Amended Minutes
April 23rd, 2016 at Rossi Hall
Meeting began at 9 AM instead of 10 AM due to Secretary’s error on the Agenda.
1. Minutes from Board Meeting December 12th,2016, amended, and accepted as
2. POOL REPORT – Mikki Falcone reports that she has developed the
schedule for Summer 2016: Pool opens 5/28 weekends thru June 19th.
Pool opens full time 6/20
Blue water opens pools 5/9
Mirle will come before 5/1 to turn on the H2O.
*The pool will be open every day from 11 to 7. Tom will open at 8 AM.
*Attendant for the day will come at 10 AM to vacuum.
*Pool area and pool house will be cleaned up in the evening to be ready
for the next day. (Who closes?)
*Sunday Mikki has volunteered to cover from 11 AM until 1PM when
Kaitlyn gets in.
*Kaitlyn wants more hours; Patty wants less, so it balanced out.
*Attendants are all taking the AED certification class at Cheshire
Medical for $50 each. Copies will be posted in the Pool House.
*The First Aid Kit will be hung on a bracket on the Pool House wall.
*There will be three fire extinquishers: 1 in Rossi, 1 in Pool House
by the heaters and 1 in the hallway.
*Swing back hinges will be purchased for the gates so they close.
“No Lifeguard On Duty”, “No Smoking,” “Shower Before Swimming,”
“Gate Must Be Kept Closed”
*A baby gate will be purchased for the Pool House door into the
pool area.
* New state approved signage will be purchased and hung.
* Attendants will enforce a “Safety Break” every 2 hours for 15 min.
* Pool will be closed for 1 hour if there is feces or vomit to be cleaned
* Dave and Charlie will repair the shower back.
* Price for soda will be $0.75.
* The fridge in the office is dying. Move one from Rossi?
* Sink for Rossi Hall?
* Rule: No guests while working.
*Rule: No babysitting while working.
* The case for calling attendants “employees” : Tom spoke to
the Labor Dept., Soc. Sec., a lawyer and an accountant.
Mikki says they are “seasonal, part-time employees” and that there
is a test which can be applied here. The fine is $50 per day, per
employee if you are caught and found to have “employees”.
* Our Solar System: was installed as temporary. We have 2 panels,
New ones cost $100 each. It will cost $200 to install the system permanently. Last year the maintenance was $500.
* The propane from Dead River cost $637 in 2015. It cost $3,170.92
in 2016. (We should use no. of gallons since prices vary.
* ADP will cost $100 per month ($1,200 per year.). They will
calculate, dispense checks, pay quarterlies…Mikki will do
the time sheets.
MOTION Mikki/Sam: “We move that Jack Page contact the payroll agency
to have them set up for paying our pool attendants. Vote 6-1.
Motion carries.
*Fiscal 2016 ends April 30th, fiscal 2017 begins May 1st.
*There is no Budgeted Contingency Fund or Savings line
in the 2017 budget.
*Contingency Account = $37,239.15
*Rainy Day Fund = $8,573.88
*Boat Fees Account = $2,482
* Prepaid Assessments Account = $52,950
* Accounts Receivable = $7,676 Data: 17 were sent letters total.
Of those 11 are past due, 3 have a firm payment schedule, 2 owe
interest only, 2 have paid nothing and 2 are banks.
*HLA has paid $5,100 in collection fees. Tom and Mikki will
visit Hanna to ask if we can deal with B. Faulkner only to
lower costs.
* There is the potential for $2,000 in open court judgements.
Can we seize property? Can we take over a lot – if we pay the
Taxes? Jack and Dian will research LIENS. If it costs us $50 it’s
worth it to us.
* The AUDIT: Tracy Noga has volunteered to “look at books”.
We will need to give her 3 yrs of checks, copies of transactions,
Bank statements…Jack will call her to see what she needs.
*At the June meeting we should present any LOTS FOR SALE to
* JLN MEETING: We should set up a meeting with JLNs prior to
our June 25th Membership Meeting. Tentative meeting can be
June 11th at Rossi Hall, 10 to 11 AM. Tom presented a sample letter.
Dian will write a letter explaining the Supreme Court decision
and extolling the benefits of joining HLA. The Roads Only Fee = $400.
*There is $3000 left in checking. Where should we put it? We want to
begin FY 2017 with a $0.00 balance.
MOTION Pat/Sam: “We move that any balance funds in the checking
be transferred to the Rainy Day Fund account.” Motion carried.
* May 15th the roads officially open.
* Road Budget is $78,425 for FY 2017.
* Brush/Branch Cutting Spec. Bids will be sent to David V
and Frank S.
* Snow Plowing Bid Specs will be sent to Landsite, W. Weaver
and Mathewson.
*DES will be visiting in October. Sam called and they said it was
okay for us NOT to have to cut trees15 feet back on the dam at
once. We are concerned about the power lines running through there.
* Collapsing 200 ft. culvert. Sam will ask David about repairing sections.
* Cover letters for the Bid specs will state that the due date will
be 2 weeks before our June Membership meeting. Contacts will
be Tom & Sam. Dian will make copies for Tom.
* The Docks: Jason has to complete the welding. Dian will ask him
when he’ll be ready. Bryan wants to buy extra corners to have as
*Grass cutting – Mike & Bob cut the grass around the septic
today. Mikki will put it out on Facebook that we need help.
*Trash – where does it go?
* Mikki and Dian will rewrite the Rossi Hall Rental form.
* David will buy stain for the racks picnic tables and steps to pool.
* Board meetings will be Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month.
*David’s Letter from the Board was amended to change the
word trailer to “camper”. Dian initialed the three spots.
* The school board wants to put up “School Bus Stop” signs
by the mailboxes. No official communique’ from them yet.
* Can the defibrillator be stored outside? Dian will write a letter
Stoddard Select Board to request they fund one for HLA.
Meeting adjourned at: 12:04 PM.
Next Board meeting is Thursday, May 12th, 6:30 PM.
Dian Mathews, Secretary
Amended Minutes
April 23rd, 2016 at Rossi Hall
Meeting began at 9 AM instead of 10 AM due to Secretary’s error on the Agenda.
1. Minutes from Board Meeting December 12th,2016, amended, and accepted as
2. POOL REPORT – Mikki Falcone reports that she has developed the
schedule for Summer 2016: Pool opens 5/28 weekends thru June 19th.
Pool opens full time 6/20
Blue water opens pools 5/9
Mirle will come before 5/1 to turn on the H2O.
*The pool will be open every day from 11 to 7. Tom will open at 8 AM.
*Attendant for the day will come at 10 AM to vacuum.
*Pool area and pool house will be cleaned up in the evening to be ready
for the next day. (Who closes?)
*Sunday Mikki has volunteered to cover from 11 AM until 1PM when
Kaitlyn gets in.
*Kaitlyn wants more hours; Patty wants less, so it balanced out.
*Attendants are all taking the AED certification class at Cheshire
Medical for $50 each. Copies will be posted in the Pool House.
*The First Aid Kit will be hung on a bracket on the Pool House wall.
*There will be three fire extinquishers: 1 in Rossi, 1 in Pool House
by the heaters and 1 in the hallway.
*Swing back hinges will be purchased for the gates so they close.
“No Lifeguard On Duty”, “No Smoking,” “Shower Before Swimming,”
“Gate Must Be Kept Closed”
*A baby gate will be purchased for the Pool House door into the
pool area.
* New state approved signage will be purchased and hung.
* Attendants will enforce a “Safety Break” every 2 hours for 15 min.
* Pool will be closed for 1 hour if there is feces or vomit to be cleaned
* Dave and Charlie will repair the shower back.
* Price for soda will be $0.75.
* The fridge in the office is dying. Move one from Rossi?
* Sink for Rossi Hall?
* Rule: No guests while working.
*Rule: No babysitting while working.
* The case for calling attendants “employees” : Tom spoke to
the Labor Dept., Soc. Sec., a lawyer and an accountant.
Mikki says they are “seasonal, part-time employees” and that there
is a test which can be applied here. The fine is $50 per day, per
employee if you are caught and found to have “employees”.
* Our Solar System: was installed as temporary. We have 2 panels,
New ones cost $100 each. It will cost $200 to install the system permanently. Last year the maintenance was $500.
* The propane from Dead River cost $637 in 2015. It cost $3,170.92
in 2016. (We should use no. of gallons since prices vary.
* ADP will cost $100 per month ($1,200 per year.). They will
calculate, dispense checks, pay quarterlies…Mikki will do
the time sheets.
MOTION Mikki/Sam: “We move that Jack Page contact the payroll agency
to have them set up for paying our pool attendants. Vote 6-1.
Motion carries.
*Fiscal 2016 ends April 30th, fiscal 2017 begins May 1st.
*There is no Budgeted Contingency Fund or Savings line
in the 2017 budget.
*Contingency Account = $37,239.15
*Rainy Day Fund = $8,573.88
*Boat Fees Account = $2,482
* Prepaid Assessments Account = $52,950
* Accounts Receivable = $7,676 Data: 17 were sent letters total.
Of those 11 are past due, 3 have a firm payment schedule, 2 owe
interest only, 2 have paid nothing and 2 are banks.
*HLA has paid $5,100 in collection fees. Tom and Mikki will
visit Hanna to ask if we can deal with B. Faulkner only to
lower costs.
* There is the potential for $2,000 in open court judgements.
Can we seize property? Can we take over a lot – if we pay the
Taxes? Jack and Dian will research LIENS. If it costs us $50 it’s
worth it to us.
* The AUDIT: Tracy Noga has volunteered to “look at books”.
We will need to give her 3 yrs of checks, copies of transactions,
Bank statements…Jack will call her to see what she needs.
*At the June meeting we should present any LOTS FOR SALE to
* JLN MEETING: We should set up a meeting with JLNs prior to
our June 25th Membership Meeting. Tentative meeting can be
June 11th at Rossi Hall, 10 to 11 AM. Tom presented a sample letter.
Dian will write a letter explaining the Supreme Court decision
and extolling the benefits of joining HLA. The Roads Only Fee = $400.
*There is $3000 left in checking. Where should we put it? We want to
begin FY 2017 with a $0.00 balance.
MOTION Pat/Sam: “We move that any balance funds in the checking
be transferred to the Rainy Day Fund account.” Motion carried.
* May 15th the roads officially open.
* Road Budget is $78,425 for FY 2017.
* Brush/Branch Cutting Spec. Bids will be sent to David V
and Frank S.
* Snow Plowing Bid Specs will be sent to Landsite, W. Weaver
and Mathewson.
*DES will be visiting in October. Sam called and they said it was
okay for us NOT to have to cut trees15 feet back on the dam at
once. We are concerned about the power lines running through there.
* Collapsing 200 ft. culvert. Sam will ask David about repairing sections.
* Cover letters for the Bid specs will state that the due date will
be 2 weeks before our June Membership meeting. Contacts will
be Tom & Sam. Dian will make copies for Tom.
* The Docks: Jason has to complete the welding. Dian will ask him
when he’ll be ready. Bryan wants to buy extra corners to have as
*Grass cutting – Mike & Bob cut the grass around the septic
today. Mikki will put it out on Facebook that we need help.
*Trash – where does it go?
* Mikki and Dian will rewrite the Rossi Hall Rental form.
* David will buy stain for the racks picnic tables and steps to pool.
* Board meetings will be Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month.
*David’s Letter from the Board was amended to change the
word trailer to “camper”. Dian initialed the three spots.
* The school board wants to put up “School Bus Stop” signs
by the mailboxes. No official communique’ from them yet.
* Can the defibrillator be stored outside? Dian will write a letter
Stoddard Select Board to request they fund one for HLA.
Meeting adjourned at: 12:04 PM.
Next Board meeting is Thursday, May 12th, 6:30 PM.
Dian Mathews, Secretary