JUNE 12 , 2018
Present: President-Mike Kelley, Secretary- Dian Mathews, Directors: Donna Moxley and Mikki Falcone
Guest: Alexia Currie- Bylaws Committee
Arrived at 9 PM: Director Mike Gallagher
1. Acceptance of previous minutes as amended. (May 8)
2. BYLAWS COMMITTEE PRESENTATION (Committee members present were Alexia Currie, Mikki and Dian.) Mike and Donna had lots of questions for the committee which were answered. The bylaws will be presented to the membership at the June Membership meeting. Thank you to the committee for their hard and fast work.
Bill from the lawyer for the bylaws was $742.50.
We are putting together a list of questions for the lawyer.
3. Mikki’s POOL REPORT
A. The pool liner seems to be pulling away from the sides in spots. It was put in June
26, 2017 and used for 2 mos. in the 2017 season. It’s possible it’s a defect, or it
could be an installation issue. Mikki will take pics to send to Clearwater for their
assessment. They might have to come up to look at the liner.
B. Roy Marotta is working at Tractor Supply and will be an “on-call” pool attendant.
He will assist Mike Gallagher with the pool chemicals.
C. CPR class at our pool will be June 23.
D. Our four attendants are: Neil, Pat, Tara and Makayla.
E. Mowing is being done by Roy. It should be done weekly. Trimming should be done
because we have had had several complaints about the tall grass and TICKS.
F Attendance has been down. We used propane the first week because the solar
wasn’t working yet.
G. This year you will hear “POPSICLE!” being yelled at the pool. It means children should
Move to the shallow end of the pool for a safety check.
H. Keyless Entry – Mike K will speak with Mr. Bill about the front door of Rossi and
the Pool House door- how much will it cost?
4. Donna’s ROAD REPORT
Chris Carter has ditched our roads. He took material out from Scenic, Kennedy Brook.
He cleaned out the ends of some culverts. He fixed the culvert on Tigola/Beaver brook.
*Donna wants to make a prioritized list for culvert repair – budget for the repair of three
per year. We want to be proactive to avoid any chance of road washouts.
Today is Day 6 of spring grading. Chris should be done at the end of the week.
MOTION Donna/Mikki: “We move to amend the HLA grading contract so that ½ of the
Amount contracted $8,750, can be paid to the contractor at the half-way point. CARRIED.
HLA Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2018
Page Two
* All docks are in. 3 slips were added along the shore on the SE end. There are 25 total.
* The wooden docks need work.
* We are thinking about cleaning up the muck along the shore when the water is lowered.
* We are looking to make a few additional slips perhaps next to Jason on a property line
or a temporary fix by using the beach area for a boat.
* Nonmembers are using our boat ramp. Short of installing a chain across it, there isn’t
much we can do.
New Business
Question: Do we need more social interaction on our Facebook page? Discussion but no
clear answer.
For the June Meeting:
1. Mike K will have his President’s report with welcome for new members, gavel
2. Manning the sign-in table: Ally Hutchinson and Kathy Gallagher
3. Dian will print 50 copies of bylaws and agendas. Also volunteer lists, and sign-in sheets,
ballots, ballot box, markers and dry-erase board.
4. Directors and Temp treasurer will each have a report to present.
5. Dead River will host a sign-up BBQ after the meeting.
6. Mike K will look for and put up the sign to go by the kiosk.
Meeting adjourned at 10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Secretary
JUNE 12 , 2018
Present: President-Mike Kelley, Secretary- Dian Mathews, Directors: Donna Moxley and Mikki Falcone
Guest: Alexia Currie- Bylaws Committee
Arrived at 9 PM: Director Mike Gallagher
1. Acceptance of previous minutes as amended. (May 8)
2. BYLAWS COMMITTEE PRESENTATION (Committee members present were Alexia Currie, Mikki and Dian.) Mike and Donna had lots of questions for the committee which were answered. The bylaws will be presented to the membership at the June Membership meeting. Thank you to the committee for their hard and fast work.
Bill from the lawyer for the bylaws was $742.50.
We are putting together a list of questions for the lawyer.
3. Mikki’s POOL REPORT
A. The pool liner seems to be pulling away from the sides in spots. It was put in June
26, 2017 and used for 2 mos. in the 2017 season. It’s possible it’s a defect, or it
could be an installation issue. Mikki will take pics to send to Clearwater for their
assessment. They might have to come up to look at the liner.
B. Roy Marotta is working at Tractor Supply and will be an “on-call” pool attendant.
He will assist Mike Gallagher with the pool chemicals.
C. CPR class at our pool will be June 23.
D. Our four attendants are: Neil, Pat, Tara and Makayla.
E. Mowing is being done by Roy. It should be done weekly. Trimming should be done
because we have had had several complaints about the tall grass and TICKS.
F Attendance has been down. We used propane the first week because the solar
wasn’t working yet.
G. This year you will hear “POPSICLE!” being yelled at the pool. It means children should
Move to the shallow end of the pool for a safety check.
H. Keyless Entry – Mike K will speak with Mr. Bill about the front door of Rossi and
the Pool House door- how much will it cost?
4. Donna’s ROAD REPORT
Chris Carter has ditched our roads. He took material out from Scenic, Kennedy Brook.
He cleaned out the ends of some culverts. He fixed the culvert on Tigola/Beaver brook.
*Donna wants to make a prioritized list for culvert repair – budget for the repair of three
per year. We want to be proactive to avoid any chance of road washouts.
Today is Day 6 of spring grading. Chris should be done at the end of the week.
MOTION Donna/Mikki: “We move to amend the HLA grading contract so that ½ of the
Amount contracted $8,750, can be paid to the contractor at the half-way point. CARRIED.
HLA Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2018
Page Two
* All docks are in. 3 slips were added along the shore on the SE end. There are 25 total.
* The wooden docks need work.
* We are thinking about cleaning up the muck along the shore when the water is lowered.
* We are looking to make a few additional slips perhaps next to Jason on a property line
or a temporary fix by using the beach area for a boat.
* Nonmembers are using our boat ramp. Short of installing a chain across it, there isn’t
much we can do.
New Business
Question: Do we need more social interaction on our Facebook page? Discussion but no
clear answer.
For the June Meeting:
1. Mike K will have his President’s report with welcome for new members, gavel
2. Manning the sign-in table: Ally Hutchinson and Kathy Gallagher
3. Dian will print 50 copies of bylaws and agendas. Also volunteer lists, and sign-in sheets,
ballots, ballot box, markers and dry-erase board.
4. Directors and Temp treasurer will each have a report to present.
5. Dead River will host a sign-up BBQ after the meeting.
6. Mike K will look for and put up the sign to go by the kiosk.
Meeting adjourned at 10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Secretary