Rossi Hall 9 AM
June 30, 2018
Officers Present: President- Mike Kelley, Vice President and temporary Treasurer- Bill Osterhout, Secretary - Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone and Mike Gallagher.
Sign – in Table manned by Ally Hutchinson and Kathy Gallagher.
After the Flag Salute Mike Kelley welcomed the new members of Hidden Lake Association who attended the meeting:
Kevin Coulty & Tammy Dado
Bob & Regina Lucas
Lee Simpson & Dana Forleo Welcome to our wonderful community!
Joe & Melissa Palaza
1. This winter some of our HLA mailboxes were damaged by a snow plow. The Town of Stoddard is going to reimburse those who had to replace their mailbox. Please give a copy of the receipt to Dian Mathews, Secretary, so a bill can be presented to the town.
2. We are in need of a member to step up to be our HLA Treasurer. If no one does, we have looked into the cost of hiring a local CPA to handle our finances. The cost would
be approximately $500-$750 per month/ $6000-$9000 per year.
3. IMPORTANT: If you volunteer to do any work for the Association our insurance requires that the BOARD must know that you are providing the service. Please just let a Board member know.
4. Also, if you have students who need to perform Community Service, Mikki Falcone will
give out jobs and sign the school’s form.
5. Dead River Company will be outside at the waterfront with a free BBQ for members. We are forming a CO-OP for oil and propane with the company. Please come sign up and help us lower our rates!
6. The HLA PIG ROAST will be held Saturday, July 14. Please RSVP on Facebook so Mike Gallagher knows how big a pig to buy. Members are asked to bring sides and BYOB. You can also RSVP via e-mail.
HLA Annual Members’ Meeting
June 30, 2018
Page Two
CD = $37,665.27
Checking = $86,376.10
Rainy Day Fund = $8,652.83
Unspent Boat Fees = $9,346.18
Prepaid Savings Account = $100.50
1. Hidden Lake Association has many new members this year and we have gone through many changes. It has been a challenge with keeping up with the new owners and how to get in touch for billing, etc. Also, there were some challenges with assessments which we are working through on grandfathered lots or multiple lots in the mix.
2. The good news is that after the freak February mud season, FY2018 is only $5,294.13 over budget. We moved $5000 from the Rainy Day Fund to cover the road repairs. The rest came from savings in other areas, such as the POOL opening late – payroll amounts were lower, and taxes were lower than forecasted. Also, we had a $6000 contingency built in that saved us in the budget category.
3. We are using Quickbooks and have consolidated our data. The President has access to add data, but not to the money.
4. The Rainy Day Fund still has money in it if we have any emergencies.
5. The purpose of the “Prepaid Account” is to keep current year funds separate from our operating funds.
All the docks and shore spaces have been assigned. There are a total of 43 boats now. We added 3 new slips.
*On May 1 there were 19 members on the waiting list. There are now three.
*If someone buys a house they may use the former member’s slip for the balance of the season. The following year the new member goes onto the waiting list.
*The T docks have been updated. The wooden docks will be rebuilt.
*The water depth is a concern for v hull boats. We are looking at the ends of the property for two more slips. The south end is too shallow and the north end abuts a member’s property.
*Idea: use the beach space as a temporary spot.
MOTION Bob Lucas/Jacky Hastings: “We move that a temporary space for one boat be opened at the canoe/kayak launch space for one year.” MOTION CARRIED.
HLA Annual Members’ Meeting
June 30, 2018
Page Three
* The canoe/kayak racks have 36 A & B slots. We have given out 32 permits. There are still some top racks open.
* Point of Information: Our waiting list is new from last year. The waiting list does NOT start over each season.
1. We have four attendants at the pool this season. We give a special thanks to Roy Marotta for his 7+ years of being a pool attendant. Thank you, Roy!
2. Roy and Mike Gallagher will be maintaining the pool chemistry.
3. IMPORTANT: Members please remember to sign in and out when using the pool.
We need to keep a count of persons in the pool at one time. Pool capacity is 35-40.
If you are sending guests to the pool please call ahead (446-2285) to let the staff know your guests will be coming down. You can also send them with a note from you or go on Facebook to let us know they are authorized to use our pool.
5. There will be state mandated safety checks periodically.
6. Our pool is heated by 4 solar panels which bring the H2O temperature almost to 80 degrees. The June average temperature was 68-72 degrees.
7. Mikki has arranged for DEAD RIVER COMPANY to set up a CO-OP for propane and heating oil at a good price. They are hosting a Sing-Up BBQ after the meeting.
8. Rossi Hall is open for rental. The form is on the website or you can get a paper form at the pool house. The rental $25 will be used for improvements to the Hall.
9. We are getting cabinets for Rossi Hall donated by Mike English and Bob Freitag.
10. Ed Quinn and Lexie Currie donated LED lights for the Pool House. The lights were installed by Dave Stenstrum.
11. Pam and Bryan Bruder donated paint for the Pool House. We are looking for volunteers to do the work. Thank you to all these volunteers!
12. We are also looking for donations of seal and stain for the floor of Rossi Hall.
13. Future Projects: The foundation of the Pool House needs to be replaced. The cost for raising the building, new footers and a rebuilt foundation comes to approximately $8000- $10,000. The contractors who looked at it for Mikki said it is good for another one or two years. A member suggested sono tubes might be cheaper.
Another project is gutters around Rossi Hall. Fundraising ideas needed for the projects.
14. Maintaining the waterfront is a lot of work. Please sign up for the Recreation Committee to help so we can keep costs down. Thank you.
HLA Annual Members’ Meeting
June 30, 2018
Page Four
ROAD REPORT – Donna Moxley
1. We have a three year $48,000 snow plow contract. We voted on this last year because we wanted a steady price to rely on. Thank you to Paul Dionne for a great plowing job this difficult winter.
2. The fall and spring grading were put out to bid last year. We received three bids.
Chris Carter from Wilton won the bid with $15,500. He is good because he identifies what areas need work at the moment. Kudos to Chris for the tremendous job done on our roads. They have never looked better.
3. The surprise mud season this past February needs a mention. It happened just when the roads were posted. Route 123 North was closed through Hancock so the trucks bringing in our gravel had to travel via Route 202 through Hillsborough. We had three storms in six days. It would snow, then the temperature would go up to 80 degrees!
Paul Dionne had to backblade to plow. A member went out at 3 AM two days and York raked the entire development! Thank you to you both for your hard work.
Eighteen yards of material was brought in. The Board voted to take $5000 out of the rainy day fund. Additional monies came from the money in the budget not spent at the pool and
lower than expected taxes (see Treasurer’s Report.) We ended up being only $5,294.13 over budget.
4. For next year we have contacted local gravel yards for prices on gravel.
5. Going forward, all contracts will have a “not to exceed” amount so we can manage costs.
6. We have a list of culverts and are going to repair three a year. The culvert by the mailboxes on King’s Highway and one on Woodlot will be the next ones to be fixed. The third culvert is TBA. Any volunteers to help?
7. A member brought up an issue with the Peterborough Ambulance Company not coming into the development to pick up a patient. Our Stoddard Fire Chief, Steve McGerty was in attendance at the meeting. He stated that this winter was difficult for ambulances. One problem was driveways not being plowed. He also informed us the
Deluzio Ambulance Company from Keene will now service our town. Keene Fire Department will be their back-up. He requested you plow your driveway and put up a decent house number marker.
8. The members thanked Donna for a good job in difficult conditions. Thank you, Donna!
June 30, 2018
Page Five
The Committee members are: Lexie Currie, Mikki Falcone, Ally Hutchinson and Dian Mathews
1. The committee has been meeting since given their charge to amend the Bylaws last summer at the August Member’s meeting.
2. The committee used New Hampshire Condominium Law and Home Owners Association law to amend our existing bylaws. Our HOA lawyer, Gary Daddario weighed in on the document once we had a preliminary draft written.
3. Copies of the Amended Bylaws were handed out to members at the meeting. They will be posted on the HLA website and mailed to members not present. Members will be asked to vote to approve the Amended Bylaws at the August Members’ Meeting.
1. Volunteers are needed for:
* Recreation Committee (painting, staining, gutter installing, etc.)
Contact: Mikki
*Development Litter Pick-up
* Contact: Mikki
* Tree cutting and chipping at the dam at Hidden Lake
Contact: Mike Kelley
* Culvert repair
Contact: Mike Kelley
2. KEYLESS ENTRY – The Board has been researching the idea of keyless entry for the Pool. This would enable boating members to access the bathrooms in the pool houses when they need to. It would also enable members renting Rossi Hall to set up for their events on their own schedule. The codes could be changed as needed. We could use a card or a fob system. We could use automatic timing to open the doors. There would be no access into the pool area at this time.
MOTION by Dave Ferner/Steve McGerty: “We move that the Board continue to examine the options for electronic locks and spend no more than $1,500 from the boat fund.” CARRIED.
FYI: The Boat Fund is used for the docks, repairs to the canoe/kayak racks, mowing of the waterfront and some money for the Pool House.
JUNE 30,2018
NEW BUSINESS continued
3. Mikki will come and open/close the pool past regular times if a member wishes.
4. There will CPR classes at the pool. Mikki needs five people to sign up for a class. The cost will be $35. Please contact Mikki at the pool phone number or on Facebook.
TREASURER (2 year term) – The Treasurer’s job is to organize the spring assessment billing to members and to prepare the August budget. We are now using Quickbooks On-line for all our data collection. The Treasurer also pays any HLA bills which aren’t on automatic payment plans.
Nominations: Bill Osterhout nominated by Mike Turner. He declined the nomination.
Betty Ferner nominated by Mike Turner/Lexie Currie.
Jacky Hastings nominated by Sharon Gilman/Pam Bruder.
MOTION by Steve McGerty/Bob Lucas “We move that the nominations be closed.” CARRIED
Votes were counted by new members Regina & Bob Lucas and Joe & Melissa Palaza.
Betty = 10 votes Jacky = 32 votes
VICE PRESIDENT (2 year term)
Nominations: Lee Simpson nominated by Siri Pellegrino/Pam Bruder
MOTION by Steve McGerty/ Marc Belland: “We move to close the nominations and that the Secretary cast one ballot.” MOTION CARRIED.
DIRECTOR (3 year term)
Mike Gallagher would like to run for the Director position again.
MOTION by Steve McGerty/Bob Lucas: “We move to close the nominations and that the Secretary cast one ballot.” MOTION CARRIED.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary