2014/07/09 MinutesHidden Lake Association – Board Meeting Amended Minutes
July 9th, 2014 Rossi Hall, 7 PM
Board members present: President – Ellen Mason, Vice President – Pat Bassett, Treasurer – Jack Page, Secretary – Dian Mathews, Directors – Bryan Bruder, Dick Scofield, Roy Morotta.
1. First order of business was a meeting with the Beaudine-Nichols.
2. We have three sets of minutes to approve. They are: Special Membership Meeting June 18th, 2014, Board meeting June 24th, 2014 and Membership meeting June, 28th, 2014.
MOTION: Pat/Dick “We move that the approval of minutes be put on the agenda of the next Board meeting. PASSED unanimously.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Page
· Checking acct. balance is $95K. We paid $30K to Landsite for grading/ditching.
· 40 Dunning letters were sent out,1 came back.
· Jack will send another letter to the person who didn’t pay all the interest owed stating “so much paid, so much owed”.
· JLN unpaid and non-paying will get letters along with the pamphlet Jack developed and a bill. We lost 6 JLN paying this year; we had 25. The charge for Roads Only is $350 (70% of $500).
· The Upcoming Budget for 2015-2016 has to be posted by Aug. 8th so we need to meet July 30th. To discuss it. The budget will be 95% of last yr’s, more or less. We will have a balance budget with a savings acct. and contingency funds (5%). The covenants allow for and increase in the FY15 budget. The assessment could have gone up to $611 with the current CPI allowance.
4. MOTION: Dian/Jack “We move to go to the Covenants portion of the Agenda because the Chair-
Mikki Falcone and the Secretary – Lexie Currie of the Covenants Committee arrived to meet with the Board.” PASSED unanimously.’ Discussion followed about how the Covenants Committee would go about its business. The stated purpose of the Committee will be: “to create policy on covenant issues so that the Board has a guideline to follow for enforcement of the Covenants.”
Ellen stated the policies must make reasonable accommodations for our members, but we don’t want people living in trailers. The committee will come up with a time line for the enforcement of the Covenants which will be recommended to the Board. Foremost will be any issues that hinder the Safety and/or Health of our members and our property values.
5. Road Committee – Dick Scofield. Bryan sent us an article about State grants for roads. Dick said
our roads are Class VI and Private, Class IV or V, so we aren’t eligible for the grants. The roads seem to be holding up after all the rain we’ve had. Dick verified that HLA has a ten foot easement along the road edges in HLA development.
6. Waterfront – Jack Page and Bryan Bruder
· Jack stated that we are making a savings with the way Roy is managing the pool. He is educating himself in pool maintenance. Roy fixed the pool filter himself.
· From Bryan: Frank will be putting the windows in Rossi Hall this week at a cost of $340 ($52 per).
· We shouldn’t put the bulletin board by the big rock because it will ruin the view. Bryan will make it a movable board so we can all decide where it should go.
· We need a POLICY on things for sale being put at the waterfront. For now Roy will contact the person who put the sailboard down there.
· Currently we have 4 open boat slips. What do we do about people not paying, but using the facilities? Suggestion: next yr. have the stickers a diff. color so it will be obvious that the boat is unpaid.
7. The Stenstrom Letter. Discussion centered on just what a “recreational community” is or should
be. We realize we really do need policies that help us deal with issues like: trailers being kept on properties and members putting structures or objects on HLA property along the roadways. We need more dates from Mr. Stenstrom re: when he plans to build. The letter is vague so we want more data from him in order to consider giving permission. Trailer must be removed Nov. 1 for the winter. Dian will construct letter for Board approval to send out to Mr. Stenstrom and Realtor.
We consider the putting in of a well and/or septic the beginning of construction.
8. Nancy Chagnon and Mikki Falcone have begun working on our HLA road map by the mailboxes.
9. POLICY on Road clean-up after storms: Call the Road Committee to have them asses whether the mess can be cleaned up safely or an insured professional be called.
10. POLICY: HLA doesn’t accept solicitations from businesses. Businesses may put their ad on our bulletin board for that purpose.
11. The Board will donate - from our own pockets – a sum to be given to Ginny GrandPre’ (and in memory of Lou) for all the years of service to HLA.
12. Dian will type a letter for Board approval to be sent to David V. thanking him for past service and encouraging him to submit bids in the future.
13. Jack wants each board member to e-mail him a short bio to be posted on the website.
14. We received an e-mail from Nancy Chagnon re: “conflict of interest”. Roy is accountable to other Directors as Pool Manager to avoid any conflict of interest issues.
15. Director assignments: Bryan and Dick will remaining their spots. They both work with Jack as to their budgets and spending.
16. We need to work on the Past Officer plaques in Rossi Hall. Some spelling are incorrect and they
need to be updated. Dian will make a list and Roy will get the plaques fixed.
17. Next meeting will be July 30th. Get budgets to Jack by the 23rd.
18. Motion to adjourn @ 9:43 Dian/Roy.
July 9th, 2014 Rossi Hall, 7 PM
Board members present: President – Ellen Mason, Vice President – Pat Bassett, Treasurer – Jack Page, Secretary – Dian Mathews, Directors – Bryan Bruder, Dick Scofield, Roy Morotta.
1. First order of business was a meeting with the Beaudine-Nichols.
2. We have three sets of minutes to approve. They are: Special Membership Meeting June 18th, 2014, Board meeting June 24th, 2014 and Membership meeting June, 28th, 2014.
MOTION: Pat/Dick “We move that the approval of minutes be put on the agenda of the next Board meeting. PASSED unanimously.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Page
· Checking acct. balance is $95K. We paid $30K to Landsite for grading/ditching.
· 40 Dunning letters were sent out,1 came back.
· Jack will send another letter to the person who didn’t pay all the interest owed stating “so much paid, so much owed”.
· JLN unpaid and non-paying will get letters along with the pamphlet Jack developed and a bill. We lost 6 JLN paying this year; we had 25. The charge for Roads Only is $350 (70% of $500).
· The Upcoming Budget for 2015-2016 has to be posted by Aug. 8th so we need to meet July 30th. To discuss it. The budget will be 95% of last yr’s, more or less. We will have a balance budget with a savings acct. and contingency funds (5%). The covenants allow for and increase in the FY15 budget. The assessment could have gone up to $611 with the current CPI allowance.
4. MOTION: Dian/Jack “We move to go to the Covenants portion of the Agenda because the Chair-
Mikki Falcone and the Secretary – Lexie Currie of the Covenants Committee arrived to meet with the Board.” PASSED unanimously.’ Discussion followed about how the Covenants Committee would go about its business. The stated purpose of the Committee will be: “to create policy on covenant issues so that the Board has a guideline to follow for enforcement of the Covenants.”
Ellen stated the policies must make reasonable accommodations for our members, but we don’t want people living in trailers. The committee will come up with a time line for the enforcement of the Covenants which will be recommended to the Board. Foremost will be any issues that hinder the Safety and/or Health of our members and our property values.
5. Road Committee – Dick Scofield. Bryan sent us an article about State grants for roads. Dick said
our roads are Class VI and Private, Class IV or V, so we aren’t eligible for the grants. The roads seem to be holding up after all the rain we’ve had. Dick verified that HLA has a ten foot easement along the road edges in HLA development.
6. Waterfront – Jack Page and Bryan Bruder
· Jack stated that we are making a savings with the way Roy is managing the pool. He is educating himself in pool maintenance. Roy fixed the pool filter himself.
· From Bryan: Frank will be putting the windows in Rossi Hall this week at a cost of $340 ($52 per).
· We shouldn’t put the bulletin board by the big rock because it will ruin the view. Bryan will make it a movable board so we can all decide where it should go.
· We need a POLICY on things for sale being put at the waterfront. For now Roy will contact the person who put the sailboard down there.
· Currently we have 4 open boat slips. What do we do about people not paying, but using the facilities? Suggestion: next yr. have the stickers a diff. color so it will be obvious that the boat is unpaid.
7. The Stenstrom Letter. Discussion centered on just what a “recreational community” is or should
be. We realize we really do need policies that help us deal with issues like: trailers being kept on properties and members putting structures or objects on HLA property along the roadways. We need more dates from Mr. Stenstrom re: when he plans to build. The letter is vague so we want more data from him in order to consider giving permission. Trailer must be removed Nov. 1 for the winter. Dian will construct letter for Board approval to send out to Mr. Stenstrom and Realtor.
We consider the putting in of a well and/or septic the beginning of construction.
8. Nancy Chagnon and Mikki Falcone have begun working on our HLA road map by the mailboxes.
9. POLICY on Road clean-up after storms: Call the Road Committee to have them asses whether the mess can be cleaned up safely or an insured professional be called.
10. POLICY: HLA doesn’t accept solicitations from businesses. Businesses may put their ad on our bulletin board for that purpose.
11. The Board will donate - from our own pockets – a sum to be given to Ginny GrandPre’ (and in memory of Lou) for all the years of service to HLA.
12. Dian will type a letter for Board approval to be sent to David V. thanking him for past service and encouraging him to submit bids in the future.
13. Jack wants each board member to e-mail him a short bio to be posted on the website.
14. We received an e-mail from Nancy Chagnon re: “conflict of interest”. Roy is accountable to other Directors as Pool Manager to avoid any conflict of interest issues.
15. Director assignments: Bryan and Dick will remaining their spots. They both work with Jack as to their budgets and spending.
16. We need to work on the Past Officer plaques in Rossi Hall. Some spelling are incorrect and they
need to be updated. Dian will make a list and Roy will get the plaques fixed.
17. Next meeting will be July 30th. Get budgets to Jack by the 23rd.
18. Motion to adjourn @ 9:43 Dian/Roy.