Preliminary Minutes
June 27th, 2015
Rossi Hall, 10 AM
Board present: Ellen Mason-President, Pat Bassett-V. President, Jack Page-Treasurer, Dian Mathews-Recording Secretary, Directors-Bryan Bruder, Dick Scofield and Matt Wheeler.
I. Flag Salute was led by:
II. President gave a hearty “Thank You” to the volunteers who helped put in the docks this year. (There were so many some were sent home – Thanks to all of you for showing up to help.) A thank you also to Bob Freitag, Mike England and Bryan Bruder who are mowing the Recreation area and not charging the Association. A thank you to Ben Wilder for helping to fix a hole in a road and to those who cut up downed trees. A BIG thank you to Doug Henderson who repainted our Hidden Lake sign at the beginning of Kings Highway.
III. Welcome to new members Chris & Laura Troian (Red Coat) and Bob & Carol Boudreau.
Offices open this year: President -2 years, Treasurer -2 years, Director – 3 years
Nominations were opened first for Director: Roy Marotta
Bryan Bruder
Sam Kascka
Mikki Falcone
MOTION Jack Page/Ally Hutchinson: “We move that the candidates speak to their views for each position.” PASSED.
MOTION Roy Marotta/ Jesse Pollack: “We move that each office be voted on one at a time.” Discussion revealed that the ballots were already printed. MOTION WITHDRAWN.
Nomination for Treasurer: Dick Scofield
Nominations for President: Jack Page
Tom Chagnon
MOTION Jack Page/Tom Chagnon: “We move that the Secretary make one vote for the position of Treasurer”. PASSED, 1 NAY.
Dick Scofield is elected for the position of Treasurer.
All the candidates gave a brief speech stating their views.
Balloting for positions of President and Director (Printed yellow ballots) Ballots counted by Mike England, Bob Freitag and Pat Bassett.
President: Jack Page 28
Tom Chagnon 27
Dick Scofield 1
Director: Roy Marotta 16
Sam Kascka 31
Mikki Falcone 9 Total ballots cast: 56
Dick Scofield resigns his position as Director (1 year remaining to his term.)
MOTION Tom Chagnon/Jack Page: “We move that elections for the 1 year position of Director be held now; that person to serve 1 year until June 2016.” PASSED.
Nominations for 1 year Director: Bryan Bruder - 21
Roy Marotta - 8
Tom Chagnon – 22 Ballots were white-lined paper pieces.
Lisa Davenport asked for a recount of the ballots for position of President. Yellow ballots were recounted by Steve McGerty, Matt Wheeler and Dian Mathews:
Jack Page – 26
Tom Chagnon – 28
Dick Scofield – 1
Roy Moratta – 1
Jack Page asked for a third count. A tally count was done. Results were the same as the second count.
Page One
Dick Scofield resigned his position as Treasurer citing irreconcilable differences with the President and Director.
New President: Tom Chagnon New Director: Sam Kascka
Open positions: Treasurer, 1 year Director
MOTION Lisa Davenport/Mikki Falcone; “We move that a Director be appointed for two months until an election can be held at the August Budget Meeting.” PASSED.
Roy Marotta was appointed Director for two months.
V. MOTION Ally Hutchinson/Helen Page: “We move that the minutes of the August 23rd,2014 Membership Budget Meeting be approved”. PASSED
VI. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Page
· Fiscal year runs May 1 through April 30. We use Quickbooks for billing and keeping our financial records.
· HLA Bank Accounts
Savings Bank of Walpole Checking Account: Current balance = $85,652.92
All bills are current and checkbook is
SBW Emergency Contingency Fund CD: Current balance = $37,083.88
SBW “Rainy Day” Fund (established at the end of FY2015 budget year by the Board)
Current Balance = $8,566.72
MOTION Paul Dionne/Jesse Pollack: “We move that the “Rainy Day” Fund be capped at $5000.”
MOTION AMENDMENT Roy Marotta/ Curt Taylor “We move that the above motion be amended to a cap
of $10,000.” PASSED (19 Aye, 17 Nay).
The first motion to now read: “We move that the “Rainy Day” Fund be capped at $10,000. PASSED.
(23 Aye,16 Nay)
Discussion mentioned that in the future we would need a new pool house roof and a new pool liner.
Current Past Due Accounts = $22,841.52.
There are 47 past due members. (Bills are due May 1 and accrue interest if not paid by May 1 as per the Covenants.) Past due accounts will be turned over to Legal in July. We have judgements against 4 members for non-payment of past assessments.
Discussion ensued about collection of legal fees. 50% of members turned over to Legal pay upon receiving the first Legal Notice. HLA pays the Legal fees up front and we are reimbursed when the settlement is made. We also get our assessment money. There is no profit made by HLA.
It has been a challenging and rewarding experience serving as Treasurer. I did not run for Treasurer this time because I will be getting more involved in the finances of my Cambridge Condo Association.
VII. Committee Reports
ROAD COMMITTEE – Dick Scofield
“I would like to thank our Road Committee: Marilyn Chamberlain, Frankie Scofield, Paul Krampfert, and Roy Marotta. In addition I would like to thank Ben Wilder for the York Raking of Kennedy Brook upper end, and Tony Loproto for his help filling pot holes last year. I would also like to thank an unknown benefactor for pulling the tree out of Woodlot Lane, and Mike Flemming for spring grading of North Hidden Lake Road.
· We finished the fiscal year with a Road budget balance of $782.75.
· We returned most roads to proper crown and eliminated secondary ditches (berms).
· We repaired culverts at Scenic & Kennedy Brook and the top of upper Kings Highway.
· We repaired a sink hole on Tigola Trail at the intersection of Nichols Road.
· Last year we attempted to repair the sink holes at the top of Fox Hill with geotextile fabric. Unfortunately there were too many boulders.
· The Five Year Plan calls for a capitol improvement each year. This year’s improvement was the final repair of Fox Hill.
· Many issues still need to be addressed, such as the need for more gravel on the roads, more ditching and other needs. We enjoyed good roads this winter. We should have the same road conditions this coming year since we have signed another contract with Landsite Corp.
Page Two
From the Pool Manager – Roy Marotta: The pool maintains a temperature of 78 degrees with the solar heater. We opened on Memorial Day.
From the Treasurer - Jack Page: The Recreation Fund went $3000 over because the pool decked has been resealed and the solar heating system was put in. We expect to save money on propane. It has only been used 1 or 2 hours so far this year. The “Rainy Day” Fund savings account is for over-budget items like this.
From Bryan Bruder: We have 35 boats docked, with 3 spaces open. We have 36 kayaks, with 7 spaces open. We put in more new docks this year. Thank you to those who helped, especially Jason hastings.
Bryan was thanked by President Mason for his outstanding service to HLA.
Mikki handed out a report from the committee which will be posted in both kiosks.
RESEARCH COMMITTEE – Information given by President Mason ( Dr. David Ferner was with his daughter waiting for a new grandchild.)
There will be an HLA Special Meeting on July 29th, 2015. Homeowner Association Lawyer Sheliah Kaufold will give a PRO BONO presentation on a VILLAGE DISTRICT. This is an informational meeting only, no vote will be taken. Postcards will go out to all the residents of Hidden Lake developments on June 29th.
Highland Lake Unified Association – Joe Van Schaick requested $250 to help fund a weekend of “Lake Hosting” on Highland Lake. Joe gave his annual HLUA presentation about our lake, the dams and testing for invasive weeds.
MOTION Jack Page/Dian Mathews: “We move that HLA approve $250 for HLUA. PASSED.
MOTION to ADJOURN Helen Page/Matt Wheeler 1 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
NOTE: I have rearranged my notes and put all the Election action and statistics together in one section for ease of reading and understanding.
Preliminary Minutes
June 27th, 2015
Rossi Hall, 10 AM
Board present: Ellen Mason-President, Pat Bassett-V. President, Jack Page-Treasurer, Dian Mathews-Recording Secretary, Directors-Bryan Bruder, Dick Scofield and Matt Wheeler.
I. Flag Salute was led by:
II. President gave a hearty “Thank You” to the volunteers who helped put in the docks this year. (There were so many some were sent home – Thanks to all of you for showing up to help.) A thank you also to Bob Freitag, Mike England and Bryan Bruder who are mowing the Recreation area and not charging the Association. A thank you to Ben Wilder for helping to fix a hole in a road and to those who cut up downed trees. A BIG thank you to Doug Henderson who repainted our Hidden Lake sign at the beginning of Kings Highway.
III. Welcome to new members Chris & Laura Troian (Red Coat) and Bob & Carol Boudreau.
Offices open this year: President -2 years, Treasurer -2 years, Director – 3 years
Nominations were opened first for Director: Roy Marotta
Bryan Bruder
Sam Kascka
Mikki Falcone
MOTION Jack Page/Ally Hutchinson: “We move that the candidates speak to their views for each position.” PASSED.
MOTION Roy Marotta/ Jesse Pollack: “We move that each office be voted on one at a time.” Discussion revealed that the ballots were already printed. MOTION WITHDRAWN.
Nomination for Treasurer: Dick Scofield
Nominations for President: Jack Page
Tom Chagnon
MOTION Jack Page/Tom Chagnon: “We move that the Secretary make one vote for the position of Treasurer”. PASSED, 1 NAY.
Dick Scofield is elected for the position of Treasurer.
All the candidates gave a brief speech stating their views.
Balloting for positions of President and Director (Printed yellow ballots) Ballots counted by Mike England, Bob Freitag and Pat Bassett.
President: Jack Page 28
Tom Chagnon 27
Dick Scofield 1
Director: Roy Marotta 16
Sam Kascka 31
Mikki Falcone 9 Total ballots cast: 56
Dick Scofield resigns his position as Director (1 year remaining to his term.)
MOTION Tom Chagnon/Jack Page: “We move that elections for the 1 year position of Director be held now; that person to serve 1 year until June 2016.” PASSED.
Nominations for 1 year Director: Bryan Bruder - 21
Roy Marotta - 8
Tom Chagnon – 22 Ballots were white-lined paper pieces.
Lisa Davenport asked for a recount of the ballots for position of President. Yellow ballots were recounted by Steve McGerty, Matt Wheeler and Dian Mathews:
Jack Page – 26
Tom Chagnon – 28
Dick Scofield – 1
Roy Moratta – 1
Jack Page asked for a third count. A tally count was done. Results were the same as the second count.
Page One
Dick Scofield resigned his position as Treasurer citing irreconcilable differences with the President and Director.
New President: Tom Chagnon New Director: Sam Kascka
Open positions: Treasurer, 1 year Director
MOTION Lisa Davenport/Mikki Falcone; “We move that a Director be appointed for two months until an election can be held at the August Budget Meeting.” PASSED.
Roy Marotta was appointed Director for two months.
V. MOTION Ally Hutchinson/Helen Page: “We move that the minutes of the August 23rd,2014 Membership Budget Meeting be approved”. PASSED
VI. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Page
· Fiscal year runs May 1 through April 30. We use Quickbooks for billing and keeping our financial records.
· HLA Bank Accounts
Savings Bank of Walpole Checking Account: Current balance = $85,652.92
All bills are current and checkbook is
SBW Emergency Contingency Fund CD: Current balance = $37,083.88
SBW “Rainy Day” Fund (established at the end of FY2015 budget year by the Board)
Current Balance = $8,566.72
MOTION Paul Dionne/Jesse Pollack: “We move that the “Rainy Day” Fund be capped at $5000.”
MOTION AMENDMENT Roy Marotta/ Curt Taylor “We move that the above motion be amended to a cap
of $10,000.” PASSED (19 Aye, 17 Nay).
The first motion to now read: “We move that the “Rainy Day” Fund be capped at $10,000. PASSED.
(23 Aye,16 Nay)
Discussion mentioned that in the future we would need a new pool house roof and a new pool liner.
Current Past Due Accounts = $22,841.52.
There are 47 past due members. (Bills are due May 1 and accrue interest if not paid by May 1 as per the Covenants.) Past due accounts will be turned over to Legal in July. We have judgements against 4 members for non-payment of past assessments.
Discussion ensued about collection of legal fees. 50% of members turned over to Legal pay upon receiving the first Legal Notice. HLA pays the Legal fees up front and we are reimbursed when the settlement is made. We also get our assessment money. There is no profit made by HLA.
It has been a challenging and rewarding experience serving as Treasurer. I did not run for Treasurer this time because I will be getting more involved in the finances of my Cambridge Condo Association.
VII. Committee Reports
ROAD COMMITTEE – Dick Scofield
“I would like to thank our Road Committee: Marilyn Chamberlain, Frankie Scofield, Paul Krampfert, and Roy Marotta. In addition I would like to thank Ben Wilder for the York Raking of Kennedy Brook upper end, and Tony Loproto for his help filling pot holes last year. I would also like to thank an unknown benefactor for pulling the tree out of Woodlot Lane, and Mike Flemming for spring grading of North Hidden Lake Road.
· We finished the fiscal year with a Road budget balance of $782.75.
· We returned most roads to proper crown and eliminated secondary ditches (berms).
· We repaired culverts at Scenic & Kennedy Brook and the top of upper Kings Highway.
· We repaired a sink hole on Tigola Trail at the intersection of Nichols Road.
· Last year we attempted to repair the sink holes at the top of Fox Hill with geotextile fabric. Unfortunately there were too many boulders.
· The Five Year Plan calls for a capitol improvement each year. This year’s improvement was the final repair of Fox Hill.
· Many issues still need to be addressed, such as the need for more gravel on the roads, more ditching and other needs. We enjoyed good roads this winter. We should have the same road conditions this coming year since we have signed another contract with Landsite Corp.
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From the Pool Manager – Roy Marotta: The pool maintains a temperature of 78 degrees with the solar heater. We opened on Memorial Day.
From the Treasurer - Jack Page: The Recreation Fund went $3000 over because the pool decked has been resealed and the solar heating system was put in. We expect to save money on propane. It has only been used 1 or 2 hours so far this year. The “Rainy Day” Fund savings account is for over-budget items like this.
From Bryan Bruder: We have 35 boats docked, with 3 spaces open. We have 36 kayaks, with 7 spaces open. We put in more new docks this year. Thank you to those who helped, especially Jason hastings.
Bryan was thanked by President Mason for his outstanding service to HLA.
Mikki handed out a report from the committee which will be posted in both kiosks.
RESEARCH COMMITTEE – Information given by President Mason ( Dr. David Ferner was with his daughter waiting for a new grandchild.)
There will be an HLA Special Meeting on July 29th, 2015. Homeowner Association Lawyer Sheliah Kaufold will give a PRO BONO presentation on a VILLAGE DISTRICT. This is an informational meeting only, no vote will be taken. Postcards will go out to all the residents of Hidden Lake developments on June 29th.
Highland Lake Unified Association – Joe Van Schaick requested $250 to help fund a weekend of “Lake Hosting” on Highland Lake. Joe gave his annual HLUA presentation about our lake, the dams and testing for invasive weeds.
MOTION Jack Page/Dian Mathews: “We move that HLA approve $250 for HLUA. PASSED.
MOTION to ADJOURN Helen Page/Matt Wheeler 1 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
NOTE: I have rearranged my notes and put all the Election action and statistics together in one section for ease of reading and understanding.