August 10, 2017
Rossi Hall
Present: President-Mike Kelley, Treasurer-Nick Cashorali, Secretary- Dian Mathews,
Directors- Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher, Past President- Dick Scofield
Absent: Vice President- Bill Osterhout
Guests: Bryan Bruder, Steve McGerty, Eric and Brenda Strimbeck
A. Minutes of previous meeting accepted as amended.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Nick Cashorali
Account Balances: Checking = $68,123.46
Emergency CD = $37,493.13
Rainy Day Savings = $13,640.59
Unspent Boat Fees = $6,770.02
Reserves = $15,985.96 (to go into checking)
AR = $15,346.41 – Current members past due = 33
Aged AR (more than 30 days) = $13,637.49
Committed Dollars: Roads = $72,310.00
Pool = $12,446.72
Docks = $ 3,200.00
Insurance =$ 5,050.00
Admin. = $13,750.00 (Fees, Mailing, Taxes, Legal, misc.)
Total = $64,240.34
Budget for FY 2019 will be posted and presented to members at Aug. mtg.
C. Committee Reports
1. Roads – Donna Moxley
* Bids for 2017-2018 Snow Plowing have come in. Bids this yr. included a
“Performance Bond”.
a.) JP Trucking = $56,587 no sand, one yr.
$96,587 with 2,500 yards of sand, 1 yr.
b.) Landsite = $62,000 with sand, 1 yr. 3 yrs. = $62K, $62,930, and $63,875.
c.) PJ Dionne = $48,800 with sand, 1 yr. 3 yrs.=$47,800 per yr.
Membership will have to vote for a three year contract.
MOTION Donna/Mikki: “We move that the Board hire PJ Dionne for HLA
Snow Plowing for the 2017/2018 snow season.” Motion carries.
Discussion: Our total road budget is $85,000. We budgeted $47,250.
Where will the monies come from to pay the difference for a contract and how can
we be proactive and save money?
a. Pool phone/wireless has been changed to “Residential” so we can go quiet in the
winter mos. and not have to pay start-up fees.
b. Propane is not being used to heat pool, just the solar panels. Pool supply
expenses are stable. Money is needed to open and close though, and plumber.
c. For the future: Grading of roads is “maintenance”, not repair. Gravel will have to
be put down in some spots (Every yr. a road loses ONE INCH of gravel.); we
should be doing a certain number of linear feet every year.
d. We have 30 yr. old culverts, 4 are in need of repair NOW.
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e. Idea from Steve McGerty: Rent equipment for ditching and hire a driver.
f. Side-of-the-road-mowing: we will go back to doing it every two yrs.
g. Another Idea: Develop a VOLUNTEER LIST for doing HLA community work.
h. Donna asked Mike Tar from Nelson (the Road Agent) about consulting on our
road needs. Bryan Bruder will drive her and Mike around the development on Sat.
i. Donna will draft a letter for our JLN neighbors requesting a donation to help pay
for road maintenance.
2. Pool Report – Mikki Falcone
a. Electrical LED upgrade will have to be put off until next season because
we have two other emergency issues.
b. Pool house foundation is shifting. The pool house must be jacked up and repaired.
c. French drains will be put in along the pool house and Rossi Hall to help w/
d. The work will be done by volunteers in the second or third week of September.
e. Mike K. will put add the pool hours to the website.
f. Exterior of pool house will be painted by volunteers in the Fall.
3. Waterfront Report – Mike Gallagher
a. Two members are on the Waiting List for a boat space.
b. Mike made a set of Boat Slip Procedures and Rules for the board to
study for our next meeting.
4. By-laws Committee – Mikki Falcone & Dian Mathews
a. Committee is meeting every Sat. at 10 AM., Rossi Hall.
b. Idea is for a Special Meeting for members in July 2018 (present changes in June).
c. Developing questions for the Attorney. Will bring our recommendations to the
board in the Spring.
d. Mike Turner is going to donate HLA history.
D. Unfinished Business
1. Nick will look at the trees on the dam to see what a 15 ft. cut back will
2. Signs at the pond: One from fire department will say “No fires without NH permit”
to be put at the beach.
Second sign will say “No motorized vehicles beyond this point” to be put by the big
rocks leading to the back of the pond.
3. HLA land sale will be put to a vote by the membership at Aug. meeting.
(Map 111 Lot 116) Property is on Beaver Brook and S Hidden.
4. Dian will research HLA 2005 minutes for the exact wording of what was voted on
regarding boat fees.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, August 22 at 6:30 PM, Rossi Hall
Meeting adjourned at 9:42 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
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August 10, 2017
Rossi Hall
Present: President-Mike Kelley, Treasurer-Nick Cashorali, Secretary- Dian Mathews,
Directors- Donna Moxley, Mikki Falcone, Mike Gallagher, Past President- Dick Scofield
Absent: Vice President- Bill Osterhout
Guests: Bryan Bruder, Steve McGerty, Eric and Brenda Strimbeck
A. Minutes of previous meeting accepted as amended.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Nick Cashorali
Account Balances: Checking = $68,123.46
Emergency CD = $37,493.13
Rainy Day Savings = $13,640.59
Unspent Boat Fees = $6,770.02
Reserves = $15,985.96 (to go into checking)
AR = $15,346.41 – Current members past due = 33
Aged AR (more than 30 days) = $13,637.49
Committed Dollars: Roads = $72,310.00
Pool = $12,446.72
Docks = $ 3,200.00
Insurance =$ 5,050.00
Admin. = $13,750.00 (Fees, Mailing, Taxes, Legal, misc.)
Total = $64,240.34
Budget for FY 2019 will be posted and presented to members at Aug. mtg.
C. Committee Reports
1. Roads – Donna Moxley
* Bids for 2017-2018 Snow Plowing have come in. Bids this yr. included a
“Performance Bond”.
a.) JP Trucking = $56,587 no sand, one yr.
$96,587 with 2,500 yards of sand, 1 yr.
b.) Landsite = $62,000 with sand, 1 yr. 3 yrs. = $62K, $62,930, and $63,875.
c.) PJ Dionne = $48,800 with sand, 1 yr. 3 yrs.=$47,800 per yr.
Membership will have to vote for a three year contract.
MOTION Donna/Mikki: “We move that the Board hire PJ Dionne for HLA
Snow Plowing for the 2017/2018 snow season.” Motion carries.
Discussion: Our total road budget is $85,000. We budgeted $47,250.
Where will the monies come from to pay the difference for a contract and how can
we be proactive and save money?
a. Pool phone/wireless has been changed to “Residential” so we can go quiet in the
winter mos. and not have to pay start-up fees.
b. Propane is not being used to heat pool, just the solar panels. Pool supply
expenses are stable. Money is needed to open and close though, and plumber.
c. For the future: Grading of roads is “maintenance”, not repair. Gravel will have to
be put down in some spots (Every yr. a road loses ONE INCH of gravel.); we
should be doing a certain number of linear feet every year.
d. We have 30 yr. old culverts, 4 are in need of repair NOW.
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e. Idea from Steve McGerty: Rent equipment for ditching and hire a driver.
f. Side-of-the-road-mowing: we will go back to doing it every two yrs.
g. Another Idea: Develop a VOLUNTEER LIST for doing HLA community work.
h. Donna asked Mike Tar from Nelson (the Road Agent) about consulting on our
road needs. Bryan Bruder will drive her and Mike around the development on Sat.
i. Donna will draft a letter for our JLN neighbors requesting a donation to help pay
for road maintenance.
2. Pool Report – Mikki Falcone
a. Electrical LED upgrade will have to be put off until next season because
we have two other emergency issues.
b. Pool house foundation is shifting. The pool house must be jacked up and repaired.
c. French drains will be put in along the pool house and Rossi Hall to help w/
d. The work will be done by volunteers in the second or third week of September.
e. Mike K. will put add the pool hours to the website.
f. Exterior of pool house will be painted by volunteers in the Fall.
3. Waterfront Report – Mike Gallagher
a. Two members are on the Waiting List for a boat space.
b. Mike made a set of Boat Slip Procedures and Rules for the board to
study for our next meeting.
4. By-laws Committee – Mikki Falcone & Dian Mathews
a. Committee is meeting every Sat. at 10 AM., Rossi Hall.
b. Idea is for a Special Meeting for members in July 2018 (present changes in June).
c. Developing questions for the Attorney. Will bring our recommendations to the
board in the Spring.
d. Mike Turner is going to donate HLA history.
D. Unfinished Business
1. Nick will look at the trees on the dam to see what a 15 ft. cut back will
2. Signs at the pond: One from fire department will say “No fires without NH permit”
to be put at the beach.
Second sign will say “No motorized vehicles beyond this point” to be put by the big
rocks leading to the back of the pond.
3. HLA land sale will be put to a vote by the membership at Aug. meeting.
(Map 111 Lot 116) Property is on Beaver Brook and S Hidden.
4. Dian will research HLA 2005 minutes for the exact wording of what was voted on
regarding boat fees.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, August 22 at 6:30 PM, Rossi Hall
Meeting adjourned at 9:42 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
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