Approved Minutes
November 10, 2016 6:30 PM
Home of D. Mathews
Present: President-D. Scofield, Vice-President-B. Osterhout, Treasurer-J. Page,
Recording Secretary-D. Mathews, Director- M. Kelley
Minutes of Oct. 2016 Board meeting accepted as amended.
Treasurer’s Report – J. Page
1. Account Balances: Checking = $86,487.90
Emergency Contingency CD = $37,348.47
Rainy Day Savings = $13,630.38
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $4,701.03
Accounts Receivable = $15,480.16
2. Stoddard 2nd property tax bill PAID.
3. Audit – the Board will discuss Tracy Noga’s recommendations at another time.
4. 22 Dunning letters were sent out. 3 returned as undeliverable, 4 paid in full, 2 made
partial payments.
Road Committee
1. Discussion of culvert and beavers on Tigola. Brian Magoon can trap in Nov.
Dian will look into non-lethal methods to exclude beaver from culverts.
2. Dick will develop and send out “Branch Cutting” contract to the Board and
will then have F. Stuckey sign. Cutting should begin this week.
Waterfront Committee
Donna will ask Pam Bruder to e-mail those who have yet to remove their kayaks
from the racks.
Recreation Committee – M. Kelley
1. Check will be sent to S. McGerty for the AED box he purchased. Discussion
about where it should go and ability to be plugged in. Board decided to mount
the box on the front of Rossi Hall nearest the Horseshoe Court. B. Bruder and M.
Kelley will do the work.
By-laws Committee
The Board will meet Thursday, Nov. 17th at Dian’s home for a Work Meeting.
Purpose of the meeting is to discuss and determine a course of action for the By-laws
Unfinished Business
1. Keyless entry for the Pool House: the idea will be to let members use the bathrooms
using a badge. Bill and Mike will get prices and options. Cameras were also discussed.
2. Members wanting to purchase HLA property must present a proposal to the Board;
the Board will make their recommendation to the members to vote on. Board will have
Donna & Pam look into assessed values.
New Business
1. Board discussed decisions made via e-mail and agreed we need to move a little slower.
2. Discussed who should be the contacts with the attorney. Jack for Treasurer business;
no final decision made on who else.
3. Discussed having the meetings just two hours or extending; no firm decision made, but
the Board will have a Work Meeting for the By-laws.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Approved Minutes
November 10, 2016 6:30 PM
Home of D. Mathews
Present: President-D. Scofield, Vice-President-B. Osterhout, Treasurer-J. Page,
Recording Secretary-D. Mathews, Director- M. Kelley
Minutes of Oct. 2016 Board meeting accepted as amended.
Treasurer’s Report – J. Page
1. Account Balances: Checking = $86,487.90
Emergency Contingency CD = $37,348.47
Rainy Day Savings = $13,630.38
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $4,701.03
Accounts Receivable = $15,480.16
2. Stoddard 2nd property tax bill PAID.
3. Audit – the Board will discuss Tracy Noga’s recommendations at another time.
4. 22 Dunning letters were sent out. 3 returned as undeliverable, 4 paid in full, 2 made
partial payments.
Road Committee
1. Discussion of culvert and beavers on Tigola. Brian Magoon can trap in Nov.
Dian will look into non-lethal methods to exclude beaver from culverts.
2. Dick will develop and send out “Branch Cutting” contract to the Board and
will then have F. Stuckey sign. Cutting should begin this week.
Waterfront Committee
Donna will ask Pam Bruder to e-mail those who have yet to remove their kayaks
from the racks.
Recreation Committee – M. Kelley
1. Check will be sent to S. McGerty for the AED box he purchased. Discussion
about where it should go and ability to be plugged in. Board decided to mount
the box on the front of Rossi Hall nearest the Horseshoe Court. B. Bruder and M.
Kelley will do the work.
By-laws Committee
The Board will meet Thursday, Nov. 17th at Dian’s home for a Work Meeting.
Purpose of the meeting is to discuss and determine a course of action for the By-laws
Unfinished Business
1. Keyless entry for the Pool House: the idea will be to let members use the bathrooms
using a badge. Bill and Mike will get prices and options. Cameras were also discussed.
2. Members wanting to purchase HLA property must present a proposal to the Board;
the Board will make their recommendation to the members to vote on. Board will have
Donna & Pam look into assessed values.
New Business
1. Board discussed decisions made via e-mail and agreed we need to move a little slower.
2. Discussed who should be the contacts with the attorney. Jack for Treasurer business;
no final decision made on who else.
3. Discussed having the meetings just two hours or extending; no firm decision made, but
the Board will have a Work Meeting for the By-laws.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary