Amended Minutes
March 8, 2018
Home of Donna Moxley
Minutes – not covered
1. Mike K will:* export the old Quickbooks list onto Excel so we can use it.
*get the contact submissions from the website to add to our data
(hopefully more e-mail addresses)
* draft the HLA ANNUAL letter including need to recruit new
Treasurer and that a “new payment system is being worked out”, etc.
(Mikki has completed the HLA Summer 2018 schedule which will be
p. 2 of the letter.)
* Contact Nick about the Bylaws Treasurer definition and explanation of
reserve accounts, a budget list, any recent papers, password to
Treasurer’s e-mail.
2. Donna will: *take all the lists and collate them into one “master list” from which we
can export usable lists.
3. Dian will: * send Donna the e-mail list
* meet with Jim Coffey to obtain a set of current Tax Map data.
Dick Scofield will take the data and put it on a flash drive so we can
transfer the data to our list.
* deposit FY 2019 monies into Savings #3.
4. Bill will: * continue to go through the files on the new Quickbooks to see if he can
determine when & where deposits have been made and how he can
use the system for us.
5. Mike G. will: * Explore using PAYPAL as an HLA assessment paying option.
1. Pool * The propane level is at 6%. $250 is budgeted.
* Pool opening schedule:
a. May 10 Clearwater will open.
b. From Memorial Day - weekends only, weather permitting.
c. Weekdays – June 25
* Mikki will keep all pool records (ADP, etc.)
2. Pool House Foundation
Job is more difficult than we figured. Mikki is going to ask Mike
Champion to do the job. It will cost $500-$2000.
3. Treasurer * Mr. Bill has a debit card. Dian will go to bank and change all HLA
debit cards to NO CASH. Dian’s card will be left as a “just in case”.
* Mr. Bill is updating himself and Quickbooks by category. Still lots of
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3. Treasurer continued
* For credit card payments – Quickbooks charges 2.9 transaction fee
($14.50 per transaction) plus $0.25 per transaction to credit card company
4. People paying to use HLA Amenities
According to the Covenants someone has to live adjacent to an HLA road.
Scenic Estates is now counted as a JLN property. JLNs are eligible to become HLAs
by paying the assessment.
BOARD DECIDED that policy would be: EACH BOARD, EVERY SEASON will
decide whether or not they will allow adjacent property people to pay to use amenities.
More research will be done prior to a vote before the summer season.
Dian will ask Harry Power where King’s Highway becomes HLA.
5. Keyless Entry
Keyless entry will be worked on. Maybe we’ll do a test run this summer. More
discussion needed, but a big plus would be the bathrooms being open when a member
needs them.
6. Pool Attendants Child Care
Historically, this has been an HLA pool “thing” and the Board wants to honor that
tradition. However, we want our attendants to be “attending” to our pool while they are
on the clock. We are consulting with our attorney to determine our liability.
7. Lexie Currie’s step-daughter donated LED light fixtures for our pool house. Now we
need someone to put them up.
8. Donated cabinets will be installed in the pool house by the end of April. All Rossi Hall
bookings are to go through Mikki.
9. CPR certification class for our pool attendants will be held at Rossi Hall in the
beginning of May. Class is $35 and will be open to HLA members.
10. Mikki will send out a letter inviting previous pool attendants to re-up for this summer.
No position is guaranteed. Mikki will meet with pool attendants to go over pool rules
and policies. Unpaid members will be allowed a one-time use of the pool. New guest
policy hasn’t yet been approved by the Board.
11. When the pool is opened for the season the weights must be rolled to be stored.
Clearwater can winterize the solar panels – also take down and reinstall each season.
Clearwater opening and closing have been set up by Mikki for the next two years.
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12. Roads
This year’s surprise mud season on our roads has been fixed. It was all made more difficult because the road to the quarry was posted, as was Route 123 South. Permission was obtained to get into the development on Rte 123 and King’s Highway. A generous member raked the entire development prior to the gravel being put down. Thank you for
your time and energy!
We are going to select an HLA property in the development where debris removed
from the sides of the roads during grading can be piled to dry out to then be used to
fill in pot holes. We can also store gravel to be used next winter. Donna will find the
map with HLA properties highlighted.
Meeting adjourned at 10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Amended Minutes
March 8, 2018
Home of Donna Moxley
Minutes – not covered
1. Mike K will:* export the old Quickbooks list onto Excel so we can use it.
*get the contact submissions from the website to add to our data
(hopefully more e-mail addresses)
* draft the HLA ANNUAL letter including need to recruit new
Treasurer and that a “new payment system is being worked out”, etc.
(Mikki has completed the HLA Summer 2018 schedule which will be
p. 2 of the letter.)
* Contact Nick about the Bylaws Treasurer definition and explanation of
reserve accounts, a budget list, any recent papers, password to
Treasurer’s e-mail.
2. Donna will: *take all the lists and collate them into one “master list” from which we
can export usable lists.
3. Dian will: * send Donna the e-mail list
* meet with Jim Coffey to obtain a set of current Tax Map data.
Dick Scofield will take the data and put it on a flash drive so we can
transfer the data to our list.
* deposit FY 2019 monies into Savings #3.
4. Bill will: * continue to go through the files on the new Quickbooks to see if he can
determine when & where deposits have been made and how he can
use the system for us.
5. Mike G. will: * Explore using PAYPAL as an HLA assessment paying option.
1. Pool * The propane level is at 6%. $250 is budgeted.
* Pool opening schedule:
a. May 10 Clearwater will open.
b. From Memorial Day - weekends only, weather permitting.
c. Weekdays – June 25
* Mikki will keep all pool records (ADP, etc.)
2. Pool House Foundation
Job is more difficult than we figured. Mikki is going to ask Mike
Champion to do the job. It will cost $500-$2000.
3. Treasurer * Mr. Bill has a debit card. Dian will go to bank and change all HLA
debit cards to NO CASH. Dian’s card will be left as a “just in case”.
* Mr. Bill is updating himself and Quickbooks by category. Still lots of
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3. Treasurer continued
* For credit card payments – Quickbooks charges 2.9 transaction fee
($14.50 per transaction) plus $0.25 per transaction to credit card company
4. People paying to use HLA Amenities
According to the Covenants someone has to live adjacent to an HLA road.
Scenic Estates is now counted as a JLN property. JLNs are eligible to become HLAs
by paying the assessment.
BOARD DECIDED that policy would be: EACH BOARD, EVERY SEASON will
decide whether or not they will allow adjacent property people to pay to use amenities.
More research will be done prior to a vote before the summer season.
Dian will ask Harry Power where King’s Highway becomes HLA.
5. Keyless Entry
Keyless entry will be worked on. Maybe we’ll do a test run this summer. More
discussion needed, but a big plus would be the bathrooms being open when a member
needs them.
6. Pool Attendants Child Care
Historically, this has been an HLA pool “thing” and the Board wants to honor that
tradition. However, we want our attendants to be “attending” to our pool while they are
on the clock. We are consulting with our attorney to determine our liability.
7. Lexie Currie’s step-daughter donated LED light fixtures for our pool house. Now we
need someone to put them up.
8. Donated cabinets will be installed in the pool house by the end of April. All Rossi Hall
bookings are to go through Mikki.
9. CPR certification class for our pool attendants will be held at Rossi Hall in the
beginning of May. Class is $35 and will be open to HLA members.
10. Mikki will send out a letter inviting previous pool attendants to re-up for this summer.
No position is guaranteed. Mikki will meet with pool attendants to go over pool rules
and policies. Unpaid members will be allowed a one-time use of the pool. New guest
policy hasn’t yet been approved by the Board.
11. When the pool is opened for the season the weights must be rolled to be stored.
Clearwater can winterize the solar panels – also take down and reinstall each season.
Clearwater opening and closing have been set up by Mikki for the next two years.
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12. Roads
This year’s surprise mud season on our roads has been fixed. It was all made more difficult because the road to the quarry was posted, as was Route 123 South. Permission was obtained to get into the development on Rte 123 and King’s Highway. A generous member raked the entire development prior to the gravel being put down. Thank you for
your time and energy!
We are going to select an HLA property in the development where debris removed
from the sides of the roads during grading can be piled to dry out to then be used to
fill in pot holes. We can also store gravel to be used next winter. Donna will find the
map with HLA properties highlighted.
Meeting adjourned at 10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary