2015/07/18 MinutesHIDDEN LAKE ASSOCIATION Executive Coffee Hour
Saturday, July 18th, 2015
Home of Mikki Falcone 9AM
· Discussion about our By-Laws not being restrictive or descriptive enough. There’s no list of directors duties & responsibilities. Any changes to By-laws would have to be a vote by the membership.
· Question about what rate Maria charges and whether there are any liens on properties.
Dian will request documentation from Maria. We want a list of names and amounts.
MOTION: Matt/Sam “We would like Mr. Hanna, Esq., to represent HLA as our Attorney in all legal matters pertaining to HLA.” PASSED.
Rainy days – all the attendant does is unlock the pool house. Should not clock more than 2 hrs. – we will not act on this until next yr.
Attendants should be over 18. Do we need Dr. notes for disabilities?
Saturday, July 18th, 2015
Home of Mikki Falcone 9AM
· Discussion about our By-Laws not being restrictive or descriptive enough. There’s no list of directors duties & responsibilities. Any changes to By-laws would have to be a vote by the membership.
· Question about what rate Maria charges and whether there are any liens on properties.
Dian will request documentation from Maria. We want a list of names and amounts.
MOTION: Matt/Sam “We would like Mr. Hanna, Esq., to represent HLA as our Attorney in all legal matters pertaining to HLA.” PASSED.
- We should have a meeting w/ the attorney.
- Questions: “How enforceable are our Covenants? Do we have to be concerned w/ Laches because of years of non-enforcement? Do we need Workers’ Comp. insurance?
- Matt volunteered to be in charge of the website. We prolley need a new password.
- Pool Attendants vouchers have no amount they are being paid and no number of hours.
Rainy days – all the attendant does is unlock the pool house. Should not clock more than 2 hrs. – we will not act on this until next yr.
Attendants should be over 18. Do we need Dr. notes for disabilities?
- We will change the combo of the mailbox for $21 on Mon. AM. We will change the locks to Rossi Hall & the pool house. All the attendants have a key to the pool house.
- MOTION: Matt/Sam “We propose that in the Recreation area, all locks will be keyed separately.”
- The playground equipment is a liability. The big slide should come down. Matt will take pics so we can look and decide what to do next. For example: take down the jungle gym or put padding under the swings.
- The BUDGET must be posted two wks prior to the Aug. Budget mtg. Matt will do figs for Rec, Sam will do figs for Roads, Mikki will work on Insurance.
- Arlene DiCorsia wants an audit of HLA’s books and she will PAY for it. We just need to be sure it’s a certified CPA.
- Brushcutting. Sam says it looks like we are $9,200 over budget. Maybe we will back off the cutting this year. Corners of N. Hidden Lake and Rice Brook need cutting back now. We will try to get volunteers. Dian will call EVERSOURCE to find out how the bill is paid and when they might com,e back to cut trees.
- Sam asked about the Roads Five Year Plan.
- Pam and Bryan Bruder will be asked to continue their activities.
- Our next HLA taxes will be in Dec. to Stoddard. WHAT TAX IS DUE THE BEGINNING OF SEPT.?
- Next Board mtg. will be after the Special Mtg. on July 29th. Dave Ferner will be asked to chair the mtg.
- MOTION to Adjourn: Matt/Mikki 11:22 AM