2016/08/27 Budget Meeting
Rossi Hall
August 27th, 2016 - 10 AM
Meeting called to order at 10:07 AM. Flag salute was led by Acting President Bill Osterhout.
Acting President Osterhout welcomed new members: Steve Babineau of Beaver Brook Dr. and
Nick Cashorali of Fox Hill Rd.
He introduced the current board: Treasurer Jack Page, Secretary Dian Mathews, Directors
Sam Kaczka, Donna Moxley and Mike Kelley.
He also informed the members that we would be taking nominations from the floor for the office
of president.
MOTION by H Page/Roy Marotta: “We move that the minutes of the August 2015 Budget meeting
be accepted as distributed.” Carried
MOTION by M Falcone/M Belland: “We move that the June 2016 Membership Minutes be
amended as follows. In the Treasurer’s section “Bills are due May 1st…” add “ per HLA’sformer Attorney M Gavin’s interpretation.” Carried (2 Nays).
SECRETARY’S NOTE: The above motion is void because it is adding words to the Treasurer’s Report which he did NOT say – he reads his report verbatim from his notes.
MOTION by H Page/D Scofield: “We move that the June 2016 Membership minutes be accepted as
amended.” Carried.
SECRETARY’S NOTE: The above motion is void because the minutes cannot be amended as the previous motion indicated. The June 2016 Membership minutes must be reaccepted at the
next membership meeting in June 2017.
1. Financial Review
This Spring an HLA member, Tracy Noga looked at our books. (She has her PhD in Accounting;
is a CPA and an Associate Professor at Bentley University.) Her letter to the Board states in part:
“Board Members:
At your request, I recently reviewed the financial records for Hidden Lake Association (HLA) for
The Fiscal years ending 2014-16. This review was merely for informational purposes and does not
meet the standards for a compilation, review or audit under Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards. As a result of my inquiry it is my opinion that the records fairly represent, within the
standard of materiality, the activities of the association for the three most complete fiscal years.
I did not observe any signs of fraud or impropriety.”
NOTE: The Dictionary of Accounting Terms defines fairly represent as follows:
“A term used in the auditor’s report where there exists adequate disclosure, reasonable detail, and
Absence of bias. Adequate disclosure requires all management information necessary to interpret
financial statements. Reasonable detail requires that certain particulars of broad statement
classifications be presented. Absence of bias means that the auditor is independent and impartial
and does not favor one party over the other.”
The board plans to review several recommendations at upcoming board meetings and will
publish the entire letter in the future. Thank you Tracy for all your hard work!
2.Current Financial Status
Checking Account Balance = $ 95,100.69.
Emergency CD Account Balance = $ 37,301.43.
Unspent Boat Fees Account Balance = $ 4,699.84.
Rainy Day Savings Account Balance = $ 10,001.79.
There are currently 26 past due members. Dunning letters will go out in September.
FY2016 Tax Returns due 9/15/2016.
MOTION by R Marotta/D Scofield: “We move that the cap on the Rainy Day Fund be raised to
$15,000.” Question Moved by A. Hutchinson. Carried (1 Nay).
3. Budget Presentation for FY May 1, 2017 – FY April 30, 2018
Highlights of FY 2018 Budget
Disbursement Categories
Roads – 68% of budget at $85,000 – more than FY 2017 budget, but less than FY 2016 Actual.
Pool Area – 23% of budget at $28,575 – much higher than other years because we now have
Attendant Employees and we are budgeting for a new pool liner and steps repair.
Docks and Recreation Area – 3 % of budget at $3,200 – mostly funded by boat fees.
Insurance – 4% of budget at $5,050 – savings of $1,000 attributed to canceling umbrella policy.
Organization – 6% of budget at $7,750 – savings by reducing legal expenses by $4,000.
There is NO proposed raise in assessments!
MOTION by D Stenstrum/R Marotta: “We move that $2,000 from the Unspent Boat Fees Account be put into the Rainy Day Account.” Question moved by H Page. Motion does not pass.
MOTION by D Scofield/K Peate: “We move that the FY 2018 Budget be accepted as presented.”
1. Grading for the second half of the year was done on the LOOP and washboarded areas.
Landsite will rake before winter on his own.
2. Frank Stuckey has rented the boom cutter for early September. The Brush Cutting will cost us
3. The Snow Plowing contract is with Landsite Corporation for $47,250 (same as last year).
4. We expect 2 bids to come in for Tree Trimming.
5. In October NH DES will be visiting for their Five Year Dan Inspection. E Charron, D Mathews
and S Kaczka will be at the dam for the inspection.
6. Thank you goes out to D Stentrum, T Chagnon and C Falcone for filling in the sinkhole on
S. Hidden Lake Road.
7. Thank you to M Falcone for calling Eversource to come trim trees under the lines. Eversource
will still be cutting trees.
8. Thank you to B Warner for fixing and raking Rice Brook Road.
9. WINTER CONTACTS: B Osterhout 446-7876, D Scofield [email protected]
1. The average temperature of the pool this summer has been 80 degrees.
2. The pool was used by 2,208 adults and 1,186 children.
3. Thank you to M Falcone and R Marotta for their great updating work in the pool area.
4. Our new pool back-up attendant is Neil Robinson.
5. We are getting estimates to replace our 11 year old pool liner. It is a testament to all our pool
attendants that the liner has lasted so long. We are budgeting to replace the liner and repair the
steps into the pool.
6. We think we have enough chlorine for next season.
7. We will rent out our HLA chairs and tables. Members will leave a deposit -$20 per table, $5 per
chair. Deposit is given back when the chairs are returned. Rossi Hall can be rented by members
for $25.
1. Thanks go to B Bruder, D Stenstrum, D Scofield, B Freitag, M English, Mike & Jerome
for their construction efforts to build our HORSESHOES court. It is on the north side of
Rossi Hall. There will be an equipment sign-out sheet for adults in the pool house.
2. We are in the process of creating a safe, sandy area for a badminton court. Look for this addition
next season.
3. B Bruder and M Kelley are making a BEAN BAG TOSS game for next season.
4. The docks are drying out. We have replacement boards ready and will purchase additional
boards to be ready for next season.
ELECTION - Nominations from the floor for office of President for one year (June 2017)
Bill Oserhout nominated by M Falcone/M Belland – nomination not accepted.
Dick Scofield nominated by J Page/A Hutchinson.
Ellen Mason nominated by K Peate/M Falcone – nomination not accepted.
Ed Charron nominated by Roy Marotta – nomination not accepted.
Mikki Falcone nominated by M Belland/ PJ Dionne – nomination not accepted.
MOTION by H Page/R Marotta: “We move that the Secretary cast one ballot for Dick Scofield
for president.” Carried.
Dick Scofield is HLA President until June 2017 elections.
*By-laws Committee will be put on hold until we have input from the new president.
Highland Lake Unified Association Report – J VanScheik
1. Thank to HLA for donating $300 to HLUA this year.
2. The dam on the lake was built 200 years ago.
3. There were 15 fishing tournaments on Highland Lake this summer.
4. HLUA had its two annual meetings at Rossi Hall this year (in July & August).
5. HLUA is responsible for weed testing in the lake. There are no invasives in the lake.
There are attendants checking boats at Island Pond and the curve on Rt. 123.
Joe will get us a “Check for Weeds” sign to post by the ramp.
1. Nominations from the floor for next years June 2017 Membership meeting elections.
Offices open for nominations:
* President (2 year term) - Dick Scofield nominated by L Currie/ B Dougneck.
* Treasurer (2 year term) - Jack Page nominated by L Currie/J Hastings.
* Director (3 year term) - Mike Kelley nominated by D Mathews/J Page.
Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the June meeting.
2. New lawyer – D Scofield suggested he contact S Kaufold (from the Village District meeting last summer)
3. MOTION by J Page/D Creighton: “We move that the general membership meetings time be
changed to 9 AM.” Carried.
4.MOTION to Adjourn by D Scofield/N Cashorali. 12:10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Rossi Hall
August 27th, 2016 - 10 AM
Meeting called to order at 10:07 AM. Flag salute was led by Acting President Bill Osterhout.
Acting President Osterhout welcomed new members: Steve Babineau of Beaver Brook Dr. and
Nick Cashorali of Fox Hill Rd.
He introduced the current board: Treasurer Jack Page, Secretary Dian Mathews, Directors
Sam Kaczka, Donna Moxley and Mike Kelley.
He also informed the members that we would be taking nominations from the floor for the office
of president.
MOTION by H Page/Roy Marotta: “We move that the minutes of the August 2015 Budget meeting
be accepted as distributed.” Carried
MOTION by M Falcone/M Belland: “We move that the June 2016 Membership Minutes be
amended as follows. In the Treasurer’s section “Bills are due May 1st…” add “ per HLA’sformer Attorney M Gavin’s interpretation.” Carried (2 Nays).
SECRETARY’S NOTE: The above motion is void because it is adding words to the Treasurer’s Report which he did NOT say – he reads his report verbatim from his notes.
MOTION by H Page/D Scofield: “We move that the June 2016 Membership minutes be accepted as
amended.” Carried.
SECRETARY’S NOTE: The above motion is void because the minutes cannot be amended as the previous motion indicated. The June 2016 Membership minutes must be reaccepted at the
next membership meeting in June 2017.
1. Financial Review
This Spring an HLA member, Tracy Noga looked at our books. (She has her PhD in Accounting;
is a CPA and an Associate Professor at Bentley University.) Her letter to the Board states in part:
“Board Members:
At your request, I recently reviewed the financial records for Hidden Lake Association (HLA) for
The Fiscal years ending 2014-16. This review was merely for informational purposes and does not
meet the standards for a compilation, review or audit under Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards. As a result of my inquiry it is my opinion that the records fairly represent, within the
standard of materiality, the activities of the association for the three most complete fiscal years.
I did not observe any signs of fraud or impropriety.”
NOTE: The Dictionary of Accounting Terms defines fairly represent as follows:
“A term used in the auditor’s report where there exists adequate disclosure, reasonable detail, and
Absence of bias. Adequate disclosure requires all management information necessary to interpret
financial statements. Reasonable detail requires that certain particulars of broad statement
classifications be presented. Absence of bias means that the auditor is independent and impartial
and does not favor one party over the other.”
The board plans to review several recommendations at upcoming board meetings and will
publish the entire letter in the future. Thank you Tracy for all your hard work!
2.Current Financial Status
Checking Account Balance = $ 95,100.69.
Emergency CD Account Balance = $ 37,301.43.
Unspent Boat Fees Account Balance = $ 4,699.84.
Rainy Day Savings Account Balance = $ 10,001.79.
There are currently 26 past due members. Dunning letters will go out in September.
FY2016 Tax Returns due 9/15/2016.
MOTION by R Marotta/D Scofield: “We move that the cap on the Rainy Day Fund be raised to
$15,000.” Question Moved by A. Hutchinson. Carried (1 Nay).
3. Budget Presentation for FY May 1, 2017 – FY April 30, 2018
Highlights of FY 2018 Budget
Disbursement Categories
Roads – 68% of budget at $85,000 – more than FY 2017 budget, but less than FY 2016 Actual.
Pool Area – 23% of budget at $28,575 – much higher than other years because we now have
Attendant Employees and we are budgeting for a new pool liner and steps repair.
Docks and Recreation Area – 3 % of budget at $3,200 – mostly funded by boat fees.
Insurance – 4% of budget at $5,050 – savings of $1,000 attributed to canceling umbrella policy.
Organization – 6% of budget at $7,750 – savings by reducing legal expenses by $4,000.
There is NO proposed raise in assessments!
MOTION by D Stenstrum/R Marotta: “We move that $2,000 from the Unspent Boat Fees Account be put into the Rainy Day Account.” Question moved by H Page. Motion does not pass.
MOTION by D Scofield/K Peate: “We move that the FY 2018 Budget be accepted as presented.”
1. Grading for the second half of the year was done on the LOOP and washboarded areas.
Landsite will rake before winter on his own.
2. Frank Stuckey has rented the boom cutter for early September. The Brush Cutting will cost us
3. The Snow Plowing contract is with Landsite Corporation for $47,250 (same as last year).
4. We expect 2 bids to come in for Tree Trimming.
5. In October NH DES will be visiting for their Five Year Dan Inspection. E Charron, D Mathews
and S Kaczka will be at the dam for the inspection.
6. Thank you goes out to D Stentrum, T Chagnon and C Falcone for filling in the sinkhole on
S. Hidden Lake Road.
7. Thank you to M Falcone for calling Eversource to come trim trees under the lines. Eversource
will still be cutting trees.
8. Thank you to B Warner for fixing and raking Rice Brook Road.
9. WINTER CONTACTS: B Osterhout 446-7876, D Scofield [email protected]
1. The average temperature of the pool this summer has been 80 degrees.
2. The pool was used by 2,208 adults and 1,186 children.
3. Thank you to M Falcone and R Marotta for their great updating work in the pool area.
4. Our new pool back-up attendant is Neil Robinson.
5. We are getting estimates to replace our 11 year old pool liner. It is a testament to all our pool
attendants that the liner has lasted so long. We are budgeting to replace the liner and repair the
steps into the pool.
6. We think we have enough chlorine for next season.
7. We will rent out our HLA chairs and tables. Members will leave a deposit -$20 per table, $5 per
chair. Deposit is given back when the chairs are returned. Rossi Hall can be rented by members
for $25.
1. Thanks go to B Bruder, D Stenstrum, D Scofield, B Freitag, M English, Mike & Jerome
for their construction efforts to build our HORSESHOES court. It is on the north side of
Rossi Hall. There will be an equipment sign-out sheet for adults in the pool house.
2. We are in the process of creating a safe, sandy area for a badminton court. Look for this addition
next season.
3. B Bruder and M Kelley are making a BEAN BAG TOSS game for next season.
4. The docks are drying out. We have replacement boards ready and will purchase additional
boards to be ready for next season.
ELECTION - Nominations from the floor for office of President for one year (June 2017)
Bill Oserhout nominated by M Falcone/M Belland – nomination not accepted.
Dick Scofield nominated by J Page/A Hutchinson.
Ellen Mason nominated by K Peate/M Falcone – nomination not accepted.
Ed Charron nominated by Roy Marotta – nomination not accepted.
Mikki Falcone nominated by M Belland/ PJ Dionne – nomination not accepted.
MOTION by H Page/R Marotta: “We move that the Secretary cast one ballot for Dick Scofield
for president.” Carried.
Dick Scofield is HLA President until June 2017 elections.
*By-laws Committee will be put on hold until we have input from the new president.
Highland Lake Unified Association Report – J VanScheik
1. Thank to HLA for donating $300 to HLUA this year.
2. The dam on the lake was built 200 years ago.
3. There were 15 fishing tournaments on Highland Lake this summer.
4. HLUA had its two annual meetings at Rossi Hall this year (in July & August).
5. HLUA is responsible for weed testing in the lake. There are no invasives in the lake.
There are attendants checking boats at Island Pond and the curve on Rt. 123.
Joe will get us a “Check for Weeds” sign to post by the ramp.
1. Nominations from the floor for next years June 2017 Membership meeting elections.
Offices open for nominations:
* President (2 year term) - Dick Scofield nominated by L Currie/ B Dougneck.
* Treasurer (2 year term) - Jack Page nominated by L Currie/J Hastings.
* Director (3 year term) - Mike Kelley nominated by D Mathews/J Page.
Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the June meeting.
2. New lawyer – D Scofield suggested he contact S Kaufold (from the Village District meeting last summer)
3. MOTION by J Page/D Creighton: “We move that the general membership meetings time be
changed to 9 AM.” Carried.
4.MOTION to Adjourn by D Scofield/N Cashorali. 12:10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary