Priliminary Minutes
Sunday, August 2nd, 2015 3 PM
Rec Area Picnic Table
Present: T. Chagnon-President, P. Bassett-Vice President, Directors-S. Kaczka and M. Wheeler
1. Minutes of previous Board (July 18) meeting accepted as corrected.
2. Budget
· Budget for FY2017 must be posted two weeks prior to the August Members’ Budget Meeting. Date Friday, Aug. 14th.
· Sam has figures for the Road Budget. We are not in the red after paying for the culvert replacement on Woodlot.
· For next year Sam would like to make up a coding system for Budget items.
· Matt will put together numbers for the Recreation Area.
· Mikki will put together numbers for insurance, etc.
· Stationary will remain the same, as will Legal.
· Pat and Dian will meet on Aug. 10th to find a format suitable for our needs. We will use figures from FY2016 and present figures for FY2017.
· Arlene Dicorsia offered to pay for an audit of our accounting. Matt will speak with her.
3. Committee Reports
There will be a mtg. with Scott of Landsite at Rossi Hall on Wed. @
to discuss Fall grading and snow plowing.
· Matt has made up a new form for the Pool Attendants Pay Invoices.
· Matt will find the old form, or make up a new one for the rental of Rossi Hall which has a stricter responsibility clause on the part of the member/renter.
· Matt will also get an estimate for a new pool liner which will be needed in the future. (Blue Water Pool & Spa)
· Dian will make up a list of members who have paid recently to add to the “old” list.
C. COVENANTS – no report at this time
4. Unfinished Business
A. There will be a meeting with our new Home Owners’ Asso., Tom
Hanna, on Tues., Aug. 4th @ 4 PM at his office in Keene. Board
members please forward your questions to Dian. They will be
collated and typed up to give to the lawyer.
B. Dian will contact Maria to get a list of which members’ cases she
is working on and how they are progressing.
C. Dian will access the laptop to ascertain how many JLN residents
there are in the development.
D. Dian will ask Jack for the website password.
5. New Business
There was a discussion about whether or not the Boat/Kayak/
Canoe fee is legal in regards to the Covenants (7) (a)…”the
Grantee…shall enjoy such privileges, facilities, improvements, services and benefits as Stoddard may from time to time provide…”.
The members voted the fees in and many improvements have been with that money in the Recreation area. Some feel that the system isn’t fair to all paid members and there should be a yearly lottery for boat spaces. The question, of course, would be put before the members for a vote.
Next meeting date has not been set.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Priliminary Minutes
Sunday, August 2nd, 2015 3 PM
Rec Area Picnic Table
Present: T. Chagnon-President, P. Bassett-Vice President, Directors-S. Kaczka and M. Wheeler
1. Minutes of previous Board (July 18) meeting accepted as corrected.
2. Budget
· Budget for FY2017 must be posted two weeks prior to the August Members’ Budget Meeting. Date Friday, Aug. 14th.
· Sam has figures for the Road Budget. We are not in the red after paying for the culvert replacement on Woodlot.
· For next year Sam would like to make up a coding system for Budget items.
· Matt will put together numbers for the Recreation Area.
· Mikki will put together numbers for insurance, etc.
· Stationary will remain the same, as will Legal.
· Pat and Dian will meet on Aug. 10th to find a format suitable for our needs. We will use figures from FY2016 and present figures for FY2017.
· Arlene Dicorsia offered to pay for an audit of our accounting. Matt will speak with her.
3. Committee Reports
There will be a mtg. with Scott of Landsite at Rossi Hall on Wed. @
to discuss Fall grading and snow plowing.
· Matt has made up a new form for the Pool Attendants Pay Invoices.
· Matt will find the old form, or make up a new one for the rental of Rossi Hall which has a stricter responsibility clause on the part of the member/renter.
· Matt will also get an estimate for a new pool liner which will be needed in the future. (Blue Water Pool & Spa)
· Dian will make up a list of members who have paid recently to add to the “old” list.
C. COVENANTS – no report at this time
4. Unfinished Business
A. There will be a meeting with our new Home Owners’ Asso., Tom
Hanna, on Tues., Aug. 4th @ 4 PM at his office in Keene. Board
members please forward your questions to Dian. They will be
collated and typed up to give to the lawyer.
B. Dian will contact Maria to get a list of which members’ cases she
is working on and how they are progressing.
C. Dian will access the laptop to ascertain how many JLN residents
there are in the development.
D. Dian will ask Jack for the website password.
5. New Business
There was a discussion about whether or not the Boat/Kayak/
Canoe fee is legal in regards to the Covenants (7) (a)…”the
Grantee…shall enjoy such privileges, facilities, improvements, services and benefits as Stoddard may from time to time provide…”.
The members voted the fees in and many improvements have been with that money in the Recreation area. Some feel that the system isn’t fair to all paid members and there should be a yearly lottery for boat spaces. The question, of course, would be put before the members for a vote.
Next meeting date has not been set.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary