August 26, 2017
Rossi Hall – 9 AM
Present: President – Mike Kelley, Vice President – Bill Osterhout, Treasurer – Nick Cashorali,
Secretary – Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher
Members: 33 (26 votes)
Pledge to the Flag
1. President’s Welcome: Mike welcomed new HLA members Brenda & Eric Strimbeck.
He also introduced the board members.
We have a new website: www.hiddenlakeassociation.com Please visit us.
2. Minutes of the June Membership meeting were accepted as amended.
MOTION: Dian Mathews/Bob Freitag “We move that HLA establish a Minutes Approval
Committee, composed of the HLA Board and three members in attendance at the meeting, to
receive - via e-mail - the Preliminary Minutes for amending and approval.” CARRIED.
Purpose of the motion is to have a set of minutes in the hands of members that do not have
to sit through the winter to be approved.
Committee volunteers: Bob Freitag, Frankie Scofield, Marc Belland
3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Nick Cashorali
a. Account Balances: Checking = $83,311
Contingency CD = $37,493
Rainy Day Fund = $13,640
Boat Fee Savings = $6,770
b. Accounts Receivable: $13,637.49 as of July 13, 2017. Five members have had LIENS
attached to their deeds. Two have begun payments. (Note: HLA DOES recoup all legal fees.)
c. Monies for the term FY 2018:
Roads = $72,310
Pool = $578
Docks = $3,200
Insurance = $5,000
Administration = $750
We will come in at/or under budget for FY2018. Treasurer’s notes on favorability are due
to administration changes, late opening of the pool and careful spending by each committee.
HLA has updated its financial software to Quickbooks online as suggested by Tracy Noga in
her audit report.
This Spring you will be able to make online and automated payments for the FY 2019 season.
Please make sure Nick has your e-mail address. (The bank will charge you a small fee for this
d. Budget for F 2019
Capital improvement dollars have been added to both the road and pool budgets. This should
help soften the blow of repair and replacement costs of big ticket items. (Culvert replacement
and pool replacement in 10-12 yrs.) By taking a proactive approach to infrastructure, we will
be in a better bargaining position with contractors and prevent rushed decisions with regard to
equipment and material purchase.
Page One
Treasurer’s Report continued
Total Revenue for FY2019 is set at $126,600 compared to $135,575 for FY2018. This is due to
vigorous collection efforts of past due assessments in 2018.
Total Expenses match revenue at $126,600 with most of the YOY savings coming from the
removal of the $6000 Contingency Line item from FY2018.
MOTION Bob Freitag/ Dick Scofield: “we move to accept the Fy2019 budget as presented by
the Treasurer.” CARRIED.
ROADS – Donna Moxley
a. A big THANK YOU goes out to Jesse Pollack who plowed all HLA roads after the snow
storm on Mothers’ Day this Spring.
b. Snow plowing bid packages were sent out a second time this year. Three bids came in.
The highest bid was $96,000 from JD Trucking. It included a lot for sand.
The middle bid was $62,000 from Landsite.
The lowest bid was $48,000 from PJ Dionne.
The board accepted the bid from PJ Dionne and a 1 yr. contract has been signed.
c. For good budget planning and to see if we could save more money, the Board asked each bidder
to give amounts for a three year contract which would be put to a membership vote.
Landsite bids: Yr 1 = $62,930 Yr 2 = $62,785 Yr 3 = $ 62,500
Dionne = $47,800 per year.
The board asked for a Performance Bond with this contract.
MOTION Dennis Creighton/ Brenda S.: “We move that the membership vote to allow the
Board to enter into a three year contract for snow plowing (2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20).”
d. More bids will be going out for Fall Grading. The hills need more gravel before winter.
e. Donna is drafting a letter to non-paying JLNs asking for a donation for the roads. We want to
make the roads better while keeping up the value of our homes.
WATERFRONT – Mike Gallagher
a. We have reached capacity at the waterfront; all slips have been filled this season
and a waiting list has been established.
b. We have refined the rules for Boat Slip Procedure to reflect this. A member’s assessment
must be paid in full to get a slip.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
a. First are our THANKS to:
Bryan & Pam Bruder who donated paint for the pool house
Bob Freitag for plants & planters
Those who donated books, magazines, a sink for Rossi Hall(!), lounge chairs and soda.
b. Pool positives:
*The pool liner was installed on budget.
*The pool has become a focal point for potential buyers.
*The pool opened 20 days late (due to construction), but the average daily attendance is up
from 23 to 29 people. We had an increase in children using the pool which is an
indication of the changing demographic in our community.
* With the fourth solar panel up and running, average temperature of the pool has been 78
degrees. This year has been wetter and colder than last year when the average temp. was
79 degrees.
Page Two
c. Plans to reduce pool costs:
* Our pool telephone account is now residential so it can be turned off for the winter – not
disconnected with a spring reconnect fee of $99.
*We are looking to set up a co-op for our propane and also for the electric.
* Next spring we are planning to install LED light fixtures in the pool house.
* Last year we installed paper towel dispensers and we still have half a case remaining.
d. Plans to increase revenue:
*Soda sales were $193 so far this season. Mikki is looking for a soda machine.
* Mikki is working on a “Hidden Lake” T-shirt to sell.
* Mikki is upgrading Rossi Hall – installing kitchen cabinets and the sink – to
market and rent.
e. Items to take care of:
*Pool house foundation repair = $700 - $1000.
*Mikki is looking for volunteers to help with French ditching for the pool house and
Rossi Hall. Gravel and supplies = $500. (Dates TBA on the website and FB page)
*Mikki is looking for volunteers to paint the pool house once the foundation is repaired.
Late Fall or in the Spring depending on thw weather.
BY-LAWS – Marc Belland
The By-laws committee has been meeting every Saturday at 10 AM at Rossi Hall or one of
the picnic tables.
We are working on the seven articles; and are now tackling Article I.
5. Unfinished Business – None
6. New Business
a. Sale of HLA land on S. Hidden Lake Road Tax Map 111, Lot 16
MOTION Bob Freitag/ Nick Cashorali: “We move that HLA accept the offer of $3000
From Steve Babbineau (Lot 115) for the property at Tax Map 111, Lot 16.” CARRIED
The discussion: Due to set backs and lot size, it is not a buildable lot. HLA will no
longer have the $200 tax bill to pay. Mr. Babineau has a JLN lot and will continue to pay an
Meeting adjourned at 10:09 AM!
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
August 26, 2017
Rossi Hall – 9 AM
Present: President – Mike Kelley, Vice President – Bill Osterhout, Treasurer – Nick Cashorali,
Secretary – Dian Mathews, Directors – Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher
Members: 33 (26 votes)
Pledge to the Flag
1. President’s Welcome: Mike welcomed new HLA members Brenda & Eric Strimbeck.
He also introduced the board members.
We have a new website: www.hiddenlakeassociation.com Please visit us.
2. Minutes of the June Membership meeting were accepted as amended.
MOTION: Dian Mathews/Bob Freitag “We move that HLA establish a Minutes Approval
Committee, composed of the HLA Board and three members in attendance at the meeting, to
receive - via e-mail - the Preliminary Minutes for amending and approval.” CARRIED.
Purpose of the motion is to have a set of minutes in the hands of members that do not have
to sit through the winter to be approved.
Committee volunteers: Bob Freitag, Frankie Scofield, Marc Belland
3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Nick Cashorali
a. Account Balances: Checking = $83,311
Contingency CD = $37,493
Rainy Day Fund = $13,640
Boat Fee Savings = $6,770
b. Accounts Receivable: $13,637.49 as of July 13, 2017. Five members have had LIENS
attached to their deeds. Two have begun payments. (Note: HLA DOES recoup all legal fees.)
c. Monies for the term FY 2018:
Roads = $72,310
Pool = $578
Docks = $3,200
Insurance = $5,000
Administration = $750
We will come in at/or under budget for FY2018. Treasurer’s notes on favorability are due
to administration changes, late opening of the pool and careful spending by each committee.
HLA has updated its financial software to Quickbooks online as suggested by Tracy Noga in
her audit report.
This Spring you will be able to make online and automated payments for the FY 2019 season.
Please make sure Nick has your e-mail address. (The bank will charge you a small fee for this
d. Budget for F 2019
Capital improvement dollars have been added to both the road and pool budgets. This should
help soften the blow of repair and replacement costs of big ticket items. (Culvert replacement
and pool replacement in 10-12 yrs.) By taking a proactive approach to infrastructure, we will
be in a better bargaining position with contractors and prevent rushed decisions with regard to
equipment and material purchase.
Page One
Treasurer’s Report continued
Total Revenue for FY2019 is set at $126,600 compared to $135,575 for FY2018. This is due to
vigorous collection efforts of past due assessments in 2018.
Total Expenses match revenue at $126,600 with most of the YOY savings coming from the
removal of the $6000 Contingency Line item from FY2018.
MOTION Bob Freitag/ Dick Scofield: “we move to accept the Fy2019 budget as presented by
the Treasurer.” CARRIED.
ROADS – Donna Moxley
a. A big THANK YOU goes out to Jesse Pollack who plowed all HLA roads after the snow
storm on Mothers’ Day this Spring.
b. Snow plowing bid packages were sent out a second time this year. Three bids came in.
The highest bid was $96,000 from JD Trucking. It included a lot for sand.
The middle bid was $62,000 from Landsite.
The lowest bid was $48,000 from PJ Dionne.
The board accepted the bid from PJ Dionne and a 1 yr. contract has been signed.
c. For good budget planning and to see if we could save more money, the Board asked each bidder
to give amounts for a three year contract which would be put to a membership vote.
Landsite bids: Yr 1 = $62,930 Yr 2 = $62,785 Yr 3 = $ 62,500
Dionne = $47,800 per year.
The board asked for a Performance Bond with this contract.
MOTION Dennis Creighton/ Brenda S.: “We move that the membership vote to allow the
Board to enter into a three year contract for snow plowing (2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20).”
d. More bids will be going out for Fall Grading. The hills need more gravel before winter.
e. Donna is drafting a letter to non-paying JLNs asking for a donation for the roads. We want to
make the roads better while keeping up the value of our homes.
WATERFRONT – Mike Gallagher
a. We have reached capacity at the waterfront; all slips have been filled this season
and a waiting list has been established.
b. We have refined the rules for Boat Slip Procedure to reflect this. A member’s assessment
must be paid in full to get a slip.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
a. First are our THANKS to:
Bryan & Pam Bruder who donated paint for the pool house
Bob Freitag for plants & planters
Those who donated books, magazines, a sink for Rossi Hall(!), lounge chairs and soda.
b. Pool positives:
*The pool liner was installed on budget.
*The pool has become a focal point for potential buyers.
*The pool opened 20 days late (due to construction), but the average daily attendance is up
from 23 to 29 people. We had an increase in children using the pool which is an
indication of the changing demographic in our community.
* With the fourth solar panel up and running, average temperature of the pool has been 78
degrees. This year has been wetter and colder than last year when the average temp. was
79 degrees.
Page Two
c. Plans to reduce pool costs:
* Our pool telephone account is now residential so it can be turned off for the winter – not
disconnected with a spring reconnect fee of $99.
*We are looking to set up a co-op for our propane and also for the electric.
* Next spring we are planning to install LED light fixtures in the pool house.
* Last year we installed paper towel dispensers and we still have half a case remaining.
d. Plans to increase revenue:
*Soda sales were $193 so far this season. Mikki is looking for a soda machine.
* Mikki is working on a “Hidden Lake” T-shirt to sell.
* Mikki is upgrading Rossi Hall – installing kitchen cabinets and the sink – to
market and rent.
e. Items to take care of:
*Pool house foundation repair = $700 - $1000.
*Mikki is looking for volunteers to help with French ditching for the pool house and
Rossi Hall. Gravel and supplies = $500. (Dates TBA on the website and FB page)
*Mikki is looking for volunteers to paint the pool house once the foundation is repaired.
Late Fall or in the Spring depending on thw weather.
BY-LAWS – Marc Belland
The By-laws committee has been meeting every Saturday at 10 AM at Rossi Hall or one of
the picnic tables.
We are working on the seven articles; and are now tackling Article I.
5. Unfinished Business – None
6. New Business
a. Sale of HLA land on S. Hidden Lake Road Tax Map 111, Lot 16
MOTION Bob Freitag/ Nick Cashorali: “We move that HLA accept the offer of $3000
From Steve Babbineau (Lot 115) for the property at Tax Map 111, Lot 16.” CARRIED
The discussion: Due to set backs and lot size, it is not a buildable lot. HLA will no
longer have the $200 tax bill to pay. Mr. Babineau has a JLN lot and will continue to pay an
Meeting adjourned at 10:09 AM!
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary