May 28th, 2015
Rossi Hall, 6 PM
Present: E. Mason-President, J. Page-Treasurer, D. Mathews-Secretary, A. Currie-Corresponding Secretary, Directors- B. Bruder, D. Scofield, M. Wheeler.
Guests: From the Research Committee- Dave Ferner, Ally Hutchinson,
Brian Michaud (representing Pitcher Mt. Realty), Jeff Schaffer-Fox Hill Road.
First guest meeting was with B. Michaud. He had a question for the Board about our Covenants and By-Laws which he wanted to clarify so that knows what to tell clients about the Association. He had heard we were changing the Covenants. The Board clarifies that we were not.
We have decided that our Association should be consistent with dealings relating to our Covenants and By-Laws. We are setting Policies in place which explain how the Covenants will be enforced.
Further, any HLA member may enforce Covenants. Mr. Michaud will come to a Covenants meeting to input relating to his business (“For Sale” signs, eg.).
Second guest meeting was with J. Schaffer-Fox Hill re: request Board approval of a fence on his front yard. Purpose of said fence is to protect his young child from venturing onto Fox Hill. Mr. Schaffer hasn’t spoken to his neighbors about the fence. There was discussion as to whether the Board should wait for that to occur. The fence will be on Mr. Schaffer’s own property 15’-17’ away from the road. As pictured, the fence will be a white, split rail with white lattice on the bottom section.
MOTION: Bryan/Dick “We move to accept the Schaffers request to put up a fence on their property.” PASSED.
Third guest meeting was with the HLA Research Committee. D. Ferner gave the Committee’s report to the Board. Mr. Ferner said the Committee looked into the possibility of a Village District for HLA. The Committee was thinking of the issue of “Fairness” as to how HLA residents are assessed; some JLN pay to join the Asso.; some JLN pay to use the roads; some pay nothing. There is also the 1990 By-Law Clause which gave some HLA residents a “pay once for multiple lots” assessment. The issue of “Fairness” could be solved by a) a Village District, b) a change to the By-laws to eliminate the 1990 clause, or c) a class action lawsuit so that all users of HLA roads paid equally for use and maintenance. Mr. Ferner presented the Board with pros and cons for the Village District and said the Committee recommended we hold a meeting for all the members to attend and hear about the Village District.
The Board decided to bring this before the members at the June Membership meeting. A meeting in July would be announced. Dick will call the lawyer, Sheliah Koufold to see when she can meet with all of HLA members (She has said she will do so for no fee.).
MOTION: Bryan/Matt “We move that the HLA Association hold a special meeting of the membership in July 2015 to discuss the possibility of HLA becoming a Village District.” PASSED.
(President E Mason turned the meeting over to Secretary-D. Mathews
at 7:45 PM.)
$0.00 balance as of 4/30/2015, the last day of FY2015
· Emergency Contingency Fund Balance=$37,068.14.
· Rainy Day Savings Acct. Balance=$8,565.99.
$4,790.90 is “free cash” from the end of FY2015
(Transfer approved by Board April 2015 meeting.)
$3,775.00 is the 3% unfunded portion of our 5% FY2016 Contingency Fund (Transfer approved by Board April 2015 meeting.)
$0.09 is interest.
· Accounts receivable Balance=$20-$25K
· Accounts payable=$0.00. All bills are current.
· G&S Services made the last payment.
· No volunteers thus far for the AUDIT Committee.
Jack presented several names and Board presented some others. Jack will ask these people to go over the books and give an unbiased review or President could appoint them and the review would occur in July with the results presented at the August members meeting.
· Fox Hill sink holes were fixed today! Dick showed us pics of the mammoth boulders which had to be dug out.
· This year we will be doing less ditching. In 2013 we had 18 loads of gravel trucked in. In 2014 we had none. This year again we will have none. In 2016 we will have more gravel brought in.
· Question about the area just past Ellen’s house on Kennedy Brook. It is shady and gets very muddy. Road committee will look at the issue.
· Docks are in. Believe it or not-there were TOO MANY volunteers this year!
· Roy has the stickers at the pool. (Pam and Bryan will continue to do the stickers next year.)
Bryan, Bob and Mike are doing the mowing.
· Ripping out the bushes in front of Rossi Hall will wait until Fall when grass can be planted.
· Discussion about the slide and the monkey bars being dangerous. Recreation Committee will figure out how to remove them and fill in the holes.
· Lexie showed the Board a copy of Policy #1 with the word “foundation” redefined.
· The Committee presented the Board with a letter they would like to read at the June Membership meeting. She will e-mail the Board the letter.
· Lexie will draft several letters to go out to members who need to come to the Board to get a letter for their trailers.
· The Plaques are being updated. Current officers will not get plaques until their term is up.
5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS will be deferred until after the June
· Overnight parking at the dock area creates a parking situation for members wanting to put in their boats.
We will put up signs asking members to be considerate of other members need for access to the boat ramp.
· Doug Henderson painted the HLA sign on King’s Highway.
· Board will invite B. Dougeneck’s question about a path to the water on HLA property.
· Matt brought up that his daughter is working at the pool as an Attendant which is an HLA contractor. The Board feels this is not a Conflict of Interest.
Next Board meeting will be Wed., June 10th at Rossi Hall, 6 PM.
MOTION to Adjourn: Matt/Bryan Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
May 28th, 2015
Rossi Hall, 6 PM
Present: E. Mason-President, J. Page-Treasurer, D. Mathews-Secretary, A. Currie-Corresponding Secretary, Directors- B. Bruder, D. Scofield, M. Wheeler.
Guests: From the Research Committee- Dave Ferner, Ally Hutchinson,
Brian Michaud (representing Pitcher Mt. Realty), Jeff Schaffer-Fox Hill Road.
First guest meeting was with B. Michaud. He had a question for the Board about our Covenants and By-Laws which he wanted to clarify so that knows what to tell clients about the Association. He had heard we were changing the Covenants. The Board clarifies that we were not.
We have decided that our Association should be consistent with dealings relating to our Covenants and By-Laws. We are setting Policies in place which explain how the Covenants will be enforced.
Further, any HLA member may enforce Covenants. Mr. Michaud will come to a Covenants meeting to input relating to his business (“For Sale” signs, eg.).
Second guest meeting was with J. Schaffer-Fox Hill re: request Board approval of a fence on his front yard. Purpose of said fence is to protect his young child from venturing onto Fox Hill. Mr. Schaffer hasn’t spoken to his neighbors about the fence. There was discussion as to whether the Board should wait for that to occur. The fence will be on Mr. Schaffer’s own property 15’-17’ away from the road. As pictured, the fence will be a white, split rail with white lattice on the bottom section.
MOTION: Bryan/Dick “We move to accept the Schaffers request to put up a fence on their property.” PASSED.
Third guest meeting was with the HLA Research Committee. D. Ferner gave the Committee’s report to the Board. Mr. Ferner said the Committee looked into the possibility of a Village District for HLA. The Committee was thinking of the issue of “Fairness” as to how HLA residents are assessed; some JLN pay to join the Asso.; some JLN pay to use the roads; some pay nothing. There is also the 1990 By-Law Clause which gave some HLA residents a “pay once for multiple lots” assessment. The issue of “Fairness” could be solved by a) a Village District, b) a change to the By-laws to eliminate the 1990 clause, or c) a class action lawsuit so that all users of HLA roads paid equally for use and maintenance. Mr. Ferner presented the Board with pros and cons for the Village District and said the Committee recommended we hold a meeting for all the members to attend and hear about the Village District.
The Board decided to bring this before the members at the June Membership meeting. A meeting in July would be announced. Dick will call the lawyer, Sheliah Koufold to see when she can meet with all of HLA members (She has said she will do so for no fee.).
MOTION: Bryan/Matt “We move that the HLA Association hold a special meeting of the membership in July 2015 to discuss the possibility of HLA becoming a Village District.” PASSED.
(President E Mason turned the meeting over to Secretary-D. Mathews
at 7:45 PM.)
- Minutes of the Board meeting of April 2015 accepted as written.
$0.00 balance as of 4/30/2015, the last day of FY2015
· Emergency Contingency Fund Balance=$37,068.14.
· Rainy Day Savings Acct. Balance=$8,565.99.
$4,790.90 is “free cash” from the end of FY2015
(Transfer approved by Board April 2015 meeting.)
$3,775.00 is the 3% unfunded portion of our 5% FY2016 Contingency Fund (Transfer approved by Board April 2015 meeting.)
$0.09 is interest.
· Accounts receivable Balance=$20-$25K
· Accounts payable=$0.00. All bills are current.
· G&S Services made the last payment.
· No volunteers thus far for the AUDIT Committee.
Jack presented several names and Board presented some others. Jack will ask these people to go over the books and give an unbiased review or President could appoint them and the review would occur in July with the results presented at the August members meeting.
· Fox Hill sink holes were fixed today! Dick showed us pics of the mammoth boulders which had to be dug out.
· This year we will be doing less ditching. In 2013 we had 18 loads of gravel trucked in. In 2014 we had none. This year again we will have none. In 2016 we will have more gravel brought in.
· Question about the area just past Ellen’s house on Kennedy Brook. It is shady and gets very muddy. Road committee will look at the issue.
· Docks are in. Believe it or not-there were TOO MANY volunteers this year!
· Roy has the stickers at the pool. (Pam and Bryan will continue to do the stickers next year.)
Bryan, Bob and Mike are doing the mowing.
· Ripping out the bushes in front of Rossi Hall will wait until Fall when grass can be planted.
· Discussion about the slide and the monkey bars being dangerous. Recreation Committee will figure out how to remove them and fill in the holes.
· Lexie showed the Board a copy of Policy #1 with the word “foundation” redefined.
· The Committee presented the Board with a letter they would like to read at the June Membership meeting. She will e-mail the Board the letter.
· Lexie will draft several letters to go out to members who need to come to the Board to get a letter for their trailers.
· The Plaques are being updated. Current officers will not get plaques until their term is up.
5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS will be deferred until after the June
· Overnight parking at the dock area creates a parking situation for members wanting to put in their boats.
We will put up signs asking members to be considerate of other members need for access to the boat ramp.
· Doug Henderson painted the HLA sign on King’s Highway.
· Board will invite B. Dougeneck’s question about a path to the water on HLA property.
· Matt brought up that his daughter is working at the pool as an Attendant which is an HLA contractor. The Board feels this is not a Conflict of Interest.
Next Board meeting will be Wed., June 10th at Rossi Hall, 6 PM.
MOTION to Adjourn: Matt/Bryan Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary