JULY 5, 2018
Amended Minutes
Present: President- Mike Kelley, Vice President – Lee Simpson, Treasurer – Jacky
Hastings. Secretary – Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike
Gallagher, Chair of Bylaws Committee: Marc Belland
Guests: Pat and Peter Bassett, Pam Bruder, Sharon Gilman
At the June 30, 2018 Annual Membership meeting the Bylaws Committee passed out a
copy of the amended bylaws which had been approved by our lawyer Gary Daddario.
Several members asked to come to the board meeting to voice their concerns about how the membership would be assessed going forward and to tell the Board their own story of assessment history in HLA.
Sharon Gilman explained that she and Lou had purchased additional lots to a total of 6 acres and had been told by the HLA Board at the time that they would only pay one assessment.
Pam Bruder voiced concern that some new people had purchased merged lots (HLA lots
merged for municipal tax purposes) which gave their lot as ONE on their deed. They had
no idea they had purchased multiple HLA lots.
Pat Bassett voiced the concern that there were still JLN people using HLA roads and contributing nothing.
There was much discussion and we raised many questions: which map will we use, how can we add JLNs into the mix, how many people have only a lot – no home on the lot, how many people are seasonal versus how many are full time residents?
The Plan: The Bylaws Committee will meet again and take out the assessment portion of the amended bylaws. They will come up with questions for the lawyer, as will the Board.
At the August Budget Meeting, we will put up the amended bylaws for a vote – minus the assessment portion. This will give us more time to get more ideas of an equitable solution for assessing in HLA and to discuss this with Daddario.
1. Minutes of the June 12, 2018 board minutes were accepted as amended.
* We want to update the Officer plaques. Dian will sent the updated list to the Mikes.
*Mike is going to try to etch a new sign for the Pool House door.
* Access to new e-mail accounts for new officers is almost complete. Mikki’s works too.
* Keyless entry to the Pool House – Kava might be a good system. Rossi will only need a simple system. Mike G. will look at the system to assess.
*The playground is completely outdated and dangerous. Mike K. wants to take it down this fall (at docks out?) Mikki: let’s fundraise and buy new equipment. No wood.
*Let’s HEAT Rossi Hall this winter and use it.
*Let’s buy a shed to store the docks in so we have room in Rossi Hall this winter.
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HLA Board Meeting
July 12, 2018
Page Two
*We need to assemble a work crew to cut some trees on the dam road.
*Who cut the pine tree on the trail around Hidden Lake?
*The “No Wake” sign is gone. Mike G will purchase a new buoy sign for the cove.
* Jacky needs to be signed onto the Walpole accounts as a full user. Dian will go and get her papers and sign her on. Then Jacky has to go and turn in the papers.
*Jacky will start getting the mail.
*For the August budget: Each Director will put together their numbers for FY2020.
* Discussion about membership in the pool for non-HLA people living in the development or on abutting roads. We do now have Road Only payers. We will talk to the membership at the August meeting.
* Mike G bought an 81 LB. pig. 25-30 members have sent an RSVP. Mike G expects 50 to attend.
* There is a new hole by the King’s Highway mailboxes where a culvert has lost its header. All the rocks are down below. Estimate from Chris is $600 (4 hrs., two guys, an excavator.) After discussion the Board decided to hire Chris for the King’s highway culvert and have volunteers do the one on Woodlot and the one on Scenic. Mike K will buy 20’ culvert pieces for each spot. (about $180 per piece = $900 total).
* New idea: Donna will come up with a reduced spec. number for fall grading and will ask bidders what we can get for that amount.
* Brush cutting will happen in fall 2019 (FY2020).
*Does anyone know what is being proposed for the “little house” being built by a Stuckey? Mike K will call.
* We are making a list of those members who are in violation of the Covenants and send them a letter. The letter will ask them to come before the Board as the Covenants states
and to tell us why they aren’t in compliance.
*We need to research the filing of LIENS so we know how long they are in effect, how many members we have LIENS against and what it costs to refile, and when we need to do it.
* Babineaus are still interested in the lot. Mike K will call.
*Mikki will call Erica (Insurance) so she knows Lee is officially the Veep.
*Another question for the lawyer: how long do we have to keep records? Do we need a Retention Policy?
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
JULY 5, 2018
Amended Minutes
Present: President- Mike Kelley, Vice President – Lee Simpson, Treasurer – Jacky
Hastings. Secretary – Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike
Gallagher, Chair of Bylaws Committee: Marc Belland
Guests: Pat and Peter Bassett, Pam Bruder, Sharon Gilman
At the June 30, 2018 Annual Membership meeting the Bylaws Committee passed out a
copy of the amended bylaws which had been approved by our lawyer Gary Daddario.
Several members asked to come to the board meeting to voice their concerns about how the membership would be assessed going forward and to tell the Board their own story of assessment history in HLA.
Sharon Gilman explained that she and Lou had purchased additional lots to a total of 6 acres and had been told by the HLA Board at the time that they would only pay one assessment.
Pam Bruder voiced concern that some new people had purchased merged lots (HLA lots
merged for municipal tax purposes) which gave their lot as ONE on their deed. They had
no idea they had purchased multiple HLA lots.
Pat Bassett voiced the concern that there were still JLN people using HLA roads and contributing nothing.
There was much discussion and we raised many questions: which map will we use, how can we add JLNs into the mix, how many people have only a lot – no home on the lot, how many people are seasonal versus how many are full time residents?
The Plan: The Bylaws Committee will meet again and take out the assessment portion of the amended bylaws. They will come up with questions for the lawyer, as will the Board.
At the August Budget Meeting, we will put up the amended bylaws for a vote – minus the assessment portion. This will give us more time to get more ideas of an equitable solution for assessing in HLA and to discuss this with Daddario.
1. Minutes of the June 12, 2018 board minutes were accepted as amended.
* We want to update the Officer plaques. Dian will sent the updated list to the Mikes.
*Mike is going to try to etch a new sign for the Pool House door.
* Access to new e-mail accounts for new officers is almost complete. Mikki’s works too.
* Keyless entry to the Pool House – Kava might be a good system. Rossi will only need a simple system. Mike G. will look at the system to assess.
*The playground is completely outdated and dangerous. Mike K. wants to take it down this fall (at docks out?) Mikki: let’s fundraise and buy new equipment. No wood.
*Let’s HEAT Rossi Hall this winter and use it.
*Let’s buy a shed to store the docks in so we have room in Rossi Hall this winter.
Page One
HLA Board Meeting
July 12, 2018
Page Two
*We need to assemble a work crew to cut some trees on the dam road.
*Who cut the pine tree on the trail around Hidden Lake?
*The “No Wake” sign is gone. Mike G will purchase a new buoy sign for the cove.
* Jacky needs to be signed onto the Walpole accounts as a full user. Dian will go and get her papers and sign her on. Then Jacky has to go and turn in the papers.
*Jacky will start getting the mail.
*For the August budget: Each Director will put together their numbers for FY2020.
* Discussion about membership in the pool for non-HLA people living in the development or on abutting roads. We do now have Road Only payers. We will talk to the membership at the August meeting.
* Mike G bought an 81 LB. pig. 25-30 members have sent an RSVP. Mike G expects 50 to attend.
* There is a new hole by the King’s Highway mailboxes where a culvert has lost its header. All the rocks are down below. Estimate from Chris is $600 (4 hrs., two guys, an excavator.) After discussion the Board decided to hire Chris for the King’s highway culvert and have volunteers do the one on Woodlot and the one on Scenic. Mike K will buy 20’ culvert pieces for each spot. (about $180 per piece = $900 total).
* New idea: Donna will come up with a reduced spec. number for fall grading and will ask bidders what we can get for that amount.
* Brush cutting will happen in fall 2019 (FY2020).
*Does anyone know what is being proposed for the “little house” being built by a Stuckey? Mike K will call.
* We are making a list of those members who are in violation of the Covenants and send them a letter. The letter will ask them to come before the Board as the Covenants states
and to tell us why they aren’t in compliance.
*We need to research the filing of LIENS so we know how long they are in effect, how many members we have LIENS against and what it costs to refile, and when we need to do it.
* Babineaus are still interested in the lot. Mike K will call.
*Mikki will call Erica (Insurance) so she knows Lee is officially the Veep.
*Another question for the lawyer: how long do we have to keep records? Do we need a Retention Policy?
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary