Approved Minutes
Rossi Hall 6:30 PM
June 9th, 2016
Present: President-T.Chagnon, Treasurer-J.Page, Secretary-D.Mathews
Directors-S.Kaczka, M.Falcone, D.Stenstrom
1. May 12th , 2016 Board meeting minutes accepted as amended.
2. TREASURER’S Report – Jack Page
a. Accounts: Checking = $108,945.70
Emergency Contingency CD = $37,270.28
Rainy Day Savings = $13,625.54
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $2,249.20
b. Accounts Receivable = $22,500.08 – 33 members have past due accounts
c. Accounts Payable = $0.00.
d. Tracy Noga will be looking at our books; Jack had given here all the pertinent
e. ADP payroll for HLA employees: two pay cycles have been completed.
Direct deposit happened on the second cycle. Attendants enter their time via
Smartphone or PC app. The 2 week cycle is Mon. – Sun. – the approval has to be
in to ADP by Wed. afternoon.
f. Vendors must send their invoices to the HLA mailbox in order to be paid promptly.
3. Committee Reports
ROADS – Sam Kazcka
a. Bids came in from Frank Stuckey for the Brush Cutting ($4,900) and Branch
Cutting ($9,000).
b. Mikki will call Eversource to see if they will cut down braches near wires.
c. Dave cut up the tree by the culvert; logs are gone.
d. Another vendor, Brian SoLvei, has asked for a Snow Plowing Bid package.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
a. Everything went well for the first two opening weekends. Members are noticing the
changes: signage, Dave repaired the steps to the pool house.
b. The sign-in sheet is working well.
c. There have been two minor fixes on the liner. Blue Water gave Roy directions & he
made the repairs.
d. The solar panels were fixed and another one added. We would like to add another
one next year.
e. With their permission, family pics have been posted on Facebook.
f. We have 6 bookings for rental of Rossi Hall so far.
WATERFRONT – Dave Stenstrom
a. We have requests for more boat spaces. We will investigate putting in another
set of docks and will see if we can put boats closer together. Tom will check with
b. Grass cutting will be done by Ben Davenport every other week for 10 or 11
cuttings total up to Columbus Day.
c. Dave has been staining and has 2 tables, the bridge and the planters to finish.
d. Dave wants to have a bonfire to burn all the brush that has accumulated. Will
get a permit.
e. Dave will get two sets of hasps to repair the locks on the pump house and shed.
COVENANTS – no report
4. Unfinished Business
a. The June meeting
*Agenda: add HLUA donation request, Dian will look up items from past minutes
we wanted to put to the membership, elections will be after Tom’s welcome like last
year. Agenda will go out to Board this week.
* Jack will print four separate sets of color-coded ballots.
*Dian will make four color-coded ballet boxes. (We need pencils.)
*Dian will ask two people to man the member sign-in table.
*Jack will print out the sign-in sheets and the agenda.
*Ballots will be counted by new members at the front of the room. Ballots will then
be traded and recounted.
b. Hanna – we discussed whether or not we should get a new lawyer for the
association. Each Board member will search for names of a possible replacement.
We will make sure they are an HOA lawyer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Approved Minutes
Rossi Hall 6:30 PM
June 9th, 2016
Present: President-T.Chagnon, Treasurer-J.Page, Secretary-D.Mathews
Directors-S.Kaczka, M.Falcone, D.Stenstrom
1. May 12th , 2016 Board meeting minutes accepted as amended.
2. TREASURER’S Report – Jack Page
a. Accounts: Checking = $108,945.70
Emergency Contingency CD = $37,270.28
Rainy Day Savings = $13,625.54
Unspent Boat Fees Savings = $2,249.20
b. Accounts Receivable = $22,500.08 – 33 members have past due accounts
c. Accounts Payable = $0.00.
d. Tracy Noga will be looking at our books; Jack had given here all the pertinent
e. ADP payroll for HLA employees: two pay cycles have been completed.
Direct deposit happened on the second cycle. Attendants enter their time via
Smartphone or PC app. The 2 week cycle is Mon. – Sun. – the approval has to be
in to ADP by Wed. afternoon.
f. Vendors must send their invoices to the HLA mailbox in order to be paid promptly.
3. Committee Reports
ROADS – Sam Kazcka
a. Bids came in from Frank Stuckey for the Brush Cutting ($4,900) and Branch
Cutting ($9,000).
b. Mikki will call Eversource to see if they will cut down braches near wires.
c. Dave cut up the tree by the culvert; logs are gone.
d. Another vendor, Brian SoLvei, has asked for a Snow Plowing Bid package.
RECREATION – Mikki Falcone
a. Everything went well for the first two opening weekends. Members are noticing the
changes: signage, Dave repaired the steps to the pool house.
b. The sign-in sheet is working well.
c. There have been two minor fixes on the liner. Blue Water gave Roy directions & he
made the repairs.
d. The solar panels were fixed and another one added. We would like to add another
one next year.
e. With their permission, family pics have been posted on Facebook.
f. We have 6 bookings for rental of Rossi Hall so far.
WATERFRONT – Dave Stenstrom
a. We have requests for more boat spaces. We will investigate putting in another
set of docks and will see if we can put boats closer together. Tom will check with
b. Grass cutting will be done by Ben Davenport every other week for 10 or 11
cuttings total up to Columbus Day.
c. Dave has been staining and has 2 tables, the bridge and the planters to finish.
d. Dave wants to have a bonfire to burn all the brush that has accumulated. Will
get a permit.
e. Dave will get two sets of hasps to repair the locks on the pump house and shed.
COVENANTS – no report
4. Unfinished Business
a. The June meeting
*Agenda: add HLUA donation request, Dian will look up items from past minutes
we wanted to put to the membership, elections will be after Tom’s welcome like last
year. Agenda will go out to Board this week.
* Jack will print four separate sets of color-coded ballots.
*Dian will make four color-coded ballet boxes. (We need pencils.)
*Dian will ask two people to man the member sign-in table.
*Jack will print out the sign-in sheets and the agenda.
*Ballots will be counted by new members at the front of the room. Ballots will then
be traded and recounted.
b. Hanna – we discussed whether or not we should get a new lawyer for the
association. Each Board member will search for names of a possible replacement.
We will make sure they are an HOA lawyer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary