September 11, 2018
Preliminary Minutes
1. Minutes from August 14 board minutes accepted as amended.
Minutes from August Annual Budget Meeting are waiting for one more committee
to approve them.
*Dunning letters – There are 37 members Past Due. 14 owe more than $1000. 23 owe
less than $1000.
*There is a foreclosure for a home on Beaver Brook on Oct. 30. We need to know the
LIEN amount and plan for any extras we’ll need. The board will send a letter to the
Auctioneer so he is aware of our LIEN.
*The IRS is looking for a FORM 941. Dian will get the 2015 and 2016 financial
papers to Jacky. Mikki as 2017 employee and ADP data if needed.
* We received an e-mail from Quickbooks that their service charge will go up to $60
per month instead of $40.
*The Hammonds requested and were given written permission from the board to have
their trailer on their lot while they are building their home.
*Mikki has contacted a company which installs the keyless entry system: “All In One”
from CT. The board discussed fobs and cards. Fobs are recommended as being more
durable. Each lock system costs $700. We would need three: Rossi, the pool and the
pool house. We chose to get an 8 camera set-up (only $200 more than a 4 camera
set-up). Cameras could be set up at Rossi, the pool deck door, 2 in the pool area, the
pool entry and the waterfront. Mikki will send the company pictures and diagrams.
The bathrooms would be programmed to open 6 AM to 8 PM. The pool would be
keyless Monday through Thursday. We would have pool attendants Friday, Saturday
and Sunday.
*The WI-FI will be on a 365 day Residential Plan for $57 per month. The phone will
be “suspended” for the winter.
*Clearwater is coming September 12 to close the pool. They will put special
antifreeze in the solar panels. Mikki bought cover weights which will be stored in
tubs in the summer. They are good for about 2 seasons.
* The Octoberfest will be run by Kathy Gallagher. Mike G. will invite JLNs to come.
Mike G. will put up the sign. October 6 at 5 PM – bonfire to follow.
*Mike K will research a marquee-type sign for HLA meetings and events.
*Docks Out will be 9 AM on October 6 (the first Saturday in Oct.).
*Dian will call Harry Power to ask if a permit is needed for a 10X20 shed. And will let
Mike G. know. (The answer is Yes, we need a permit. The form is online at the
Town’s website.)
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HLA Board Meeting September 11, 2018
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*Chris Carter and Donna will assess which roads need material and grading.
*Chris Lane will brush cut and tree trim in November after the grading is done and
leaves have fallen.
*A crew to cut dam trees back 15 ft. (DES requirement) will cost $1,500 for a three
man crew.
*August Budget Meeting Minutes – discussion was held about whether or not to send a
hard copy to members without e-mail. We decided to send them this fall with a
statement that the minutes would no longer be mailed, but can be found on our
website and Facebook page.
*Letters to members in violation of Covenants Trailers, Rocks, Walls:
1. The letter to members on Rice Brook came back. Dian will go to PO for address.
2. Lot 106-11 has a trailer. We will send letter.
3. Hicks and Wilder will both also get letters.
4. The former Borassa property has trailer on their property.
5. We will ask our lawyer about the Lynch letter.
6. Jim Newell has two trailers on his new property.
7. There are two lots up on Kings Highway with trailers. Mike G will get the lot
8. Dian will research and get the Town of Stoddard ruling on trailers. We will create
a form letter.
9. The Masons have a trailer on their property we believe is being lived in.
*Discussion about deed research costs. There is a way to research and look for free.
There is also a $1 administrative cost if we download them. Donna would like to have
them as PDF screen captures in case we need to use them.
*Mike Gallagher requested permission from the board to put up a 3’ wire fence on the
NW side of his property. Permission granted by the board after a discussion.
*There have been a group of teens on ATVs racing around the development. Mike G.
made “No Trespassing, Private Property” signs to be hung up on Kings Highway and
Rice Brook. We believe the group is from Washington.
*We need to send a Thank You to Mike Lebo for volunteering to pick up litter on
Tigola. Courney Hastings and the Keene HS Girls Volleyball team will come up to
Stoddard to pick up litter. Date TBA. They will get community service credits for
volunteering to do this.
*Village District. Dian will call Daddario and ask if this is something he handles. We
are taking another look at the Village District idea because we have so many different
situations in HLA. Mike G. did an analysis and found what everyone in the
development would pay for an assessment. (The amount is based on current town tax
assessment.) Questions about how we would run the pool and would the board still be
necessary. Would we need different Bylaws? Dian will get a copy of the Town
Registered Voter list as only Town registered voters would be able to vote.
HLA Board Meeting September 11, 2018
Page Three
* Idea for next summer: a development-wide yard sale. People could have it at their
home, or at the waterfront, or we could rent out spaces in Rossi Hall.
*We will invite Daddairio to meet with the board here – or we can drive to his new
office in Merrimack. It will be an evening or weekend meeting depending on his
*The Pattersons have been sent a picture of their property’s 1965 deed which lists
Scenic Lake Estates and means they are HLA members. He plans to join next season.
*Mikki will send a reminder to the Cherrys about the electric bill.
*Mike K. will send out some “Thoughts on Trailers” so we can put together a form
letter on the subject.
Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.
Next meeting is October 9, 2018 at Rossi Hall. We will bring small heater if necessary.
Dian Mathews, Secretary
September 11, 2018
Preliminary Minutes
1. Minutes from August 14 board minutes accepted as amended.
Minutes from August Annual Budget Meeting are waiting for one more committee
to approve them.
*Dunning letters – There are 37 members Past Due. 14 owe more than $1000. 23 owe
less than $1000.
*There is a foreclosure for a home on Beaver Brook on Oct. 30. We need to know the
LIEN amount and plan for any extras we’ll need. The board will send a letter to the
Auctioneer so he is aware of our LIEN.
*The IRS is looking for a FORM 941. Dian will get the 2015 and 2016 financial
papers to Jacky. Mikki as 2017 employee and ADP data if needed.
* We received an e-mail from Quickbooks that their service charge will go up to $60
per month instead of $40.
*The Hammonds requested and were given written permission from the board to have
their trailer on their lot while they are building their home.
*Mikki has contacted a company which installs the keyless entry system: “All In One”
from CT. The board discussed fobs and cards. Fobs are recommended as being more
durable. Each lock system costs $700. We would need three: Rossi, the pool and the
pool house. We chose to get an 8 camera set-up (only $200 more than a 4 camera
set-up). Cameras could be set up at Rossi, the pool deck door, 2 in the pool area, the
pool entry and the waterfront. Mikki will send the company pictures and diagrams.
The bathrooms would be programmed to open 6 AM to 8 PM. The pool would be
keyless Monday through Thursday. We would have pool attendants Friday, Saturday
and Sunday.
*The WI-FI will be on a 365 day Residential Plan for $57 per month. The phone will
be “suspended” for the winter.
*Clearwater is coming September 12 to close the pool. They will put special
antifreeze in the solar panels. Mikki bought cover weights which will be stored in
tubs in the summer. They are good for about 2 seasons.
* The Octoberfest will be run by Kathy Gallagher. Mike G. will invite JLNs to come.
Mike G. will put up the sign. October 6 at 5 PM – bonfire to follow.
*Mike K will research a marquee-type sign for HLA meetings and events.
*Docks Out will be 9 AM on October 6 (the first Saturday in Oct.).
*Dian will call Harry Power to ask if a permit is needed for a 10X20 shed. And will let
Mike G. know. (The answer is Yes, we need a permit. The form is online at the
Town’s website.)
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HLA Board Meeting September 11, 2018
Page Two
*Chris Carter and Donna will assess which roads need material and grading.
*Chris Lane will brush cut and tree trim in November after the grading is done and
leaves have fallen.
*A crew to cut dam trees back 15 ft. (DES requirement) will cost $1,500 for a three
man crew.
*August Budget Meeting Minutes – discussion was held about whether or not to send a
hard copy to members without e-mail. We decided to send them this fall with a
statement that the minutes would no longer be mailed, but can be found on our
website and Facebook page.
*Letters to members in violation of Covenants Trailers, Rocks, Walls:
1. The letter to members on Rice Brook came back. Dian will go to PO for address.
2. Lot 106-11 has a trailer. We will send letter.
3. Hicks and Wilder will both also get letters.
4. The former Borassa property has trailer on their property.
5. We will ask our lawyer about the Lynch letter.
6. Jim Newell has two trailers on his new property.
7. There are two lots up on Kings Highway with trailers. Mike G will get the lot
8. Dian will research and get the Town of Stoddard ruling on trailers. We will create
a form letter.
9. The Masons have a trailer on their property we believe is being lived in.
*Discussion about deed research costs. There is a way to research and look for free.
There is also a $1 administrative cost if we download them. Donna would like to have
them as PDF screen captures in case we need to use them.
*Mike Gallagher requested permission from the board to put up a 3’ wire fence on the
NW side of his property. Permission granted by the board after a discussion.
*There have been a group of teens on ATVs racing around the development. Mike G.
made “No Trespassing, Private Property” signs to be hung up on Kings Highway and
Rice Brook. We believe the group is from Washington.
*We need to send a Thank You to Mike Lebo for volunteering to pick up litter on
Tigola. Courney Hastings and the Keene HS Girls Volleyball team will come up to
Stoddard to pick up litter. Date TBA. They will get community service credits for
volunteering to do this.
*Village District. Dian will call Daddario and ask if this is something he handles. We
are taking another look at the Village District idea because we have so many different
situations in HLA. Mike G. did an analysis and found what everyone in the
development would pay for an assessment. (The amount is based on current town tax
assessment.) Questions about how we would run the pool and would the board still be
necessary. Would we need different Bylaws? Dian will get a copy of the Town
Registered Voter list as only Town registered voters would be able to vote.
HLA Board Meeting September 11, 2018
Page Three
* Idea for next summer: a development-wide yard sale. People could have it at their
home, or at the waterfront, or we could rent out spaces in Rossi Hall.
*We will invite Daddairio to meet with the board here – or we can drive to his new
office in Merrimack. It will be an evening or weekend meeting depending on his
*The Pattersons have been sent a picture of their property’s 1965 deed which lists
Scenic Lake Estates and means they are HLA members. He plans to join next season.
*Mikki will send a reminder to the Cherrys about the electric bill.
*Mike K. will send out some “Thoughts on Trailers” so we can put together a form
letter on the subject.
Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.
Next meeting is October 9, 2018 at Rossi Hall. We will bring small heater if necessary.
Dian Mathews, Secretary