Approved Minutes
May 18, 2017 6:30 PM
Home of Donna Moxley
Present: President-D. Scofield, Vice-Pres.- B. Osterhout, Treasurer – J. Page,
Secretary – D. Mathews, Directors – D. Moxley, M. Kelly
Guest: Nick C. and Scott Burnside
*Scott believes that the spring grading needs to be done ASAP before the road surface
becomes too compacted. He thinks that summer grading in Aug. is too early. It needs to
be done later – as close to a freeze date as possible. He also wants us to note that the
specifications in our bid package for aggregates are not the regs used in NH.
He informed us that it cost him $51K for the 2016-2017 plowing season. He would like
us to have a three to five year contract with him. His reasoning is that there are fixed
prices on some things and variable prices on fuel costs. The sander body on his 10
wheeler needs to be replaced. He found a body which can be rebuilt for $20K. The
3-5 yr. contract issue will have to be brought before the members at the June mtg.
After Scott left, the board discussed the grading of Woodlot, including repairing the
“mudpit”. Extra gravel needs to be put over the culvert.
Roads to be graded: all but Lakeview and Conden’s Cove? 3.8 mi. is the LOOP plus
Scenic Drive.
MOTION Jack/Donna: “We move that spring grading be done without Lakeview and
Condon’s Cove and that Dick and Scott determine what the additional cost would be to
grade Holly and Old Colony, with the limit being $1000.” Motion carried.
This would be less than a mile of additional road. Dick will call Scott tomorrow.
There is a tree across from the Cherry’s on Kennedy Brook which has snapped. Nick and
Bill will go look at it Sat. after the docks go in to see if they can safely remove it. Nick
May cut it as “an approved volunteer” under our insurance.
April Board meeting minutes accepted as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
Account Balances: Checking = $87,623.47
Emergency Contingency CD = $37,441.19
Rainy Day Savings = $13,637.15
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $6,768.31 Additional $2,190 collected
for FY 2018
Reserves/Holdings Savings = $15,981.93
Past Due Accounts receivable payments have not been posted at this time. Amt. was
$7,837.58 on 4/13/2017.
Seven members were sent LIEN letters from our lawyer.
MOTION Jack/Mike: “We move that HLA proceeds with the ‘Memo of Lien’ against
the remaining five members who have not responded.” Motion carried.
Something we never imagined: the water table is 4-5 feet above normal. Every time Tim
pumps out the pool to pull the liner, it fills back in. This will delay the opening of the
pool by at least two weeks.
What has been done: we now have three (3) working jets with new cement where they
were put in and the steps have been repaired. We saved $10K on this rather than
replacing them.
This is the last liner for this pool. In 10/12 years the pool will need to be replaced.
Idea: Let’s start a capital improvement plan NOW for 10 yrs out, for $30K.
Mike is still waiting for SUN RUN to get back to him about solar panels on Rossi Hall.
Docks will be put in this Sat. at 9:30 AM. The usual crew of volunteers is showing up.
They are Bob & Mike, Bryan, Jason, Dave, Nick, who else?
BOAT SLIPS: We still have two spots left A1 & A2. They will both need work by the
persons who put their boats there.
Donna will write up our Boat Slip Policy and present it to the Board for discussion and
vote at our June board meeting. Our policy has been “First paid, first served.” Also, if
you have a spot and you pay up, you may have the same spot again.
PLAYGROUND: the big slide needs to be removed. Dian will ask the Hastings if they
want to donate their slide /swing set to the HLA playground.
MOWING Donna is collecting names of anyone interested in mowing. Must be 16or
older. (Insurance clause)
* People have been building fires at the Hidden Lake beach. NH State law says YOU
MUST HAVE A FIRE PERMIT. Dian will ask the fire chief if he has signage for this.
* People have moved the large boulders leading to the bridge around Hidden Lake. We
will ask Landsite to go in and pull the rocks back together. We will post a sign at each
end reading “ No motorized vehicles beyond this point.” Also, we will ask members to
stay off the trail when it is muddy. The large ruts prohibit walking. No trucks should be
going on this trail.
* BEAVER SOLUTIONS is a company with a trapezoidal cage to set up around a
culvert. It is large enough to prevent clogging. Mike Lebo and Laura Dougherty have
pictures of the flooding caused by the beaver clogging of the culvert coming from Rice
Brook across Tigola. The board will look into this.
Meeting adjourned at 8: 52 PM
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Approved Minutes
May 18, 2017 6:30 PM
Home of Donna Moxley
Present: President-D. Scofield, Vice-Pres.- B. Osterhout, Treasurer – J. Page,
Secretary – D. Mathews, Directors – D. Moxley, M. Kelly
Guest: Nick C. and Scott Burnside
*Scott believes that the spring grading needs to be done ASAP before the road surface
becomes too compacted. He thinks that summer grading in Aug. is too early. It needs to
be done later – as close to a freeze date as possible. He also wants us to note that the
specifications in our bid package for aggregates are not the regs used in NH.
He informed us that it cost him $51K for the 2016-2017 plowing season. He would like
us to have a three to five year contract with him. His reasoning is that there are fixed
prices on some things and variable prices on fuel costs. The sander body on his 10
wheeler needs to be replaced. He found a body which can be rebuilt for $20K. The
3-5 yr. contract issue will have to be brought before the members at the June mtg.
After Scott left, the board discussed the grading of Woodlot, including repairing the
“mudpit”. Extra gravel needs to be put over the culvert.
Roads to be graded: all but Lakeview and Conden’s Cove? 3.8 mi. is the LOOP plus
Scenic Drive.
MOTION Jack/Donna: “We move that spring grading be done without Lakeview and
Condon’s Cove and that Dick and Scott determine what the additional cost would be to
grade Holly and Old Colony, with the limit being $1000.” Motion carried.
This would be less than a mile of additional road. Dick will call Scott tomorrow.
There is a tree across from the Cherry’s on Kennedy Brook which has snapped. Nick and
Bill will go look at it Sat. after the docks go in to see if they can safely remove it. Nick
May cut it as “an approved volunteer” under our insurance.
April Board meeting minutes accepted as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
Account Balances: Checking = $87,623.47
Emergency Contingency CD = $37,441.19
Rainy Day Savings = $13,637.15
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $6,768.31 Additional $2,190 collected
for FY 2018
Reserves/Holdings Savings = $15,981.93
Past Due Accounts receivable payments have not been posted at this time. Amt. was
$7,837.58 on 4/13/2017.
Seven members were sent LIEN letters from our lawyer.
MOTION Jack/Mike: “We move that HLA proceeds with the ‘Memo of Lien’ against
the remaining five members who have not responded.” Motion carried.
Something we never imagined: the water table is 4-5 feet above normal. Every time Tim
pumps out the pool to pull the liner, it fills back in. This will delay the opening of the
pool by at least two weeks.
What has been done: we now have three (3) working jets with new cement where they
were put in and the steps have been repaired. We saved $10K on this rather than
replacing them.
This is the last liner for this pool. In 10/12 years the pool will need to be replaced.
Idea: Let’s start a capital improvement plan NOW for 10 yrs out, for $30K.
Mike is still waiting for SUN RUN to get back to him about solar panels on Rossi Hall.
Docks will be put in this Sat. at 9:30 AM. The usual crew of volunteers is showing up.
They are Bob & Mike, Bryan, Jason, Dave, Nick, who else?
BOAT SLIPS: We still have two spots left A1 & A2. They will both need work by the
persons who put their boats there.
Donna will write up our Boat Slip Policy and present it to the Board for discussion and
vote at our June board meeting. Our policy has been “First paid, first served.” Also, if
you have a spot and you pay up, you may have the same spot again.
PLAYGROUND: the big slide needs to be removed. Dian will ask the Hastings if they
want to donate their slide /swing set to the HLA playground.
MOWING Donna is collecting names of anyone interested in mowing. Must be 16or
older. (Insurance clause)
* People have been building fires at the Hidden Lake beach. NH State law says YOU
MUST HAVE A FIRE PERMIT. Dian will ask the fire chief if he has signage for this.
* People have moved the large boulders leading to the bridge around Hidden Lake. We
will ask Landsite to go in and pull the rocks back together. We will post a sign at each
end reading “ No motorized vehicles beyond this point.” Also, we will ask members to
stay off the trail when it is muddy. The large ruts prohibit walking. No trucks should be
going on this trail.
* BEAVER SOLUTIONS is a company with a trapezoidal cage to set up around a
culvert. It is large enough to prevent clogging. Mike Lebo and Laura Dougherty have
pictures of the flooding caused by the beaver clogging of the culvert coming from Rice
Brook across Tigola. The board will look into this.
Meeting adjourned at 8: 52 PM
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary