Approved Minutes
August 29th, 2015
Rossi Hall, 10 AM
Present: President - Tom Chagnon, Vice President - Pat Bassett, Recording Secretary – Dian Mathews,
Directors- Matt Wheeler, Sam Kaczka, Mikki Falcone
I. Flag Salute
II. President’s Greeting of new members and thank you to all HLA volunteers.
III. Acceptance of June 24th, 2015 minutes as distributed.
IV. Checking account balance =$77,000.00, Savings account balance =$ 8,000.00
Contingency CD same balance as June report. There are 20 members whose assessments are overdue this year.
V. Presentation of FY2016-2017 Budget
A. Question and discussion about whether our pool attendants are per diem seasonal employees or
contractors. Employees are “supervised, have time cards and FICA is paid. Independent contractors send us invoices,
are not under our immediate supervision and we can use a 1099.” Workman’s Comp insurance has been added to the budget for FY2016-17.
B. MOTION by Jack Page/Dick Scofield: “We move that the Board maintain the current practice of not
Having employees, but rather have all association work performed by contractors and volunteers.
Having employees is a paperwork and legal nightmare for a seasonal volunteer operation
like ours. Our pool attendants meet the IRS requirements for being “contractors” rather than
“employees” and continuing this practice will save the organization time and money.”
Discussion :Our new attorney recommends we get workmen’s comp. Our pool attendants are
supervised in that they cannot purchase pool supplies without Board permission. Would we incur
responsibilities as “Employers – eg. Binders, safety courses?
MOTION to AMEND by Matt Wheeler/Lexie Currie: “We move that the above motion be amended to
read that each attendant be required to provide an insurance binder and a signed affidavit from an
MOTION to TABLE amendment by Arlene DiCorsia/Roy Marotta. Motion is carried.
Discussion that the pool attendants’ salary will be same as this year. We need to do more research so
our liabilities are clear.
MOTION to TABLE ORIGINAL MOTION is carried. 2 Nay votes.
C. MOTION by Jack Page/Dick Scofield: “We move that the pool be opened and attended to during the
season including weekends from Memorial Day weekend until daily openings once school ends, as has
been past practice.” Motion is carried.
D. MOTION by Jack Page/Roy Marotta: “We move that the pool be open during scheduled hours only
If there is a pool attendant present.”
Discussion: Possibility of a keyless entry system mentioned. Past practice of having an attendant
present advocated.
Motion is carried. 2 Nay votes.
E. MOTION by Jack Page/Lou Gillman: “We move that the current dock assignments be reserved for
Existing assignees for the next season if their assessment and dock fees are paid by May 1st
of the new fiscal year. After May 1st, open dock spaces will be assigned on a first come, first served
basis if their assessment and dock fees have been paid. Assessment bills will be sent out in mid
March. This has been the procedure for several years and will be continued. A dock mooring lottery or
similar is strictly prohibited.”
Discussion: Idea offered that we charge for the pool like we do for the docks. Pool is included in our
MOVE to CALL the QUESTION by Ally Hutchinson. Motion is carried.
Discussion: Questions about road funding. 1 JLN Property has a road agreement; several others pay
the $175 Road Only fee per year.
F. MOTION by Dick Scofield/Barbara: “We move that the FY2016-2017 Budget be accepted as presented.”
Motion is carried.
VI. Elections for Director and Treasurer A. Nominations from the floor for Director (I yr. term)
Mikki Falcone was nominated by Nancy Chagnon. Mikki accepted the nomination.
MOTION by Dick Scofield: “Move that nominations for Director be closed.” Motion is carried.
Secretary cast one vote for Mikki Falcone for Director (1 yr. term) .
B. Nominations from the floor for Treasurer (2 yr. term)
Arlene Dicorsia was nominated by Roy Marotta. Arlene accepted the nomination.
Jack Page was nominated by Mike Belland. Jack accepted the nomination.
MOTION by Roy Marotta: “We move that the nominations for Treasurer be closed.”
Motion is carried.
The ballots were counted by Pat Bassett and Tom Chagnon
Arlene Di Corsia – 6
Jack Page – 24
Henry – 1
Jack Page is Treasurer (2 yr. term).
VII. Committee Reports A. ROADS – Sam Kaczka
Compliments to the past Board on a job well done.
Proposed work for late September: grading of the main loop, limited gravel in several specific spots,
one being Kennedy Brook right as you turn in from the mailboxes.
Snow plowing will be done when it snows 3 to 4 inches by 6 AM – at least one pass by.
The Road Committee is: Sam Kaczka, Tom Chagnon and Steve McGerty.
STEVE McGERTY will be the WINTER CONTACT person. 446-3848
A DES DAM Bureau representative came and looked at our dam (at Hidden Lake). This was an
informal visit. There had been a Letter of Non-Compliance from DES five yrs ago which HLA never
responded to. He suggested that the spillway be covered with loam and seeded for grass.
In the long term, DES wants the trees cut back 15 feet from the dam.
We were told we would have to curtail ATV access to the dam if we don’t control our ATV traffic.
Please slow down and do not disturb soil when riding your ATV anywhere near the dam.
Brush cutting is going back to the two yr. cycle to control saplings.
B. RECREATION AREA – Matt Wheeler There were over 2000 visitors to our pool this season.
The solar system works well, only used the propane once.
Next year we will replace the cinder block steps with wooden ones.
Volunteers are needed to help lift the docks out Columbus Day weekend.
C. There is no Covenants Committee Report at this time as we await our new Attorney’s answers to our many questions.
VIII. New Business
A. At the suggestions of Sharon Gilman, a good way to stay in touch with HLA members is through Facebook. Donna Moxley has volunteered to set up and monitor a page for HLA. Find details and a
link on our web page.
B. Nominations for positions open in June 2016: Vice President and Recording Secretary. Vice President: Sam Kaczka was nominated by Nancy Chagnon. He accepts the nomination.
Vice President: Bill Osterhout was nominated by Matt Wheeler. He accepts the nomination.
Recording Secretary: Dian Mathews was nominated by Roy Marotta. She accepts the nomination.
C. Our new attorney for HLA is a Home Owners’ Association attorney named Tom Hanna of Keene.
D. Mikki Falcone will be hosting an HLA Pot Luck Columbus Day @ 5 PM. EVERY ONE IS WELCOME!
MOTION to Adjourn by Ally Hutchinson @ 11:50
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Approved Minutes
August 29th, 2015
Rossi Hall, 10 AM
Present: President - Tom Chagnon, Vice President - Pat Bassett, Recording Secretary – Dian Mathews,
Directors- Matt Wheeler, Sam Kaczka, Mikki Falcone
I. Flag Salute
II. President’s Greeting of new members and thank you to all HLA volunteers.
III. Acceptance of June 24th, 2015 minutes as distributed.
IV. Checking account balance =$77,000.00, Savings account balance =$ 8,000.00
Contingency CD same balance as June report. There are 20 members whose assessments are overdue this year.
V. Presentation of FY2016-2017 Budget
A. Question and discussion about whether our pool attendants are per diem seasonal employees or
contractors. Employees are “supervised, have time cards and FICA is paid. Independent contractors send us invoices,
are not under our immediate supervision and we can use a 1099.” Workman’s Comp insurance has been added to the budget for FY2016-17.
B. MOTION by Jack Page/Dick Scofield: “We move that the Board maintain the current practice of not
Having employees, but rather have all association work performed by contractors and volunteers.
Having employees is a paperwork and legal nightmare for a seasonal volunteer operation
like ours. Our pool attendants meet the IRS requirements for being “contractors” rather than
“employees” and continuing this practice will save the organization time and money.”
Discussion :Our new attorney recommends we get workmen’s comp. Our pool attendants are
supervised in that they cannot purchase pool supplies without Board permission. Would we incur
responsibilities as “Employers – eg. Binders, safety courses?
MOTION to AMEND by Matt Wheeler/Lexie Currie: “We move that the above motion be amended to
read that each attendant be required to provide an insurance binder and a signed affidavit from an
MOTION to TABLE amendment by Arlene DiCorsia/Roy Marotta. Motion is carried.
Discussion that the pool attendants’ salary will be same as this year. We need to do more research so
our liabilities are clear.
MOTION to TABLE ORIGINAL MOTION is carried. 2 Nay votes.
C. MOTION by Jack Page/Dick Scofield: “We move that the pool be opened and attended to during the
season including weekends from Memorial Day weekend until daily openings once school ends, as has
been past practice.” Motion is carried.
D. MOTION by Jack Page/Roy Marotta: “We move that the pool be open during scheduled hours only
If there is a pool attendant present.”
Discussion: Possibility of a keyless entry system mentioned. Past practice of having an attendant
present advocated.
Motion is carried. 2 Nay votes.
E. MOTION by Jack Page/Lou Gillman: “We move that the current dock assignments be reserved for
Existing assignees for the next season if their assessment and dock fees are paid by May 1st
of the new fiscal year. After May 1st, open dock spaces will be assigned on a first come, first served
basis if their assessment and dock fees have been paid. Assessment bills will be sent out in mid
March. This has been the procedure for several years and will be continued. A dock mooring lottery or
similar is strictly prohibited.”
Discussion: Idea offered that we charge for the pool like we do for the docks. Pool is included in our
MOVE to CALL the QUESTION by Ally Hutchinson. Motion is carried.
Discussion: Questions about road funding. 1 JLN Property has a road agreement; several others pay
the $175 Road Only fee per year.
F. MOTION by Dick Scofield/Barbara: “We move that the FY2016-2017 Budget be accepted as presented.”
Motion is carried.
VI. Elections for Director and Treasurer A. Nominations from the floor for Director (I yr. term)
Mikki Falcone was nominated by Nancy Chagnon. Mikki accepted the nomination.
MOTION by Dick Scofield: “Move that nominations for Director be closed.” Motion is carried.
Secretary cast one vote for Mikki Falcone for Director (1 yr. term) .
B. Nominations from the floor for Treasurer (2 yr. term)
Arlene Dicorsia was nominated by Roy Marotta. Arlene accepted the nomination.
Jack Page was nominated by Mike Belland. Jack accepted the nomination.
MOTION by Roy Marotta: “We move that the nominations for Treasurer be closed.”
Motion is carried.
The ballots were counted by Pat Bassett and Tom Chagnon
Arlene Di Corsia – 6
Jack Page – 24
Henry – 1
Jack Page is Treasurer (2 yr. term).
VII. Committee Reports A. ROADS – Sam Kaczka
Compliments to the past Board on a job well done.
Proposed work for late September: grading of the main loop, limited gravel in several specific spots,
one being Kennedy Brook right as you turn in from the mailboxes.
Snow plowing will be done when it snows 3 to 4 inches by 6 AM – at least one pass by.
The Road Committee is: Sam Kaczka, Tom Chagnon and Steve McGerty.
STEVE McGERTY will be the WINTER CONTACT person. 446-3848
A DES DAM Bureau representative came and looked at our dam (at Hidden Lake). This was an
informal visit. There had been a Letter of Non-Compliance from DES five yrs ago which HLA never
responded to. He suggested that the spillway be covered with loam and seeded for grass.
In the long term, DES wants the trees cut back 15 feet from the dam.
We were told we would have to curtail ATV access to the dam if we don’t control our ATV traffic.
Please slow down and do not disturb soil when riding your ATV anywhere near the dam.
Brush cutting is going back to the two yr. cycle to control saplings.
B. RECREATION AREA – Matt Wheeler There were over 2000 visitors to our pool this season.
The solar system works well, only used the propane once.
Next year we will replace the cinder block steps with wooden ones.
Volunteers are needed to help lift the docks out Columbus Day weekend.
C. There is no Covenants Committee Report at this time as we await our new Attorney’s answers to our many questions.
VIII. New Business
A. At the suggestions of Sharon Gilman, a good way to stay in touch with HLA members is through Facebook. Donna Moxley has volunteered to set up and monitor a page for HLA. Find details and a
link on our web page.
B. Nominations for positions open in June 2016: Vice President and Recording Secretary. Vice President: Sam Kaczka was nominated by Nancy Chagnon. He accepts the nomination.
Vice President: Bill Osterhout was nominated by Matt Wheeler. He accepts the nomination.
Recording Secretary: Dian Mathews was nominated by Roy Marotta. She accepts the nomination.
C. Our new attorney for HLA is a Home Owners’ Association attorney named Tom Hanna of Keene.
D. Mikki Falcone will be hosting an HLA Pot Luck Columbus Day @ 5 PM. EVERY ONE IS WELCOME!
MOTION to Adjourn by Ally Hutchinson @ 11:50
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary