allow the trailer to remain for one year and Mr. Post will come back to the board. (Mr. Post has furnished the board with a copy of the building permit and reports the old trailer is off the property. (Donna will send letter for signatures.)
David Stenstrum’s property is on Redcoat Lane. The well and the septic are in. His intention is still to build a dwelling. This summer he will build a shed. The board agreed to allow his trailer to be on the property until Nov. 1. He will come back to the board next spring. (Donna will send letter for signatures.)
1. Minutes of the April and May meetings were accepted as amended.
2. TREASURER’S REPORT – Jacky Hastings
a. Our Emergency CD of $37,855 has been rolled over with a better rate.
b. We have a LIEN on a property which is being auctioned. Hopefully, we will get
our share of the proceeds.
c. We have 22 JLN property owners who responded favorably to our letter requesting
their help with road maintenance.
d. We will send a new letter (to be drafted) to owners of multiple lots indicating they
owe more and requesting anything they have in writing.
e. Mike K has “played with” the PAYHOA” site and he thinks it looks promising for us.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
a. Pool will be opening next weekend. Mikki needs a list of paid members from the
b. The land line is set up in the pool house. Mikki will need to find a corded phone.
c. Rossi Hall has 8 rentals scheduled so far for this season.
d. We need to have a sign over the sink in Rossi Hall which indicates that the H2O is NOT
e. There is a NH law which states that a pool have a “certified pool operator” .
The two day course costs $350 and is good for 3-5 years. Mikki is willing to take the course.
f. Mikki will take a pool water sample to Clear Water for a print-out of our water quality.
g. The Recreation Committee has met and will come up with their ideas for this season’s
KEYLESS ENTRY PROJECT – Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher
We have the locks and 100 fobs (will order 100 more). The locks and cameras will be installed.
This year, beginning mid-June, we will use the fobs for the pool house only so boaters have
access to the bathrooms.
We are going to establish rates for lost fobs.
WATERFRONT – Mike Gallagher
a. Docks-in went well.
b. Grass mowing will be done by Joe T. Mike G loaned HLA a mower. It was repaired for
service by Jesse Pollack. A lean-to will be built to protect it.
c. The solars have been reconnected, but haven’t run yet. There is still antifreeze in the pipes.
d. There are currently 3 members on the waiting list. Mike G will call to let them know.
ROADS – Donna Moxley
a. Chris is waiting for the weather and his schedule to coordinate to begin the spring grading.
b. He spent four days on Scenic and the entry during mud season.
c. Culverts: The culvert on Kennedy Brook needs header stones.
There is a collapsed culvert on Scenic.
On Colonial/N Hidden there is now a drainage problem where a culvert collapsed
some time ago.
a. DEED RESEARCH – Donna Moxley
Deed research has been restricted to billing lately. Jacky will give Donna access so
Donna can in put the deeds.
b. The Board is asking the Bylaws Committee to reconvene to polish their work from last
to be presented to the members at the June meeting for a vote in August.
a. We will have a LOGO CONTEST for a shirt. Mikki will put together a gift basket for
the winner. We will hang the entry up in Rossi Hall for a vote at the June members’ meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM.
Next meeting is Saturday, June 8, 2019.
Dian Mathews, Secretary
Amended Minutes
Rossi Hall
Saturday May 18, 2019
Board present: President-Mike Kelly, Treasurer-Jacky Hastings, Secretary-Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher.
Guests: Geoffrey Post, David Stenstrum
Geoffrey Post came to the board after receiving a letter about the trailer on his lot (109-01). He has a building permit from the town of Stoddard for a cold storage building/garage. He has parked his trailer in the space. He asks the board to approve him maintaining the trailer on the property from May1 – November 1. The trailer will remain
over the winter, but not be used. The older, small trailer on the property will be removed.
The Board agreed to allow the trailer to remain for one year and Mr. Post will come back to the board. (Mr. Post has furnished the board with a copy of the building permit and reports the old trailer is off the property. (Donna will send letter for signatures.)
David Stenstrum’s property is on Redcoat Lane. The well and the septic are in. His intention is still to build a dwelling. This summer he will build a shed. The board agreed to allow his trailer to be on the property until Nov. 1. He will come back to the board next spring. (Donna will send letter for signatures.)
1. Minutes of the April and May meetings were accepted as amended.
2. TREASURER’S REPORT – Jacky Hastings
a. Our Emergency CD of $37,855 has been rolled over with a better rate.
b. We have a LIEN on a property which is being auctioned. Hopefully, we will get
our share of the proceeds.
c. We have 22 JLN property owners who responded favorably to our letter requesting
their help with road maintenance.
d. We will send a new letter (to be drafted) to owners of multiple lots indicating they
owe more and requesting anything they have in writing.
e. Mike K has “played with” the PAYHOA” site and he thinks it looks promising for us.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
a. Pool will be opening next weekend. Mikki needs a list of paid members from the
b. The land line is set up in the pool house. Mikki will need to find a corded phone.
c. Rossi Hall has 8 rentals scheduled so far for this season.
d. We need to have a sign over the sink in Rossi Hall which indicates that the H2O is NOT
e. There is a NH law which states that a pool have a “certified pool operator” .
The two day course costs $350 and is good for 3-5 years. Mikki is willing to take the course.
f. Mikki will take a pool water sample to Clear Water for a print-out of our water quality.
g. The Recreation Committee has met and will come up with their ideas for this season’s
KEYLESS ENTRY PROJECT – Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher
We have the locks and 100 fobs (will order 100 more). The locks and cameras will be installed.
This year, beginning mid-June, we will use the fobs for the pool house only so boaters have
access to the bathrooms.
We are going to establish rates for lost fobs.
WATERFRONT – Mike Gallagher
a. Docks-in went well.
b. Grass mowing will be done by Joe T. Mike G loaned HLA a mower. It was repaired for
service by Jesse Pollack. A lean-to will be built to protect it.
c. The solars have been reconnected, but haven’t run yet. There is still antifreeze in the pipes.
d. There are currently 3 members on the waiting list. Mike G will call to let them know.
ROADS – Donna Moxley
a. Chris is waiting for the weather and his schedule to coordinate to begin the spring grading.
b. He spent four days on Scenic and the entry during mud season.
c. Culverts: The culvert on Kennedy Brook needs header stones.
There is a collapsed culvert on Scenic.
On Colonial/N Hidden there is now a drainage problem where a culvert collapsed
some time ago.
a. DEED RESEARCH – Donna Moxley
Deed research has been restricted to billing lately. Jacky will give Donna access so
Donna can in put the deeds.
b. The Board is asking the Bylaws Committee to reconvene to polish their work from last
to be presented to the members at the June meeting for a vote in August.
a. We will have a LOGO CONTEST for a shirt. Mikki will put together a gift basket for
the winner. We will hang the entry up in Rossi Hall for a vote at the June members’ meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM.
Next meeting is Saturday, June 8, 2019.
Dian Mathews, Secretary