Approved Minutes
April 13, 2017
Home of Dian Mathews
Present: President-D. Scofield, Vice-President – B. Osterhout, Treasurer- J. Page,
Secretary- D. Mathews, Directors- M. Kelley and D. Moxley (via Skype)
Guest: Nick
1. Minutes of March Board meeting accepted as amended.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Account Balances: Checking = $13,748.88
Emergency CD = 37,425.81 (expires May 7)
Rainy Day Savings = $13,636.02
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $6,915.81
Prepaid FY2018 Assessments and Fees = $24,121.69 (Billings/mailings went out
3/18/2018. THANK YOU to all who helped
stuff envelopes.)
Past Due Accounts Receivable = $7,837.58 8 members still have past due accts.,
7 were sent LIEN letters from Atty. Daddario. Jack, Dian and Dick volunteered to visit
Daddario to investigate our next step in the LIEN process. We went after all 7 to be
Fair and need to know how we will proceed to Step 3.
Tracy Noga’s letter of recommendations and the HLA Board’s responses have been
posted on our website.
3. Pool – Mike Kelley
New liner was ordered April 1. (Last liner is from 2005) The entire project (repair
Steps, add two jets) will cost $13K+. Tim Bluewater wants a 50% deposit. Work to
begin soon.
Pool Committee is $2K over-budget because the “paying attendants as employees”
system in place now wasn’t budgeted.
The fourth solar heating panel will be going up this spring. ($93)
4. Waterfront – Donna Moxley
The mowing contract will be put in writing this year. Donna will write up bid specs
and post the job on Facebook.
There was a question from a member about the “NO OVERNIGHT PARKING” sign
at the boat ramp. Overnight parking is allowed by the tennis courts.
5. Roads
It’s time to get our grading contract signed and the grading scheduled. Dian will type
up the Specs package from Sam and send to Landsite when it’s okayed by Sam.
*There is a culvert problem in King’s Highway; the water runs onto a resident’s
property. The culvert is over 30 yrs. old. Dick will speak to Landsite to see what we
can do to remedy the problem. Nick will get him the no. of JB Trucking in Alstead
* There is a large section on Woodlot which is almost impassable. We will have to do
the same thing that was done on upper Kennedy Brook last year (ie. take the road
down and lay a new base…) Dick will get a quote from Landsite.
Roads continued
* The Rice Brook beaver family is threatening to flood Tigola by the Beaver Brook
intersection. Dick will call Brian Magoon to handle those pesky beavers.
* Dian will type up and mail out the plowing bid specs to: Landsite, Weaver and
6. By-laws
Dian will e-mail those persons who said they’d be interested in reworking our by-laws
and set up a meeting.
7. New Ideas
* From Mike Kelley: an income maker. Is there a lot we own that we could use to rent
space for storage of boat trailers?
*Selling HLA lots. Dian will speak to neighbor to see if he is still interested in
purchasing adjacent lot. This idea would be brought to the members in June.
* Going solar? We have a substantial electric bill each summer. We budget $2K per
year. Last yr. it was $1,800. What if we installed 6-8 solar panels on Rossi Hall?
We would have to amend the Water/Electric Agreement we have with the Cherries.
Mike will research this idea.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Next meeting will be the second Thursday, May 11, 6:30 PM. Place TBA
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Approved Minutes
April 13, 2017
Home of Dian Mathews
Present: President-D. Scofield, Vice-President – B. Osterhout, Treasurer- J. Page,
Secretary- D. Mathews, Directors- M. Kelley and D. Moxley (via Skype)
Guest: Nick
1. Minutes of March Board meeting accepted as amended.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Account Balances: Checking = $13,748.88
Emergency CD = 37,425.81 (expires May 7)
Rainy Day Savings = $13,636.02
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $6,915.81
Prepaid FY2018 Assessments and Fees = $24,121.69 (Billings/mailings went out
3/18/2018. THANK YOU to all who helped
stuff envelopes.)
Past Due Accounts Receivable = $7,837.58 8 members still have past due accts.,
7 were sent LIEN letters from Atty. Daddario. Jack, Dian and Dick volunteered to visit
Daddario to investigate our next step in the LIEN process. We went after all 7 to be
Fair and need to know how we will proceed to Step 3.
Tracy Noga’s letter of recommendations and the HLA Board’s responses have been
posted on our website.
3. Pool – Mike Kelley
New liner was ordered April 1. (Last liner is from 2005) The entire project (repair
Steps, add two jets) will cost $13K+. Tim Bluewater wants a 50% deposit. Work to
begin soon.
Pool Committee is $2K over-budget because the “paying attendants as employees”
system in place now wasn’t budgeted.
The fourth solar heating panel will be going up this spring. ($93)
4. Waterfront – Donna Moxley
The mowing contract will be put in writing this year. Donna will write up bid specs
and post the job on Facebook.
There was a question from a member about the “NO OVERNIGHT PARKING” sign
at the boat ramp. Overnight parking is allowed by the tennis courts.
5. Roads
It’s time to get our grading contract signed and the grading scheduled. Dian will type
up the Specs package from Sam and send to Landsite when it’s okayed by Sam.
*There is a culvert problem in King’s Highway; the water runs onto a resident’s
property. The culvert is over 30 yrs. old. Dick will speak to Landsite to see what we
can do to remedy the problem. Nick will get him the no. of JB Trucking in Alstead
* There is a large section on Woodlot which is almost impassable. We will have to do
the same thing that was done on upper Kennedy Brook last year (ie. take the road
down and lay a new base…) Dick will get a quote from Landsite.
Roads continued
* The Rice Brook beaver family is threatening to flood Tigola by the Beaver Brook
intersection. Dick will call Brian Magoon to handle those pesky beavers.
* Dian will type up and mail out the plowing bid specs to: Landsite, Weaver and
6. By-laws
Dian will e-mail those persons who said they’d be interested in reworking our by-laws
and set up a meeting.
7. New Ideas
* From Mike Kelley: an income maker. Is there a lot we own that we could use to rent
space for storage of boat trailers?
*Selling HLA lots. Dian will speak to neighbor to see if he is still interested in
purchasing adjacent lot. This idea would be brought to the members in June.
* Going solar? We have a substantial electric bill each summer. We budget $2K per
year. Last yr. it was $1,800. What if we installed 6-8 solar panels on Rossi Hall?
We would have to amend the Water/Electric Agreement we have with the Cherries.
Mike will research this idea.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Next meeting will be the second Thursday, May 11, 6:30 PM. Place TBA
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary