Amended Minutes
May 12th , 2016 6:30 PM
Home of Mikki Falcone
Present: T. Chagnon- President, J. Page – Treasurer, D. Mathews – Secretary,
Directors- S. Kaczka, M. Falcone, D. Stenstrom
A. April 23rd, 2016 minutes accepted as amended.
B. Discussion of Board e-mails. General consensus is that Board e-mails
should be HLA business conducted in a professional manner.
C. Hanna Visit Report (5/9/2016) – Mikki Falcone
1. Tom, Mikki and Hanna discussed how to proceed with all non-paying property
There are 37-42 JLN lots; they have an obligation to contribute to the
maintenance of HLA roads. (16 JLN – P paid $8000 EARLY.)
Aten Road is going to a Village District for this purpose.
Board discussed having a HLA meeting in July to invite all JLNs to ask
them to share in the road cost.
MOTION Mikki/Sam: “We move that Hanna be asked to draft a letter
stating that The NH Supreme Court has a set precedent that HLA can require
JLN – NPs to pay road maintenance fees.” Carried.
2. Hanna was asked if we could just deal with B. Faulkner instead of three
people in his office. Hanna says that this is the way his office operates. He
oversees everything; all office personnel participate; we pay each who works on a
3.Hanna is charging $75 to our NP members. He is charging HLA $300+. Is there
a way to recoup the legal fees?
4. Assessments are due by May 1st – the beginning of our fiscal year. After June 15th
legal action can be taken. Should we amend the By-Laws? We will ask members to
join a By-Laws Revision Committee at the June Membership meeting.
An amendment could state that a demand letter would be sent out by us
prior to any lawyer involvement.
D. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Page
1. Accounts: Checking = $102,377.74 Emergency CD = $37,254.45
Rainy Day CD = $13,624.38 Boats = $2,249.01
2. Accounts Receivable = $31,213.34
10 are past due for 2016 payment; all are paying something except 2
members and 2 banks.
3. Audit: T. Noga will be “looking at the books” after Memorial as per her
4. Pool Salaries: ADP payment is set up via direct deposit. Pool Attendants will
be paid every two weeks. If we get the data to them by 3 PM on
Thurs., the checks will be available on Friday.
5. Workman’s Comp: Mikki got a questionnaire from Erica (Ins. Co.).
6. Reimbursements: A check costs us $2. Do not submit an amount too small to
be worth it.
7. Discussion: Do nonpayers forfeit their dock space? YES.
E. Committee Reports
ROADS – Sam Kazcka
1. Scott will try to come earlier that June. He is on another grading
job right now.
2. Everyone wants to put in a bid who was sent one:
Brush cutting: David V. and Frank S
Plowing: Scott, Mathewson, Walley
3. David V. came in & fixed the culvert by the tennis courts. It still
needs work.
1. Mikki will resend the Pool Attendants’ Job Description to the Board.
2. The money from rental of Rossi Hall, the sale of soda at the pool will
be for “Rec Expenses”.
3. Mikki has purchased signage for pool safety in compliance with NH
law. (No smoking, No lifeguard on Duty, Keep gates closed, Watch
your children…)
4. David will rebuild the cement block step with wood leftover from the
Hidden Lake Trail and the shower bottom.
5. Paper Towel dispensers have been purchased for the bathrooms.
6. Roy & Patty are recertified; Kaitlyn will go at Keene State.
7. Pool First Aid kit will be hung on the wall.
8. Safety Checks will be conducted every 2 hours for 15 minutes.
(Good for bathroom breaks)
9. Pool house will be opened in the AM by a Board member.
10. A log book will be used to record anything that goes on at the pool.
11. There will be a sign in sheet for members and guests.
12. Solar Panel hoses were bitten by mice. Replacements are ordered.
13.We need a floating thermometer.
WATERFRONT – David Stenstrom
1. Boat racks, stairs tables have been stained. Bridge and pots
are next.
2. Mikki will post the job of grass cutting on HLA’s Facebook pg.
3. Pool locks have been changed. It seems the lock is missing on the pump
house. Jack will contact Cherry. The shed needs a new lock.
Next meeting will be at Rossi Hall, 6:30 PM on June 9th . (Thursday)
Meeting adjourned at 9:05.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Amended Minutes
May 12th , 2016 6:30 PM
Home of Mikki Falcone
Present: T. Chagnon- President, J. Page – Treasurer, D. Mathews – Secretary,
Directors- S. Kaczka, M. Falcone, D. Stenstrom
A. April 23rd, 2016 minutes accepted as amended.
B. Discussion of Board e-mails. General consensus is that Board e-mails
should be HLA business conducted in a professional manner.
C. Hanna Visit Report (5/9/2016) – Mikki Falcone
1. Tom, Mikki and Hanna discussed how to proceed with all non-paying property
There are 37-42 JLN lots; they have an obligation to contribute to the
maintenance of HLA roads. (16 JLN – P paid $8000 EARLY.)
Aten Road is going to a Village District for this purpose.
Board discussed having a HLA meeting in July to invite all JLNs to ask
them to share in the road cost.
MOTION Mikki/Sam: “We move that Hanna be asked to draft a letter
stating that The NH Supreme Court has a set precedent that HLA can require
JLN – NPs to pay road maintenance fees.” Carried.
2. Hanna was asked if we could just deal with B. Faulkner instead of three
people in his office. Hanna says that this is the way his office operates. He
oversees everything; all office personnel participate; we pay each who works on a
3.Hanna is charging $75 to our NP members. He is charging HLA $300+. Is there
a way to recoup the legal fees?
4. Assessments are due by May 1st – the beginning of our fiscal year. After June 15th
legal action can be taken. Should we amend the By-Laws? We will ask members to
join a By-Laws Revision Committee at the June Membership meeting.
An amendment could state that a demand letter would be sent out by us
prior to any lawyer involvement.
D. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Page
1. Accounts: Checking = $102,377.74 Emergency CD = $37,254.45
Rainy Day CD = $13,624.38 Boats = $2,249.01
2. Accounts Receivable = $31,213.34
10 are past due for 2016 payment; all are paying something except 2
members and 2 banks.
3. Audit: T. Noga will be “looking at the books” after Memorial as per her
4. Pool Salaries: ADP payment is set up via direct deposit. Pool Attendants will
be paid every two weeks. If we get the data to them by 3 PM on
Thurs., the checks will be available on Friday.
5. Workman’s Comp: Mikki got a questionnaire from Erica (Ins. Co.).
6. Reimbursements: A check costs us $2. Do not submit an amount too small to
be worth it.
7. Discussion: Do nonpayers forfeit their dock space? YES.
E. Committee Reports
ROADS – Sam Kazcka
1. Scott will try to come earlier that June. He is on another grading
job right now.
2. Everyone wants to put in a bid who was sent one:
Brush cutting: David V. and Frank S
Plowing: Scott, Mathewson, Walley
3. David V. came in & fixed the culvert by the tennis courts. It still
needs work.
1. Mikki will resend the Pool Attendants’ Job Description to the Board.
2. The money from rental of Rossi Hall, the sale of soda at the pool will
be for “Rec Expenses”.
3. Mikki has purchased signage for pool safety in compliance with NH
law. (No smoking, No lifeguard on Duty, Keep gates closed, Watch
your children…)
4. David will rebuild the cement block step with wood leftover from the
Hidden Lake Trail and the shower bottom.
5. Paper Towel dispensers have been purchased for the bathrooms.
6. Roy & Patty are recertified; Kaitlyn will go at Keene State.
7. Pool First Aid kit will be hung on the wall.
8. Safety Checks will be conducted every 2 hours for 15 minutes.
(Good for bathroom breaks)
9. Pool house will be opened in the AM by a Board member.
10. A log book will be used to record anything that goes on at the pool.
11. There will be a sign in sheet for members and guests.
12. Solar Panel hoses were bitten by mice. Replacements are ordered.
13.We need a floating thermometer.
WATERFRONT – David Stenstrom
1. Boat racks, stairs tables have been stained. Bridge and pots
are next.
2. Mikki will post the job of grass cutting on HLA’s Facebook pg.
3. Pool locks have been changed. It seems the lock is missing on the pump
house. Jack will contact Cherry. The shed needs a new lock.
Next meeting will be at Rossi Hall, 6:30 PM on June 9th . (Thursday)
Meeting adjourned at 9:05.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary