November 13, 2018 6:30 PM
Home of Donna Moxley
Present: President Mike Kelley via phone, Vice President Lee Simpson, Treasurer Jacky Hastings, Secretary Dian Mathews, Directors Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher via phone.
1. Minutes of meetings have not been posted on our website since January 2018.
Dian will send those minutes to Mike and Donna for posting.
Corrections of October meeting minutes: take out proper names of members
October 2018 minutes accepted as amended.
2. Treasurer’s Report
A. Auctioned property on Beaver Brook did not sell. Buyer has offered $50 ($70-$90K
asked). Buyer is aware there is a LIEN for $1000+ on the property.
B. There has been lots of activity from the Dunning letters. Some members have set up
payments. 2019 LIENS have to be in by November 1 to meet the state 6 months
deadline. We are charging a $60 late fee.
C. We have received the HLA tax bill from the town. $250 (approximate).
D. The December 1 payment has gone out to our plow contractor.
E. The 2019 bill from DES for $400 for the dam has been paid.
F. The 501-C4 payment still has to be looked into.
G. Jackie and Mike K. will be talking to a CPA accountant in Keene this week.
H. ADP asked for employee information
I. The Shared Well Agreement is from November 1 through March 30.
3. Committee Reports
A. Merle came and closed everything for the winter. Bill forthcoming. Merle checked
Our heater and furnace. The H2O heater’s guts are good; it has a couple more years
of service left. Our propane furnace is on its last legs. We should start budgeting
now for its replacement. We need to replace two toilets.
B. The flags are down. The picnic tables will be put away soon.
C. There has been a lot of flooding in Rossi Hall. Jacky found “gutter bits” on Face-
book Marketplace. We are waiting for a price. Jim Newell will help install them.
D. Keyless Entry Project: Mikki and Lee will schedule an appointment with the
insurance agent and report back in December.
A. The shed permit has come back from the town. It is good for one year. We will have
it delivered in the spring.
B. The last payment for mowing has been sent out.
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HLA Nov. 2018 Board Meeting
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A. The first payment to our plowing contractor will go out Dec. 1. He wants to mark
areas of concern for plowing. This will not interfere with brush cutting.
B. Chris has been delayed with grading by the rain. Donna will talk to Chris tomorrow
about the spots he marked off the first week in November.
C. The hole by the mail boxes on King’s Highway has moved back into the road. This
will be a focus next year.
D. We need to identify a spot for the HLA grader to dump material that is taken off the
roads and out of ditches. Dick will find the pins on the lots we’re thinking of using.
Tax Map 115, Lots 07, 13, 18 and Tax Map 118, Lots 43,49, 51.
4. Unfinished Business
A. Meeting with HLA lawyer, Gary Daddario in Merrimack, NH – NOTES
* Items with a star need to be added to bylaws.
1.* We need a policy about filing LIENS. We can only put LIENS on debts of two
or more years. May 1 debts must be filed by November 1 per NH state law.
2.* We were told not to charge TOO LITTLE for our late fee. We need to add to
our bylaws that fees are set at the “board’s discretion”.
3. Legally we are fine with having keyless during the week. We need to talk to our
insurance agent about liability.
4. We need to keep records for 7 years ‘to be safe”; the law is now 3 yrs. Dian may
begin shredding old papers.
5.*We are not obligated by law to fill out the Title Company forms. The board can
charge a fee to perform this service.
6.* We need to add a “termination of services” clause to our bylaws so we can
suspend rights to amenities to members when they violate the covenants or by-
laws. We can levy a fine for violations.
7.* Add to the beginning of our new bylaws that these are a “restatement of the
8. We need to update the Boat Form to add that we will “revoke member privileges
for violation”.
9. The idea of a Village District doesn’t work with our Covenants. We can only bill
“by lot”. For number of lots we can go back to 2014 when the board voted to start
with that year to assess merged lots. We can do a case-by-case by looking at
10. JLNs/ Village Green Case Law: Gary has a letter he can scrub for us to use which
would give us a defensible reason for charging for road usage. He can send via e-
B. Actions
1.MOTION Donna/Jacky: “ Schedule One. We move that the following actions occur: The HLA Treasurer will send a Dunning letter 45 days after May 1. The letter from our lawyer will go out with 90 days after May 1. The lien will be filed by November 1.” Motion Carried.
2. In the Assessment Section of our restated bylaws we will add: “Late fees can be set at the discretion of the board.”
HLA Board Meeting Nov. 2018
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B. Actions continued
3. Late fees should be charged from May 1. We can charge monthly. Idea: Put
the late charge announcement on the March assessment bill: “going forward
on the advice of our attorney”.
MOTION Donna/Lee: “We move that, on the advice of our attorney and per
The Covenants, we begin charging a $25 late fee per month starting for the
2019-2020 assessment year. Motion carried.
4. Jackie and Dian will make a schedule for retention of our records.
5. TITLE COMPANY FORM. Justifications for charging a fee: We can charge for
research. We looks up deeds and update our data base. If we buy a deed from
the Registry they charge us $1 per page. We also send them our a copy of our
insurance binder. Often there are several on the board involved in the research.
MOTION Mikki/Lee: “We move that the board will charge an administrative
fee of $100 for the completion of each property transfer, effective immediately.”
Motion carried.
This will be posted on our website.
6. MOTION Mikki/Lee: “We move that, after consultation with our lawyer, we
upholding the board’s decision of July 30, 2014 to charge one assessment per
HLA lot. Motion carried.
The July 2014 HLA board was made up of: Ellen Mason, President, VP Pat
Bassett, reasurer Jack Page, Secretary Dian Mathews, Directors Dick Scofield,
Roy Marotta and Bryan Bruder. Pat Bassett abstained from the vote.
7. JLNS paying a road usage fee: this will be delayed until we have the letter from
the attorney to use as our model letter.
5. New Business
A. The EVENTS Committee is not part of the board of HLA and not part of the HLA
budget. The committee collects money on its own and runs its own events. Mikki
and Lee will ask the insurance agent what the liability is to the association. We do
advertise the events on the HLA Facebook page.
B. The dam outlet will have to wait until spring. We will ask Frank Stuckey for the
“key” necessary to get the top off. We will need to buy some kind of a cage for the
outlet. The money will come out of the roads this year and then needs to be added to
budget for the future.
C. Donna will talk to the brush cutting Chris about doing ½ day cutting of the trees on
backside of the dam under the power lines.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM.
Dian Mathews, Secretary
November 13, 2018 6:30 PM
Home of Donna Moxley
Present: President Mike Kelley via phone, Vice President Lee Simpson, Treasurer Jacky Hastings, Secretary Dian Mathews, Directors Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher via phone.
1. Minutes of meetings have not been posted on our website since January 2018.
Dian will send those minutes to Mike and Donna for posting.
Corrections of October meeting minutes: take out proper names of members
October 2018 minutes accepted as amended.
2. Treasurer’s Report
A. Auctioned property on Beaver Brook did not sell. Buyer has offered $50 ($70-$90K
asked). Buyer is aware there is a LIEN for $1000+ on the property.
B. There has been lots of activity from the Dunning letters. Some members have set up
payments. 2019 LIENS have to be in by November 1 to meet the state 6 months
deadline. We are charging a $60 late fee.
C. We have received the HLA tax bill from the town. $250 (approximate).
D. The December 1 payment has gone out to our plow contractor.
E. The 2019 bill from DES for $400 for the dam has been paid.
F. The 501-C4 payment still has to be looked into.
G. Jackie and Mike K. will be talking to a CPA accountant in Keene this week.
H. ADP asked for employee information
I. The Shared Well Agreement is from November 1 through March 30.
3. Committee Reports
A. Merle came and closed everything for the winter. Bill forthcoming. Merle checked
Our heater and furnace. The H2O heater’s guts are good; it has a couple more years
of service left. Our propane furnace is on its last legs. We should start budgeting
now for its replacement. We need to replace two toilets.
B. The flags are down. The picnic tables will be put away soon.
C. There has been a lot of flooding in Rossi Hall. Jacky found “gutter bits” on Face-
book Marketplace. We are waiting for a price. Jim Newell will help install them.
D. Keyless Entry Project: Mikki and Lee will schedule an appointment with the
insurance agent and report back in December.
A. The shed permit has come back from the town. It is good for one year. We will have
it delivered in the spring.
B. The last payment for mowing has been sent out.
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HLA Nov. 2018 Board Meeting
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A. The first payment to our plowing contractor will go out Dec. 1. He wants to mark
areas of concern for plowing. This will not interfere with brush cutting.
B. Chris has been delayed with grading by the rain. Donna will talk to Chris tomorrow
about the spots he marked off the first week in November.
C. The hole by the mail boxes on King’s Highway has moved back into the road. This
will be a focus next year.
D. We need to identify a spot for the HLA grader to dump material that is taken off the
roads and out of ditches. Dick will find the pins on the lots we’re thinking of using.
Tax Map 115, Lots 07, 13, 18 and Tax Map 118, Lots 43,49, 51.
4. Unfinished Business
A. Meeting with HLA lawyer, Gary Daddario in Merrimack, NH – NOTES
* Items with a star need to be added to bylaws.
1.* We need a policy about filing LIENS. We can only put LIENS on debts of two
or more years. May 1 debts must be filed by November 1 per NH state law.
2.* We were told not to charge TOO LITTLE for our late fee. We need to add to
our bylaws that fees are set at the “board’s discretion”.
3. Legally we are fine with having keyless during the week. We need to talk to our
insurance agent about liability.
4. We need to keep records for 7 years ‘to be safe”; the law is now 3 yrs. Dian may
begin shredding old papers.
5.*We are not obligated by law to fill out the Title Company forms. The board can
charge a fee to perform this service.
6.* We need to add a “termination of services” clause to our bylaws so we can
suspend rights to amenities to members when they violate the covenants or by-
laws. We can levy a fine for violations.
7.* Add to the beginning of our new bylaws that these are a “restatement of the
8. We need to update the Boat Form to add that we will “revoke member privileges
for violation”.
9. The idea of a Village District doesn’t work with our Covenants. We can only bill
“by lot”. For number of lots we can go back to 2014 when the board voted to start
with that year to assess merged lots. We can do a case-by-case by looking at
10. JLNs/ Village Green Case Law: Gary has a letter he can scrub for us to use which
would give us a defensible reason for charging for road usage. He can send via e-
B. Actions
1.MOTION Donna/Jacky: “ Schedule One. We move that the following actions occur: The HLA Treasurer will send a Dunning letter 45 days after May 1. The letter from our lawyer will go out with 90 days after May 1. The lien will be filed by November 1.” Motion Carried.
2. In the Assessment Section of our restated bylaws we will add: “Late fees can be set at the discretion of the board.”
HLA Board Meeting Nov. 2018
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B. Actions continued
3. Late fees should be charged from May 1. We can charge monthly. Idea: Put
the late charge announcement on the March assessment bill: “going forward
on the advice of our attorney”.
MOTION Donna/Lee: “We move that, on the advice of our attorney and per
The Covenants, we begin charging a $25 late fee per month starting for the
2019-2020 assessment year. Motion carried.
4. Jackie and Dian will make a schedule for retention of our records.
5. TITLE COMPANY FORM. Justifications for charging a fee: We can charge for
research. We looks up deeds and update our data base. If we buy a deed from
the Registry they charge us $1 per page. We also send them our a copy of our
insurance binder. Often there are several on the board involved in the research.
MOTION Mikki/Lee: “We move that the board will charge an administrative
fee of $100 for the completion of each property transfer, effective immediately.”
Motion carried.
This will be posted on our website.
6. MOTION Mikki/Lee: “We move that, after consultation with our lawyer, we
upholding the board’s decision of July 30, 2014 to charge one assessment per
HLA lot. Motion carried.
The July 2014 HLA board was made up of: Ellen Mason, President, VP Pat
Bassett, reasurer Jack Page, Secretary Dian Mathews, Directors Dick Scofield,
Roy Marotta and Bryan Bruder. Pat Bassett abstained from the vote.
7. JLNS paying a road usage fee: this will be delayed until we have the letter from
the attorney to use as our model letter.
5. New Business
A. The EVENTS Committee is not part of the board of HLA and not part of the HLA
budget. The committee collects money on its own and runs its own events. Mikki
and Lee will ask the insurance agent what the liability is to the association. We do
advertise the events on the HLA Facebook page.
B. The dam outlet will have to wait until spring. We will ask Frank Stuckey for the
“key” necessary to get the top off. We will need to buy some kind of a cage for the
outlet. The money will come out of the roads this year and then needs to be added to
budget for the future.
C. Donna will talk to the brush cutting Chris about doing ½ day cutting of the trees on
backside of the dam under the power lines.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM.
Dian Mathews, Secretary