Accepted Minutes
November 5th, 2014
Home of D. Mathews, 7 PM
Present: President-E. Mason, V. President-Pat Bassett, Treasurer-Jack Page, Secretary-Dian Mathews, Directors-Bryan Bruder, Dick Scofield, Matt Wheeler, Corresponding Secretary-Lexie Currie.
I. Minutes approved from the Oct. 8th Board meeting.
II. Treasurer’s Report
A. Checking Account Balance=$56,274.84.
B. Contingency CD Balance=$36,960.65 (unchanged from last meeting. Interest posts on the 7th of the month.)
C. A/R Balance=$9,524.65 for 20 members
1. Two members are interest only for $24.94 total.
2. Four members are already in collection for past nonpayment.
3. Fourteen members owe $7000 for various reasons.
4. Interest accrued=$30.90 from May 1, 2014.
D. Discussion re: letter from Attorney on merged & grandfathered lots.
E. Will speak to Dave Ferner and invite to Board meeting.
III. Committee Reports
A. Roads
· We are ready for winter. Cutbacks have been done.
· The Committee will work over the winter on specs for the cutback job and the grading job.
B. Recreation Committee
· This committee shall be in charge of the waterfront, the pool and pool house, the walk around Hidden Lake and the Dam.
· Bryan and Pam Bruder have volunteered to maintain the waterfront area.
C. Covenants Committee
· Policy #3 Easements presented to the Board.
· MOTION: Dick/Bryan “We move to accept the letter to go out to all HLA members who have a fence, boulder, etc. on HLA easements.” PASSED. List to be approved by the Board. Letters will be sent to those on that list.
D. Research Committee
· Committee now has 3 members.
IV. Corresponding Secretary’s Report – Nothing at this time
V. Unfinished Business
A. Directors’ Liability Insurance – Policy will be renewed in Feb.
B. HLA Attorney – discussion about advisability of Homeowners’ Asso.
Attorney. We will continue to ask Maria’s advise.
C. HLA e-mails for conducting business – discussion. Board will sometimes
need to use e-mail to make decisions.
VI. New Business
a. Foundation of Pool House – pictures circulated via e-mail. Foundation will be monitored.
b. Removal of bushes in front of Rossi Hall – Bryan Bruder will remove bushes and replace w/ grass.
VII. Next Board meeting will be Jan.7th, 2015.
Meeting adjourned @ 9:01 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary
Accepted Minutes
November 5th, 2014
Home of D. Mathews, 7 PM
Present: President-E. Mason, V. President-Pat Bassett, Treasurer-Jack Page, Secretary-Dian Mathews, Directors-Bryan Bruder, Dick Scofield, Matt Wheeler, Corresponding Secretary-Lexie Currie.
I. Minutes approved from the Oct. 8th Board meeting.
II. Treasurer’s Report
A. Checking Account Balance=$56,274.84.
B. Contingency CD Balance=$36,960.65 (unchanged from last meeting. Interest posts on the 7th of the month.)
C. A/R Balance=$9,524.65 for 20 members
1. Two members are interest only for $24.94 total.
2. Four members are already in collection for past nonpayment.
3. Fourteen members owe $7000 for various reasons.
4. Interest accrued=$30.90 from May 1, 2014.
D. Discussion re: letter from Attorney on merged & grandfathered lots.
E. Will speak to Dave Ferner and invite to Board meeting.
III. Committee Reports
A. Roads
· We are ready for winter. Cutbacks have been done.
· The Committee will work over the winter on specs for the cutback job and the grading job.
B. Recreation Committee
· This committee shall be in charge of the waterfront, the pool and pool house, the walk around Hidden Lake and the Dam.
· Bryan and Pam Bruder have volunteered to maintain the waterfront area.
C. Covenants Committee
· Policy #3 Easements presented to the Board.
· MOTION: Dick/Bryan “We move to accept the letter to go out to all HLA members who have a fence, boulder, etc. on HLA easements.” PASSED. List to be approved by the Board. Letters will be sent to those on that list.
D. Research Committee
· Committee now has 3 members.
IV. Corresponding Secretary’s Report – Nothing at this time
V. Unfinished Business
A. Directors’ Liability Insurance – Policy will be renewed in Feb.
B. HLA Attorney – discussion about advisability of Homeowners’ Asso.
Attorney. We will continue to ask Maria’s advise.
C. HLA e-mails for conducting business – discussion. Board will sometimes
need to use e-mail to make decisions.
VI. New Business
a. Foundation of Pool House – pictures circulated via e-mail. Foundation will be monitored.
b. Removal of bushes in front of Rossi Hall – Bryan Bruder will remove bushes and replace w/ grass.
VII. Next Board meeting will be Jan.7th, 2015.
Meeting adjourned @ 9:01 PM.
Dian Mathews, Recording Secretary