Approved Minutes
March 9, 2017
Home of Dian Mathews
Present: President- D. Scofield, V-President- B. Osterhout, Treasurer- J. Page,
Recording Secretary- D. Mathews, Director- M. Kelley
MINUTES of the December 16, 2016 Board meeting accepted as amended.
Checking Account Balance = $26,047.00
Landsite Payment due 4/1/2017 = $7,250.00
That leaves $18,797.00 available for: Mud season, Road repairs – Grading,
Pool: chemicals, cameras, unexpected expenses
(Last year at this time there was $6,000.00 available.)
Emergency Contingency CD Balance = $37,409.92
Rainy Day Savings Account Balance = $13,634.87
Unspent Boat Fees Savings Account Balance = $4,702.57
Accounts Receivable Balance = $8,687.99 Nine members have past due amounts.
MOTION Jack/Dian: “We move that the Board asks our lawyer to go to the NEXT STEP with all members who have received a demand letter on HLA’s behalf. (Demand letters were sent out 12/2016.)” MOTION carried.
The next step is a Statuary Letter.
Jack will spend this week preparing the Association ANNUAL FEE FORMS.
Dian and Dick will compose the Annual Letter to the Members.
The Board will meet Saturday morning March18, 2017 at Jack’s house to stuff envelopes.
The August 2016 Budget Meeting minutes will be copied and will go in the envelopes.
Jack will call Pam Bruder to confirm she will stay on as Boat Fee Person.
Board discussed the rest of Tracy Noga’s Recommendations. The Recommendations and
HLA Board’s Responses will be published on the HLA website for our members to
Board received a letter from Lawyer Daddairio in January 2017 entitled “POSSIBLE OBLIGATIONS OF NON-MEMBERS”. Our lawyer recommends that we research
full time residents as opposed to summer only residents and those having land only.
Jack will update and send every one the spread sheet with HLA lot data. JLNs with
Houses would be the ones we would look to for payment of road use.
There have been complaints of barking and/or loose dogs. We will remind our dog owning neighbors to be considerate of those of us who don’t own dogs.
Mike is waiting for BLUE WATER to gets 2017 catalog so we can order our new pool liner. We discussed 27 ml thickness on all sides and bottom. Color will be as close to what we have now (& what’s available). We’re wondering if we have funds to fix TWO jets- one MUST be repaired.
Dick will e-mail Sam about a Grading Contract for this spring.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Approved Minutes
March 9, 2017
Home of Dian Mathews
Present: President- D. Scofield, V-President- B. Osterhout, Treasurer- J. Page,
Recording Secretary- D. Mathews, Director- M. Kelley
MINUTES of the December 16, 2016 Board meeting accepted as amended.
Checking Account Balance = $26,047.00
Landsite Payment due 4/1/2017 = $7,250.00
That leaves $18,797.00 available for: Mud season, Road repairs – Grading,
Pool: chemicals, cameras, unexpected expenses
(Last year at this time there was $6,000.00 available.)
Emergency Contingency CD Balance = $37,409.92
Rainy Day Savings Account Balance = $13,634.87
Unspent Boat Fees Savings Account Balance = $4,702.57
Accounts Receivable Balance = $8,687.99 Nine members have past due amounts.
MOTION Jack/Dian: “We move that the Board asks our lawyer to go to the NEXT STEP with all members who have received a demand letter on HLA’s behalf. (Demand letters were sent out 12/2016.)” MOTION carried.
The next step is a Statuary Letter.
Jack will spend this week preparing the Association ANNUAL FEE FORMS.
Dian and Dick will compose the Annual Letter to the Members.
The Board will meet Saturday morning March18, 2017 at Jack’s house to stuff envelopes.
The August 2016 Budget Meeting minutes will be copied and will go in the envelopes.
Jack will call Pam Bruder to confirm she will stay on as Boat Fee Person.
Board discussed the rest of Tracy Noga’s Recommendations. The Recommendations and
HLA Board’s Responses will be published on the HLA website for our members to
Board received a letter from Lawyer Daddairio in January 2017 entitled “POSSIBLE OBLIGATIONS OF NON-MEMBERS”. Our lawyer recommends that we research
full time residents as opposed to summer only residents and those having land only.
Jack will update and send every one the spread sheet with HLA lot data. JLNs with
Houses would be the ones we would look to for payment of road use.
There have been complaints of barking and/or loose dogs. We will remind our dog owning neighbors to be considerate of those of us who don’t own dogs.
Mike is waiting for BLUE WATER to gets 2017 catalog so we can order our new pool liner. We discussed 27 ml thickness on all sides and bottom. Color will be as close to what we have now (& what’s available). We’re wondering if we have funds to fix TWO jets- one MUST be repaired.
Dick will e-mail Sam about a Grading Contract for this spring.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary