MAY 8, 2018
Present: President-Mike Kelley, Vice President/Temp Treasurer-Bill Osterhout,
Secretary –Dian Mathews, Directors- Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone
Minutes from April 10 accepted as amended.
Bill has been able to figure out how the Quickbooks program works and presented the Board with a summary of budgets from FY2016 to the present with eyes on the planning for the upcoming budget for FY2020.
The breakdown is as follows: Roads, Pool, Waterfront, Insurance, Administration, Total HLA. One of our major concerns is the real probability of multiple culvert failures. We are in the process of making a “Culvert Priority” List so we can begin to budget for replacement of those of the 77 which are in imminent danger of collapse. (see Road Report for the first one.)
Assessment collection is ongoing. Bill has address corrections to make from PO returns.
The gravel bill from our “February Mud Season” has been paid. We do not as yet have a bill from the contractor for his work, so there is no total for the job yet.
Spring grading will proceed as soon as we can be scheduled, and the weather permits.
We will attempt to keep the amount down on gravel since so much was laid down in Feb.
Ditching will be done to get back the dirt which was pushed to the sides of the roads.
We have a serious culvert failure on Tigola. We will have someone look at it to see how bad it is, then we will put out for bids on the job. (The last culvert repaired was the big one up on King’s Highway, Spring 2017).
Ideas were discussed for the cutting back (15 ft.) of some of the trees on the dam road per the DES.
Mikki reports that the pool and crew are ready for this new season. Pool deck is being painted gray.
Mikki met with 2 contractors. Damage is worse than previously thought. We actually need the whole foundation redone. The pool house building will have to be jacked up, footings put in – or we can block it. There needs to be drainage all around and a new sill.
Right now it is safe for another year or two, so we have time to budget for it. Costs will likely be in the $13K range (Mikki assures us she will get it for less.). Time to do it will be after the roads open or in the fall.
The docks will be going in. Mike K will check with volunteers to make sure there is a good size crew.
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The committee will meet and finish the Bylaws redo with all our lawyer’s suggeations.
The Bylaws will then be presented to the Board for review.
1. Dian will ask Jim Coffey (Town) about replacing the sign for Woodlot Road.
2. Mikki will call Erica (Insurance) to check on our Workman’s Comp policy.
3. Mikki will call the electric company to get a print out for the Cherry’s winter electric
bill. Dian will pull out the HLA/Cherry Agreement to check on timing particulars.
4. Dian will work on our HLA Priorities List.
5. We also need to create a “RULES & RESPONSIBILITIES” List for new officers.
Mikki has updated: “Pool Attendant Responsibilities” list
Donna and Mike G. updated the “Procedures for Boat Slip Assignments” and “Wait
6. We need to get back to our project about members who are violating our Covenants.
7. June 30 is the Membership meeting. Planning: Bill is preparing budget, copies of By-
laws will have to be made (Whoever doesn’t come and get a hard copy will be either
e-mailed or sent a hard copy.)
Offices to be vacant: Vice President
1 Director – Mike G will run again.
We will put out the word that people are needed for these spots. If we don’t get some-
one for Treasurer we will have to get a financial manager.
8. Volunteers: we must follow the NH State law which says volunteers need to be doing
work we need done and we are aware they are doing in order for them to be protected
under our insurance. We will produce a “WE NEED HELP” list for the June meeting.
NEXT MEETING: June 12, 6:30, Rossi Hall
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
MAY 8, 2018
Present: President-Mike Kelley, Vice President/Temp Treasurer-Bill Osterhout,
Secretary –Dian Mathews, Directors- Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone
Minutes from April 10 accepted as amended.
Bill has been able to figure out how the Quickbooks program works and presented the Board with a summary of budgets from FY2016 to the present with eyes on the planning for the upcoming budget for FY2020.
The breakdown is as follows: Roads, Pool, Waterfront, Insurance, Administration, Total HLA. One of our major concerns is the real probability of multiple culvert failures. We are in the process of making a “Culvert Priority” List so we can begin to budget for replacement of those of the 77 which are in imminent danger of collapse. (see Road Report for the first one.)
Assessment collection is ongoing. Bill has address corrections to make from PO returns.
The gravel bill from our “February Mud Season” has been paid. We do not as yet have a bill from the contractor for his work, so there is no total for the job yet.
Spring grading will proceed as soon as we can be scheduled, and the weather permits.
We will attempt to keep the amount down on gravel since so much was laid down in Feb.
Ditching will be done to get back the dirt which was pushed to the sides of the roads.
We have a serious culvert failure on Tigola. We will have someone look at it to see how bad it is, then we will put out for bids on the job. (The last culvert repaired was the big one up on King’s Highway, Spring 2017).
Ideas were discussed for the cutting back (15 ft.) of some of the trees on the dam road per the DES.
Mikki reports that the pool and crew are ready for this new season. Pool deck is being painted gray.
Mikki met with 2 contractors. Damage is worse than previously thought. We actually need the whole foundation redone. The pool house building will have to be jacked up, footings put in – or we can block it. There needs to be drainage all around and a new sill.
Right now it is safe for another year or two, so we have time to budget for it. Costs will likely be in the $13K range (Mikki assures us she will get it for less.). Time to do it will be after the roads open or in the fall.
The docks will be going in. Mike K will check with volunteers to make sure there is a good size crew.
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The committee will meet and finish the Bylaws redo with all our lawyer’s suggeations.
The Bylaws will then be presented to the Board for review.
1. Dian will ask Jim Coffey (Town) about replacing the sign for Woodlot Road.
2. Mikki will call Erica (Insurance) to check on our Workman’s Comp policy.
3. Mikki will call the electric company to get a print out for the Cherry’s winter electric
bill. Dian will pull out the HLA/Cherry Agreement to check on timing particulars.
4. Dian will work on our HLA Priorities List.
5. We also need to create a “RULES & RESPONSIBILITIES” List for new officers.
Mikki has updated: “Pool Attendant Responsibilities” list
Donna and Mike G. updated the “Procedures for Boat Slip Assignments” and “Wait
6. We need to get back to our project about members who are violating our Covenants.
7. June 30 is the Membership meeting. Planning: Bill is preparing budget, copies of By-
laws will have to be made (Whoever doesn’t come and get a hard copy will be either
e-mailed or sent a hard copy.)
Offices to be vacant: Vice President
1 Director – Mike G will run again.
We will put out the word that people are needed for these spots. If we don’t get some-
one for Treasurer we will have to get a financial manager.
8. Volunteers: we must follow the NH State law which says volunteers need to be doing
work we need done and we are aware they are doing in order for them to be protected
under our insurance. We will produce a “WE NEED HELP” list for the June meeting.
NEXT MEETING: June 12, 6:30, Rossi Hall
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary