December 18, 2018
Present: President- Mike Kelley, Treasurer-Jacky Hastings, Secretary- Dian Mathews,
Directors- Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher
1. Minutes from November 13, 2018 accepted as amended.
2. Treasurer’s Report
A. Idea for Quickbooks: have separate entrees for each paying lot. It should make our
bookkeeping easier.
B. We got our first $100 from a Property Transfer Fee (see Nov. 2018 Board Minutes:
page 3 B-5).
C. Cherry/ HLA Electric Bill clarification: HLA pays the electric bill. We are
reimbursed by the Cherrys for Nov. 1-April 30.
D. Mike K and Jacky continue to try to meet with the CPA in Keene.
E. We have received a late payment straight from one of our members. This means
they did not go through our lawyer and did not pay their incurred legal fees. We
need to write them a letter.
F. We have received a $26 refund from our former lawyer Thomas Hanna.
3. Committee Reports
A. Recreation
* Report from our insurance company about the keyless entry project: they state
that having cameras and a closed gate is more secure and our rates will go down.
This is compared to having an open gate and an attendant. Lee asked them to
put this statement in writing.
* The Swanzey Locksmith Company is coming to check out our facilities. We want
to have the system put in place in April. We have chosen this company because they
are more local than the other company we researched.
* We have no information on Summer 2019 events at this time – we need to wait for
liability information from our insurance company.
* The Rossi Hall Rental form will be updated for 2019 once liability information from the
insurance company is confirmed.
B. Waterfront
* Nothing new to report
C. Roads
* We had three snow storms in November. The complaints have been very
specific: roads need to be wider and there needs to be more sand. Kings Highway
has been widened and well-sanded.
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HLA Board Meeting – Dec. 2019
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* Any member needing sand should be referred to the town sand pile at Island Pond.
* Chunks of trees on our roads have been removed by volunteers.
* The tree trimming company went through an employee crisis and will try to
4. Unfinished Business
Dian is working on getting the minutes in order to be posted on our website.
5. New Business
A. 2019 Assessments
* The JLN letters and bills will go out first, before the HLA membership assessment
bills go out. Donna will prepare a draft.
* Mikki will put together a 2019 calendar with the pool timetable and events.
* Mike G. will update the 2019 Boat Space form with new language to reflect our policies.
* Jacky will redo our invoice form
* Dian will ask Town Tax Assessor about the names of property owners who made
mergers since 2014.
* We will make a date in January 2019 for a work meeting.
B. Beaver Deceivers: Dian will research products and costs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Next meeting will be January 8, 2019.
Dian Mathews, Secretary
December 18, 2018
Present: President- Mike Kelley, Treasurer-Jacky Hastings, Secretary- Dian Mathews,
Directors- Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher
1. Minutes from November 13, 2018 accepted as amended.
2. Treasurer’s Report
A. Idea for Quickbooks: have separate entrees for each paying lot. It should make our
bookkeeping easier.
B. We got our first $100 from a Property Transfer Fee (see Nov. 2018 Board Minutes:
page 3 B-5).
C. Cherry/ HLA Electric Bill clarification: HLA pays the electric bill. We are
reimbursed by the Cherrys for Nov. 1-April 30.
D. Mike K and Jacky continue to try to meet with the CPA in Keene.
E. We have received a late payment straight from one of our members. This means
they did not go through our lawyer and did not pay their incurred legal fees. We
need to write them a letter.
F. We have received a $26 refund from our former lawyer Thomas Hanna.
3. Committee Reports
A. Recreation
* Report from our insurance company about the keyless entry project: they state
that having cameras and a closed gate is more secure and our rates will go down.
This is compared to having an open gate and an attendant. Lee asked them to
put this statement in writing.
* The Swanzey Locksmith Company is coming to check out our facilities. We want
to have the system put in place in April. We have chosen this company because they
are more local than the other company we researched.
* We have no information on Summer 2019 events at this time – we need to wait for
liability information from our insurance company.
* The Rossi Hall Rental form will be updated for 2019 once liability information from the
insurance company is confirmed.
B. Waterfront
* Nothing new to report
C. Roads
* We had three snow storms in November. The complaints have been very
specific: roads need to be wider and there needs to be more sand. Kings Highway
has been widened and well-sanded.
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HLA Board Meeting – Dec. 2019
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* Any member needing sand should be referred to the town sand pile at Island Pond.
* Chunks of trees on our roads have been removed by volunteers.
* The tree trimming company went through an employee crisis and will try to
4. Unfinished Business
Dian is working on getting the minutes in order to be posted on our website.
5. New Business
A. 2019 Assessments
* The JLN letters and bills will go out first, before the HLA membership assessment
bills go out. Donna will prepare a draft.
* Mikki will put together a 2019 calendar with the pool timetable and events.
* Mike G. will update the 2019 Boat Space form with new language to reflect our policies.
* Jacky will redo our invoice form
* Dian will ask Town Tax Assessor about the names of property owners who made
mergers since 2014.
* We will make a date in January 2019 for a work meeting.
B. Beaver Deceivers: Dian will research products and costs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Next meeting will be January 8, 2019.
Dian Mathews, Secretary